Show-Me Defense Of STL Gun Waving Couple From Missouri Senator Hawley

After spending the past few months talking tech and b-ball . . . The junior Senator finally works his way back to Missouri issues thanks to the ongoing culture war.

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Hawley seeks DOJ probe of St. Louis case on couple wielding guns at protesters

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley on Thursday claimed the St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office is improperly "targeting" the couple who wielded guns at protesters in their gated community last month, and requested the Justice Department open an investigation into the case.


  1. Castle doctrine doesn't make brandishing legal (or even a wise idea). If it wasn't an election year this would be nothing.

  2. If it makes shooting legal, why not brandishing but not shooting?

  3. If you are brandishing more weaponry than the person you accuse of making you stand your ground you lose that defense. You then become the person actively attacking the other person, and then they have the right to stand their ground.

  4. 12:05. that's just your worthless opinion .


  5. That Kimberly Gardner needs to be investigated! Bought by George Soros just like the rioters. To those of you who don't believe that just research the rioters chanting "George Soros where's our money." I guess he forgot to pay some of them. They weren't protesters they were rioters! They broke down the iron gate to get into these people's house. The gate was NOT opened by the neighborhood accusation. These people were defending their selves and others will do the same.

  6. Bandit Darville7/16/20, 12:26 PM

    Actually 12:05 that's law. Your view is opinion. See the difference? Probably not. I doubt you have the grey matter.

  7. Josh Hawley is a bad ass calling bullshit on a soros funded lunatic out of control egotistical black woman who needs to be disbarred and sent to prison. She’s just as dumb as Petersucker if not worse.

  8. If you appropriately feel bodily harm is about to befall you on your property, then you have the right to defend your property and yourself in the face of that threat. That's exactly what happened here and why these people will not be in any legal jeopardy. Hundreds of people yelling threats and busting down a gate to the property would justify this kind of reaction in the eyes of the law.

  9. Bandit Darville7/16/20, 12:40 PM

    As soon as the weaponry came out the "didntdonuffins" moved on. Problem solved.

  10. Again worthless comments from people who don't understand the law. Stand your ground and the Castle Doctrine have very specific elements that have to be met before someone can enjoy its protection.

    Since nobody in the crowd, who by the way were just walking by the house to get a block over to the Mayor's house, posed an imminent threat to the couple of bodily injury or death, they had no right to point a gun at anyone. This violates the law in Missouri.

    The Missouri law if you choose to read:

    Unlawful Use of a Weapon: Class D Felony or Class B Misdemeanor

    It is illegal to use weapons in certain ways in Missouri, and in specific circumstances. This pertains to guns in the following ways:

    1. Setting a spring gun
    2. Shooting a firearm into a home, car, boat, aircraft, or any structure in which people assemble
    3. Angrily exhibiting a weapon in the presence of one or more people
    4. Discharging a firearm within 100 yards of an occupied school, church or courthouse.

    According to Professor Yung at KU's School of Law

    “Whereas the large majority of jurisdictions limit the castle doctrine to the boundaries of the house, MO’s is more expansive.” The statute does not mean that you could lawfully shoot someone who stepped onto your lawn. Despite the availability of signs saying, ‘Trespassers will be shot,’ mere trespass has not historically been a basis for using deadly force. So, does MO’s statute represent a new trend, allowing expansive use of deadly force to protect private property? No.”

    Case law has already ruled:

    The Missouri Castle Doctrine does not go so far as permitting the use of deadly force to merely protect property. In 2016, the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District held in State v. Whipple that deadly force under the castle doctrine can only be used when you reasonably believe such force is necessary to protect yourself or someone else from "the use or imminent use of unlawful force."

  11. They were talking big smack until they saw the guns.

  12. The total destruction of the gate seems to be overlooked by a lot of the liberal commentators and media.

  13. ^ I'm pretty sure there was an article stating that several of the protesters were subsequently found to be armed as well.

    KU's Professor Yung did not have hundreds of screaming protesters at his front door a day after many buildings were burned and looted in St Louis by said protesters.

    The couple feared for their lives and property. They saved their neighborhood as well.

  14. @12:48 Google 1 West Portland Place in St Louis. The gate is barely 4 feet high. I wouldn't cal it total destruction. Regardless, not the couple's fight. Call the police and let them deal with it. You still cant use force because of property damage, trespass or protesting. FOH

  15. @12:51 dumb ass, protesters can be armed. Its the waving and pointing guns that become a problem. The couple could have had guns at the ready, just not pointing them. Please educate yourself better than watching Fox News.

  16. @12:51 you cant argue fear in Court advancing on those you are afraid off. FOH. Can't use deadly force in Missouri to defend property. FOH.

  17. Next stupid comment.....

  18. Face it CHUDS, you're angry because two, fat, white CHUDs got in trouble for acting CHUDlike and you're angry because that directly reflects on your ignorance and stupidity. Here's the real truth: Had I been a protester then, I would have pulled my piece, stood my ground and terminated two CHUDS post haste. I would've been justified too. I have a legal CCW. I saw two armed CHUDS pointing their weapons directly at me and threatening my life. I feared for my life, and lives of fellow protesters. I ordered said CHUDS to drop their weapons they refused, raised their weapons, I went for center mass and ended the threat. No jury in the world would convict me either. That's the truth.

  19. ^^^Exactly, someone should have shot them given the fact that other attacks had happened on protesters across the country. There is no tie to a gun fight.They should have been shot immediately approaching the group.

  20. 12 21 YOU are on the money. As I have stated before, George Sorass son, and a army of others are putting Hundreds of Millions of dollars into a Socialist and communists agenda. The information is out there .They want America Divided. And the Media is helping them out.

  21. ^^and yet not one word you said is true, based on any facts, unrealistic, and simply not true in any way, shape, or form. Plus you write like a retarded 1st-grader. Weird.

  22. It's true look it up ,There are documentaries on GEORGE Sorass. And His,son.

  23. Independent And Conservative voters know this. That is why a Democrat may not be elected President for a Long time. And the Far,Left DRAMA in the Streets will have voters going to a Conservative candidate. The don't want violence in there communities. That

  24. Some of the mob were armed. They trespassed on private property. The crowd was not just walking by. They stopped and made threats and threatening gestures towards the couple. The couple called the police who did not come and only then brandished their firearms forcing the mob to back off. Just the fact that they were so outnumbered placed them in peril even if most of the mob was not armed. They were in legitimate fear for their lives. They did not use deadly force as the mob backed off and moved on. The mob did come back later but was confronted by armed security discouraging them from their plans of rapine and plunder again.

  25. ^^and yet you weren't there, have ZERO idea what you're talking about, are making shit up out of thin air, and are absolutely unreliable as any sort of voice on the subject. Plus you're talking out of your ass again and we all know it. Weird.

  26. ^^^^Nor were you so STFU as you have been asked several times.

  27. Those two savage lawyers are going to make a bundle suing the fuck out of everyone. Count on it.

  28. can i be cynical?

    might this couple have been looking for a pr stunt to start their franchise?

    everyone these days wants to be famous like the kardashians.

    i'd say their franchise and branding are getting on the map.

  29. Once again, people, look up the facts!

    The Homeowner's Association President ordered the Community's gates unlocked and opened in order to allow the Demonstrators passage, and then had the gates closed and re-locked afterwards.

    The Demonstration was filmed by all local News Media (including Fox) throughout its entire march, and at no time was ANYONE seen threatening this couple or trespassing on their property.

    THESE ARE FACTS, and video evidence of their accuracy exists!
    There is no evidence (except heresay ) of ANY of the hostile actions you claim to have happened, so someone, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I assume your sources IS LYING!

    This smells yet of another move in the Right Wing campaign to weaken the United States by creating even more divisions among US Citizens.
    Four years of this crap is enough!
    Act like Americans damn it!

  30. Yeah, right. Don't feed us bullshit and call it top sirloin.

    The McCloskeys explained that they first called 911 but no police arrived. They were left to defend themselves. Mark McCloskey told KSDK-TV that “the only thing that stopped the crowd was my rifle.”

    Patricia McCloskey told Sean Hannity on his Fox News show: “[They said] they were going to kill us. They were going to come in there. They were going to burn down the house. They were going to be living in our house after I was dead.”

  31. Can this happen in the United States??

    A law abiding citizen couple -husband and wife- and professionals at that, is being investigated to be prosecuted for attempting to defend their home arising from a threat of possible harm to them and their property from a lawless mob ??

    We all, regardless of any political affiliation, are duty bound to put an instant stop to the path that criminals are attempting to steer this land to.

    WAKE UP !!

    This culture of appeasing criminal mobs who have no respect for law and order threatens our very existence and our nation.

  32. ^^^Shut up retard. The world changed, you didn’t. Nobody gives a shit what you think as you, and retarded Boomers like you, no longer matter in the least.

  33. There are several photos circulating of the destroyed gate. That's a fact.

  34. 7:40 has been sniffing glue and Bill Cosby's wrinkly crack too much.

  35. 5:51 is a Democrat Marxist troll.

    Lies after lies.

    We all saw the burning and looting in most major cities that the "protesters" were engaging in for over a week.

    Plus, the Marxist Democrats spread corona virus all over the major cities and now we have a huge spike in cases.

  36. Rich hillbillies living in mansions and fondling their guns never was a good idea. Amirite?


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