Redux: Protesters Denounce KCPD Brutality And Federal Law Enforcement Intervention That 'Militarizes" Kansas City

Here is the best roundup of yesterday's protest and a glimpse at strident demands targeting law enforcement leadership:

“We have a brutal police department led by a police chief that does not have any respect for the humanity of black people,” said Gwen Grant, the president and CEO of the Urban League.

“We cannot build trust under his leadership,” she added. “Massive reforms require leadership, and we will not get there with Chief Smith in place.”

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Protestors Call For Resignation Of Kansas City Police Chief And Reject Federal Crime Intervention

The Urban League of Greater Kansas City, the NAACP, Urban Summit and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference jointly held a press conference on the steps of Kansas City police headquarters in the wake of the federal government sending 100 officers to Kansas City, Missouri, to help fight the increase in violent crime and solve homicides.




  2. Hey this is off topic but you people really need to hang your masks from your rear mirror so we know you, at least, are able to comply with the mask mandate and not one of these idiotic racist trumpers

  3. Real Black People7/11/20, 10:18 AM

    If we have to be honest with ourselves. Some Black people are prone to violent behavior and subsequent murder because of their behavior. If we can bring the fed in - and I don’t know what they will or can accomplish, especially when this issue deals with basic human decency - I am supportive of it even if it fails. To do nothing is no longer an option. Yes, Black lives matter but they have to matter to other Black people, not just racist White people. And Blacks must find better solutions to their issues with other people, which makes it hard because Black people are overly competitive, envious of others and emotionally immature and insecure. I don’t know if the feds will be able to solve emotional immaturity/insecurity or other emotional issues but it’s worth a try.

  4. These folks have made complete fools of themselves as they show the world what's really most important to them.
    In the middle of the year there have been 100 murders, the vast majority of which have been black-on-black homicides, including a four year-old boy who was killed in a drive-by in his own bed and these self-appointed spokesmen for the black community attack and criticize help from the feds or anyone else.
    Marching, shouting, making demands, and no effort at all to provide any serious competent responsible leadership for a community under great stress from crime, violence, and murders year after year.
    The curtain has been pulled away from these pretenders and anyone who contributes money or provides support for any of these charlatans or their organizations should be ashamed of themselves.
    Over-the-top BS!

  5. Byron Funkhouser7/11/20, 10:31 AM

    Feds be comin' !!!!!!!!!!! Let the good times roll !!!!!!!!!!!

  6. BLM is the equivalent of the KKK in terms of its racism, in terms of its antisemitism, in terms of its anti-Americanism. And this is the point that the left refuses to acknowledge and, in fact, attacks anyone who mentions it.

  7. Kongo City needs the Federalis. The black can’t control themselves .

  8. Byron Funkhouser said...

    Put all those murderous blacks on death row!

    I love seeing them cry like little babies screaming for dey momma right before they gas’em!

  9. The kkk is less than one percent of the population but the racist, destructive murderous blm is 13% of the population so who’s really the biggest racist in this country right now?

  10. The Fat Reverend Jackwagon yelling in protest of increased law enforcement is completely wrong. He should be supporting this action. He obviously never pushes back from the table at supper time to go out and fight the black on black crime in our city. Same with Gwen Grant. But the police do every day.
    She should be run out of town on a rail. They are supporting the violence of gangs and drug dealers and drug lords on the east side. These are the same people that don't seem to realize, or maybe they do, that BLACK SILENCE = BLACK VIOLENCE.
    These two have the attitude that the normal good citizen black person does not matter.

  11. Nobody cares what lard ass Gwen wants. Like it or not, the feds are coming to town and a lot of hood rats are going to be beaten, shot and arrested. It’s going to be a glorious time for Kansas City.

  12. The Urban League and other community groups that receive taxpayer funds are worried they will lose their funding and fat salaries doing nothing.

    They could care less about the community they are supposed to serve.

  13. it's hard for an average citizen to discern what's going on with the crime wave.

    it's not hard to know that there's something wrong.

    so, a shock-and-awe sweep by the feds to help out the local police would seem to make sense to help the folks living in the affected areas.

  14. BLM is a black supremacist movement, and like all supremacist movements it is led by charlatans and supported by idiots.

  15. Bandit Darville7/11/20, 12:15 PM

    Supposed black leaders (crime bosses is a more apt description) aren't upset that the feds are here over "militarization," they are upset because if the money gets followed the answer to a lot of KC crimes will be found.

    Q Ball thought he was going to pull a Je$$e Jack$son and shake down the governor for cash to supposedly fight crime in KC with stupid crap like social workers and handouts. That's a fool's errand. Q Ball got played. He got help alright. Just not what he thought he would get. He got called on his BS and now his nose is out of joint which must be quite painful seeing that his head is so far up his butt that he's wearing himself as a hat.

    BLM is an openly racist and Marxist domestic terrorist group. The only difference between them and the Klan is color. Same hate. Same rage. Same outright ignorance. There is nothing that can be done to appease them period. The only thing that they will understand is a solid bitch slap back into reality, and yes that means a local, state and federal law enforcement response.

  16. 12:15 Only blm is allowed to openly rape, pillage, murder, sell drugs and illegal firearms and destroy cities, the less than one percent kkk can’t fart without the weight of the government coming down on them.

    Why is blm allowed to do even worse than anything the kkk ever did and get away with it? Serious question.

  17. Defund BLM!

  18. 11:53 - Great Idea ! Reduce the KC budget by defunding The Urban League and any other racist organizations that have been getting handouts at citizen expense. And no this does not include the police.
    Send them letters that inform them that July will be the final payment as "we are in a budget crisis and know you will understand. Buh-Bye!"

  19. If only the anti crime groups would stop hiding the killers, as long as killers don’t get caught the anti crime groups keep getting paid, this has nothing to do the victims, it has everything to do with these morons getting paychecks.

    And hell yes if they continue to get paid they should take pay cuts like everybody else has too.

  20. 10:12, you seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that we care about your opinion. I will continue to store my mask wherever I want. Think whatever you like. Don't bother sharing.

  21. Bandit Darville7/11/20, 1:04 PM

    @12:48 May I suggest that your store it in the whiny little troll's butt?

  22. humanity of black people

    You mean the ones killing and stealing all the time.

  23. More government smoke and mirrors. Nothing will change. More law abiding citizens will leave the city as soon as they can.

  24. Not if the u.s. marshalls are here too. Some bad boys need rounding up, thing is who tipped them off?

  25. Somebody remind the guy in the photo that masks are not all that effective when worn under the chin, Pelosi style.

  26. Vernon Howard is proving himself a fraud. He isn’t fighting for freedom and equality. He’s fighting for media coverage and FaceTime.

  27. Byron Funkhouser7/11/20, 5:33 PM

    I did not make the comment at 10:52.

  28. Byron Funkhouser7/11/20, 5:34 PM

    I did not make the comment at 10:32, either.

    1. Again, no one cares wtf you do, bLIEron. Go cash you welfare check.

  29. Ask Traci what she thinks of this:

    Everyone has it wrong.
    All the Police do is respond. That is their job.

    The Mayor 10-10-10 is to blame. Simple.
    He has one main job: Keep people safe.
    Mayor 10-10-10 has failed to do that.
    What is his plan? He had a plan for the virus (his earned nickname).
    He had a plan when he was drunk (slept it off).
    He had a plan to join protesters who later ravaged the Plaza.

    But Mayor 10-10-10 has no plan for RECORD Black on Black murders.
    So it can be said he doesn’t care by his inaction.
    That’s racist if you any kind of logic.

    His little wiener buddy health dude penned a bad love letter about Trump that was forwarded by many people who live here in KC.
    Archer is to blame for the Feds.
    If I was Trump I would bring them here also and show Mayor 10-10-10 how it’s done.

    You don’t think Chicago isn’t paying attention?
    Feds could give a rats ass about preacher protesters who never show up with plans but now that Mayor 10–10-10’s territory got invaded... still what’s Mayor 10-10-10’a plan? (Don’t insult everyone social worker... they hate being patronized).

    Good luck getting rid of the Chief. He actually cares. Take a hard look at Mayor 10-10-10 and keep sending pics of him protesting to Trump.
    And egg Archer on to spew hate on his social media. If that’s his plan to reduce crime... it just might work.

    (Written in the spirit of Mike Royko with help from Slots Grobnik)

  30. Sure you didn't Byron aka Fucking Retarded Asshole.

  31. To the protesters, Grow the F__k up.

  32. Tough shit Urban League. You don't get a vote.

  33. If they didn't do the crimes, they wouldn't need the blue.

  34. What a bunch of losers. They’re more concerned about a few Federal law enforcement folks being sent to the city to help solve violent crimes than they are about the growing number of black on black murders in this city. Honestly, I don’t know how Gwen Grant can look at herself in the mirror in the morning.

    1. You mean you don’t know how Gwen Grant can look at herself in the mirror in the morning and not to to stone. Bitch is uglier than Medusa.


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