The aftermath of yesterday's vote . . . And whilst this may irk right-wing snowflakes, again, we remind our blog community that this episode makes little if any impact on local lives and probably doesn't solve racism one way or another.

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JC Nichols plaques removed from fountain sidewalk in the Plaza

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Crews with the parks department tore two plaques dedicated to J.C. Nichols out of the sidewalk near the famous fountain in the Country Club Plaza on Wednesday, July 1. The signage removal is the result of a unanimous vote by the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners to remove the name from the fountain and nearby parkway.


  1. Sly James Fountain!

    Visit 12 times and get a free pizza.

  2. They sure could move fast on that. Now if we could get all the MLK signs down. Next Cleaver Blvd.

  3. Named it the Plaza fountain. No persons name should be on anything anymore.

  4. If only they had done this a few days earlier, that 4 year old might not have been shot and killed.

  5. Damn good suggestion @12:14!

    Probably the only good new idea I've heard in this whole discussion.

  6. Well, now that we've made a meaningless gesture involving a local monument, anyone want to do anything about the record murder spree? Mayor McDrinkerson?

  7. OK, we gave them what they wanted. Now there will be peace. Right?

  8. I can sleep tonight.
    That plaque was causing mental anguish.

  9. yes we should never name anything after a person that actually did something. We should name it after a Criminal that robbed pregnant women instead. Maybe after MLK the gay hater. That would be the shit. Chuck Berry could film them take a shit for you all.

  10. How about calling it the Mayor McDrinkerson Fountain?

  11. Funny that the parks dept managed to find time to remove the plaques the next day, but it took them months to find time to replace the MLK streetsigns.

  12. Fastest any dept in this city rushed to do anything. Yes just call it Plaza Fountain and Parkway as 12:14 suggests as it solves the issue and is very fitting.

    In fact lets all start calling it the Plaza Fountain and Plaza Parkway.

    Then next election lets get a white Mayor back in office who will push to have the Nichols name restored.

  13. Taxpayers did not pay for the fountain but rather the J.C. Nichols family donated the beautiful fountain to Kansas City because of their civic pride in the city.

    Just shows that one should never donate anything to a public institution or your name will be drug through the mud.

  14. Ok now that that mean ole mans name has been removed the shootings, murders, rapes and robberies the koloreds commit will cease immediately!

    Just to show you how stupid America, namely the despicable dimwit party has become, macron in France told his people don’t even think about changing our history, not gonna happen ever.

    France is the biggest pussy country in the world and yet somehow they managed to grow a pair and put a stop to the stupidity.

    Who’d a thought that one day France would be smarter and braver then the good ole USA? Never thought I’d live to see this sad day.

    And it ain’t over yet.

  15. Yup, didn’t change or help anything.

  16. ^^Sort of the story of your life. Isn't it CHUD?

  17. J.C. Nichols never owned a slave. The namesakes of Jackson and Johnson Counties did. Rename them. Or else young black men will keep killing each other.

  18. Because of BLM, there are even more racists who don’t like people now than before that guy in Minnesota died while resisting arrest.

  19. Such a superficial response to such a systemic issue in our culture. Let's release some balloons, defund the police, name a street MLK Blvd, and everyone will be treated with respect and equality.

  20. ^^ ANd we can all hold hands, skip and then do reach arounds after having makeup / how to wear highheels lessons.

  21. OMG, 20 minutes after a vote to remove the so called racist Nichols plaque, it is gone!!! Yet these damn Martin Luther King Blvd signs are still up!!! Understand where your city council is coming from!!!

  22. Now remove the DST Systems emblem from the glass recycle dumpsters in shopping center lots. They were extremely racist

  23. Mob wins. I may vote for sleepy Joe to keep from having to shoot a poor loser pinko. They are attempting to take over through their threats of violence. If Trump looses there will not be violence the same cannot be said about the out of control children that support him.

  24. ^^^Are you drunk?


  25. It will always still be known as Nichols Fountain but yes they won.

  26. Charles Whitman7/1/20, 5:52 PM

    It never ends. Great. The Nichols name has been removed from the fountain. There's a rumour he had some racial thoughts by today's standards. Nevermind that he died 70 years ago,
    Here's an idea: dig him up and put him on trial!

  27. And never name anything after Tom McDonnell, Dst Systems founder. Ever.

  28. New York Times reports the Communist Democrat Party wants to remove Mount Rushmore because George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are displayed.

    Why does Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Adam Shit, ANTIFA, BLM hate our country so much?

    The United States is the greatest democracy on the planet and they want to destroy our country and way of life to implement Marxism. Surely Americans will vote NO to the Democrat Party in November 2020.

    Vote for Freedom. Vote for Trump.

  29. 5:52 "Here's an idea: dig him up and put him on trial!"

    They may yet. Everything old is new again. It is safe to say that with these barbarians in the fore our civilization is regressing at least a thousand years, maybe more. Digging up corpses and trying them for crimes they committed while alive was a medieval tradition.

    1. Charles Whitman7/1/20, 6:14 PM

      1805: You caught that!

  30. Byron Funkhouser7/1/20, 6:14 PM

    5:56, grow up.

    They don't "hate our country so much".

    We are NOT "the greatest democracy on the planet", either.

    Nobody is trying to "implement Marxism".

    Is this the kind of nonsense you hear on Fox Entertainment?

    Trump is a traitor & a criminal.

    Vote for any non-Trump if you really believe in freedom, or learn to speak Russian.

    Republicans are so fucking stupid, I can't stand it.

  31. Blieron, I would like to vote for Beijing Biden but I don't want to have to learn how to speak Chinese.

  32. Losers v winners. Nichols was a great man in his time, they are jealous of success.

    Is there more than a small handfull of leftist blacks worthy of naming a fountain after?

  33. I would like to hear from any witness to corroborate the statement that JC Nichols was a racist.

  34. 6:20 or be a pervert or mentally incapacitated or......

    Rapey joe is toast, his dementia is so bad he has to use notes of the reporters they hand fed softball questions to, and he can’t even get that right.

    bLIEron is dead, I don’t know who’s taken his name and saying such stupid crap. I guess it could be a family member taking money from soros for being a troll.

  35. Next target Kauffman Stadium, why? Because he use to have some blacks working for him at his home, he had whites too but as we all know only black lives matter.
    Also I want the Mayor to introduce a new ordinance removing all names of people like Cleaver, King, Watkins, Swope, and others that may have had some racist bone in their bodies even if they did tremendous good for the community. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. No Personal Names ever again!


  36. Since when did black people start rulings over the city without a vote and to accuse white people of racism when black people are just as racist?

  37. Trump Fountain!

  38. Send it down the memory hole

  39. DST Systems hire 1 black exec in 40 years. Racist. Biggots.

  40. @6:14 - Really Byron?

    Tell me one country that is a greater democracy than the United States you fucking Communist.

    Why does everyone want to immigrate to the United States?

    Fuck Democrat Party Communists like you. The Democrat Party is destroying our country with lying conspiracies, riots, attacks on the President, attacks on George Washington and Abraham Lincoln for god sake.

    You have to be a real Commie to find fault with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

    Maybe Putin and his KGB friends will let you immigrate to Siberia. Putin just received a fraudulent Marxist election of Presidency to the year 2036. Something your Democrat Party is trying to engineer.

  41. Don't kid yourself. Blacks are by far, the rulers of this country now. You should learn to bow and scrape, because before too long, it will be mandatory. Do you white folks know how to shine shoes?? Better learn..

  42. You can rename that fountain anything you want. You can wage a million dollar PR campaign with the new name whatever that may turn out to be. You can try and shove all that down our throats. But I will always refer to it as the J.C. Nichols fountain, as I'm sure many others will. I get that the Nichols' family was on board with this nonsense, but I wonder how much pressure they were under and what would have happened if they had not agreed. Pretty sure the puppeteers pushing this would have cared less.


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