Mom Of Slaughtered Youngster Rebukes Activist Protest Against 'Operation LeGend' And Law Enforcement Crackdown

Understandably, her focus seems to be on finding her son's killers and ending the violence endangering Kansas City neighborhoods . . . Read more:

LeGend Taliferro's mother speaks out after groups protest initiative in 4-year-old's name

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A local mother is grieving and fighting for justice for her son and many other families who have lost a loved one. Charron Powell lost her 4 year-old son LeGend Taliferro in June. LeGend was asleep inside a Kansas City, Missouri, apartment when he was shot and killed.


  1. Bandit Darville7/18/20, 11:42 PM

    She will come under fire from the morally bankrupt and intelligence challenged "protesters" for this I'm sure.

  2. Manny Johnson ;

    The color of one’s skin is no bar to a young man or woman dreaming of making a better world. Like other Negroes, I experienced and saw many injustices and inequities around me based upon color, not ability. I was told that “the decadent capitalist system is responsible,” that “mass pressure” could force concessions but “that just prolongs the life of capitalism”; that I must unite and work with all those who more or less agree that capitalism must go.

    Little did I realize until I was deeply enmeshed in the Red Conspiracy, that just and seeming grievances are exploited to transform idealism into a cold and ruthless weapon against the capitalist system—that this is the end toward which all the communist efforts among Negroes are directed.

    Indeed, I had entered the red conspiracy in the vain belief that it was the way to a “new, better and superior” world system of society. Ten years later, thoroughly disillusioned, I abandoned communism. The experiences of those years in “outer darkness” are like a horrible nightmare. I saw communism in all its naked cruelty, ruthlessness and utter contempt of Christian attributes and passions. And, too, I saw the low value placed upon human life, the total lack of respect for the dignity of man, the betrayal of trust, the terror of the Secret Police and the bloody hand of the assassin, during and since, those fateful years when I embraced communism.

  3. Any, and I mean ANY, protest against more personnel utilized to reduce the homicide rate through additional investigative resources, is IMMORAL at best. These whiney, pussy, and mostly white Antifa wannabes should be subject to the pain that mother endures every day.

  4. Demoncraps are the only ones against the police and the feds, sLIE, Lucas and Petersucker have been spending federal dollars on bribing the koloreds to vote for these crooks and now have total control over them and they don’t want to lose their deadly grip on them.

    If a Republican President comes in and finds out what’s really going on they’ll lose all that free money and they can’t have that. sLIE could will lose his million dollar loft, Petersucker will lose her high dollar brook side house and Lucas won’t have stolen enough money to get what he wants. It’s true, only the real thieves don’t want the feds here and for financial reasons.

  5. Speaking of that post a couple of posts back about STACY SHAW I noticed the comments were starting to get pretty nasty. Then Stacy Shaw herself responded and let Tony have it. Tony realized that he went too far and got scared and shut down comments. Way to go Stacy!

    1. Yep, she fulfilled her role as an empty-handed race-baiter with a histrionic, brittle ego.

  6. Shes only there to pickup some work from the rich white kids invovled in the rioting, don’t be fooled, she’s apart of instigating these kids and could be arrested right along with them.

    She can say whatever she wants to make herself look good on tv or in print but this is all about money afterall, she is a lawyer....ish!

  7. Was ms Shaw at any of the two murders (104) last night? It’s not the police that are killing these people, it’s black on black murder and as usual, no ones there for the victims instead they are out with some b.s. excuse that cops are killing them by the thousands when in fact it’s their own people killing each other. When will the blacks stop with the excuses and blaming everybody else for their own destructive behavior???

  8. Flat ass, Negroes like to kill. As much as people like making excuses for it. Weird


  9. Well then don't vote democrat. If this person would have seen what the democrats were doing and who is funding the riots and so called fake resistance coup their son would probably be alive today.

  10. Does Stacy Shaw have a comment on this? I didn't think so.

    1. Sure she does: "Me Me me."

  11. If civil order isn't restored, the corrosive effect will be widespread.

  12. This little boy's mom is just like the many thousands of other regular folks who live in east side neighborhoods who just want to try to work, live, and raise their families in an environment of at least minimal safety.
    And like the thousands of others, she is utterly unrepresented by what passes for "leadership" in the black community.
    The revs and the rest of the usual suspects desperately cling to the 1960s and make believe that any and all problems are someone else's fault. And then that tired old crap is used by those same grifters to shake down government and corporations and make very good livings for themselves. All the while ignoring tragedies like this little boy's murder.
    And the local media takes the bait and pushes the narrative along, ignoring even the most obvious facts like the actual demographics and geographical locations of the vast majority of violence, crime, and homicides.
    And recently it's just gotten much much worse.
    The reality is that other innocent people will be murdered even as these folks exhibit willful ignorance and continue to look the other way.

  13. Shut the fuck up!

  14. Truth hurts.

  15. The local media are not taking the bait. They are leading the way. Like was said of Lilian Hellman, every word they print is a lie, including "a" and "the."

  16. Bandit Darville7/19/20, 12:42 PM

    If any member of the mainstream media was to land on Mars there would still be no intelligent life there.


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