We talked about this a week ago when we reported FIRST that "J.C. Nichols Fountain & Parkway isn't much longer for this world."

Now here's follow-up worth consideration for tonight . . .

"Kansas City parks board member Chris Goode today formally proposed removing the name of Kansas City’s most prominent real estate and neighborhood developer from the city’s most visited fountain and the adjacent parkway.

"If the five-member Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners should give its approval after a process that will take at least 30 days, the J.C. Nichols Memorial Fountain and J.C. Nichols Parkway would be renamed Dream Fountain and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway."

Developing . . .



    It's about time we erased that racist history from Kansas City's plaza.

    1. ^^^

      Nope, the public should be allowed to put it to a vote.

    2. ^^^

      But we already voted against MLK Blvd in KC.

      Why should we have to do it again?

  2. Can’t we just name a turd in Brush Creek after MLK and call it good?

  3. People need to pause and give it some time. We've already been through people losing their fucking minds the past few months overreacting to bullshit don't add to it.

  4. should have been done long ago.

    Need to rename it NOW.

    Sorry boomers. You're "history" argument doesn't hold up anymore.

  5. Why doesn't Emannuel Cleaver show some class and request that the portion of 47th Street that has been named for him be re-named to honor Dr. King? Plenty of time to name something after Rev. Cleaver at the proper time, after his death.

  6. ^^^^

    old argument.

    You already lost. if that's the best you've got.

    This is going to happen.

    Deal with it.

  7. ^^^ it’s gonna go 0-4, the cleave will continue his over forty year losing streak. It’s fake news anyway

  8. ^^^^


    Wagner already signed on.

    IT's very real and it's happening now. Sorry racist scumbag.

  9. Jc Nichols wasn’t racist, it’s just the way things were done back in the day, deal with it

  10. Thank you KC Parks & Recreation Board. You are doing the right thing by honoring the legacy of Dr. King. This part of the racist past of Kansas City should be resigned to the history books, not on our streets.

  11. Mlk means nothing to anybody anymore, we’ve moved beyond him and it’s time we removed all mlk crap from the planet, his time is over and down with

  12. Why don't we have a movement to name a street after Mayor James going on?
    James Street has a nice cachet.
    Oh, wait - there's been a James Street for a century - see how progressive a City we are, we've named a former Mayor after a Street!

    (Like that any better @8:41 Wait, still don't give a shit about your opinion.)

  13. This is BULLSHIT and this crap has to come to an end.

    How about the blacks building something on their own instead or stealing the rights to things built by white men.

  14. Chocolate City Parkway

  15. Let’s rename Prospect. James Earl Ray Blvd sound good. Now there’s a hero!

  16. 8:59 that was the cleaves plan all along, was to wipe out any white history and turn killa shitty into another hotlanta.

  17. You racists need to give it a rest.

    This is a GOOD THING.

    Naming the place for a man of peace is the best thing to create healing for our city.

    I support the Parks Board and I hope this will pass. We need unity for our City.

    Don't believe the haters, they don't even live in KCMO.

  18. ^^^ yawn........ zzzzzzzzzzzz

  19. 9:02 this doesn’t unite anybody, Jesus your stupid

  20. What healing? For the business owners who’s livelihood was destroyed or damaged by the rioters? The people they put out of work? But hey, if you think the blacks give one shit about mlk......

    Remember, the blacks voted down renaming streets after mlk three times.

  21. It doesn't unite the EVERYONE.

    It lets us know who are the idiots are and identifies them as the RACISTS.

    Please post on facebook that you hate this so we can let everyone know and limit you in the future.

    Complain and complain, you'll be blacklisted.

  22. These people need to do something like get Hillcrest Road opened backup since Cerner and John Sharp closed it. Now the poor people of South Kansas City need to get on the I-435 to go between 87th and 95th Street.

  23. ^^^ that’s private property dummy, that’ll nevar happen, give it a rest already

  24. Yeah give the screaming fit throwing children everything they want. What's next a pony ?

  25. I guess parks and rec forgot they already have a freedom fountain on cleaver blvd, I don’t know how they forgot, they just spent a couple million bucks rebuilding the damn thing last year.

  26. Does kcmo even have enough money to buy new signage without issuing junk bonds or raising taxes? Lot of more urgent n necessary expenditures than this.

  27. Will the boy blunder be on his knees at the renaming!

  28. This whole thing is making racism worst. The immature, impatient and impulsive acts of the black community is just reinforcing all the stereotypes of their race. As a business owner I will never hire another one as I cannot trust them any longer. They hate me, I hate them is my new attitude.

  29. 9:21 don’t worry about money, they got $27 million of the cares act money to blow on anything they want, it’s a shame they won’t use that money to help the citizens with infrastructure.

  30. Shhhhh, if you listen closely you can hear property values dropping in KCMO, and the tax revenue running down the drain. At least the next reassessment will save everyone in the fit throwing neighborhoods money.

  31. Sounds like a great idea to rename jc nichols shit to mlk

    My only complaint is you have to pay the king family naming rights money every year

    that is fucking stupid

    don't we have any local civil rights people or at least someone who actually visited kcmo that we could name this after without putting the city on the hook for annual costs for naming rights?

  32. Nichols was a huge racists. Thats why the elderly folk walking their poodles in the Plaza from 1920 to Present are all 100% white. And only whites can afford the $1,000,000+ new condos there. Rename the fountain

  33. Would much rather see JC Nichols stuff renamed than renaming the Paseo/Troost/Prospect

    This renaming will likely be the end of the Plaza but that has been coming for quite some time now, most of the money goes to Johnson County KS

  34. First 9:31 awww poor baby, what did they do to earn that way of life? Clearly you are too stupid to make that kind of money aren’t you. Blame yourself for not being wealthy, you blew it and it’s nobodies fault but your own. Deal with it.

  35. 9:17 black listed from Facebook! That’s funny shit right there! Hahahahaha!

  36. 9:17 why don’t you take your list of childish demands to mayor kneely face, I’m sure he’ll sign off on that pronto!

  37. 9:28 nope, not one, that’s the problem, they can’t find one single good kolored to name anything after! Hilarious amiright!

  38. 9:48 fake news

  39. Don't worry folks black lives only matter in an election year.

  40. ^^^ that’s funny right there!

  41. Hey 9:19 you are the real dummy. Hillcrest Road was paid for by taxpayers and that worthless John Sharp gave it way. Reopen Hillcrest Road the road in front Cerner in NKC is not closed.

  42. What would it do for black people or the black community to change the name of anything?

    Seriously asking.

  43. More appropriate to call it SCREAM Fountain, because that's what always happens there. Including when the BLM activists bullied Lucas and the Police Chief to get on their knees. Then this angry black bitch in a turban demanded,"What does that MEAN to you?"

    It was like the Taliban right before they shoot our soldiers. Or the Nazis right before they killed Jews in the street.

    Fortunately, someone rescued the Mayor and the Police Chief by interrupting, "I think it MEANS time for a moment of silence for George Floyd!"
    So the screaming stopped and there was silence. Then the screaming at Scream Fountain renewed.

  44. Tracy I can refer to facts and data all day long and it means nothing at the end of the day. I am so disillusioned with the reporting of the media that is spinning this whole thing out of control and so disgusted by their arrogance to side with biased narratives and their wholesale omission of details/facts. Our leaders, politicians and media should be encouraging perspective. This is madness, can you help me understand?

  45. Tracy forgot to mention. Thanks for your honest comments.

  46. This will be the end of the Plaza. Ok what’s next?

  47. Great idea. I support it and endorse it.

    Let's do this!

    KC needs to stand up to these dumb-ass racists!

  48. First off @ 10:38 you didn't do anything productive with your list. Throwing insults at the black community is not the answer but neither is removing the name of one of the major benefactors to KC and our area from a
    fountain is a dis-service too. Slavery did exist, the civil war was real, the south still thinks the civil war is still raging on.

    But the comment I came here to make and be civil about is this. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gave a speech and the black community has missed his point, he said "I dream of the day when all God's children will be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin". The past two weeks shows us that his dream has not been accomplished. Why? Because in this city there was no character displayed by the rioters and looters, the burners, the destroyers, the insulters, the agitators, the criminals, the people instigating trouble rather than social intelligent discourse, and I mean black AND whites. His dream has not been accomplished when you yell "Black Lives Matter" and other divisive slogans but then you kill your brothers and sisters on the streets of Kansas City in record numbers. Those that have been instigators and agitators are criminals. The reverends that stand up like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and EMANUEL CLEAVER the Kansas City instigator in Chief, they are frauds and lead the black community only for their personal gain. They steal from the black community every time they open their mouths in stirring up racial unrest. The black community in Kansas City as I know it as a white man are good God Fearing people. They live in fear of the thugs and criminals in their own community, too scared to tell police where the problems come from. My brothers, my friends in the black community these past two weeks have not elevated race relations they have deepened the divide. The character you want to be judged by is not shining through and so many of you I call friend. People ask me if I have ever invited blacks into my house, yes I have but they did not come. I told a black friend he should buy the house next to mine but he didn't even look at it. And not once have I been invited to my black friends houses either. Character is the factor you will eventually be judged by, Dr King was absolutely right about that and I would like to know do you talk about that on MLK Day or during Black History Month or during demonstrations? You should focus on the part about character, he gave you the map to success, you need more than ever to follow that map. And that applies to Mayor Lucas, County Executive Frank White and Sheriff Forte too. Be leaders of the black community in the right direction.

    1. ^^^^


      Great comment.

      You should make this into a post, TKC!

  49. 11:42 PM Which ones the white racists or the black racists?

  50. parks and rec ya dumb asses, KC parks as a whole largely suck.
    at least propose a compromise, jc nichols fountain and change jc nichols parkway to MLK or vice versa.

    Besides that you & 8:41 still dumbasses and if another black lady scowls at me after this week b/c she's prejudiced, i will try to be understanding and not say somethin.

  51. Rob, great comment. I feel the same way. I am sorry to say I was once a most sympathetic white man to the black movement. I considered Dr. King's movement a righteous one. These movements today at the core are political, ideological and monetary. The black community's cause has been hijacked AND the MEDIA has been complicit. I am now feeling the divide. I don't know if I can ever walk this feeling back.

  52. This move makes more sense that Paseo. Why not remove the name of an individual who was proudly and blatantly responsible for racially segregated housing in KC and its suburbs and substitute Dr. King's name?

  53. @Rob...Thank you for clearly saying what I feel.
    Unfortunately Mr Floyd’s death is being splintered into areas pushed by the loudest voices. Let’s focus on the man who lost his life, not what Hollywood says, not what Sports figures push for, not using an ounce of energy in getting a street name changed...this does not correct why Mr Floyd is dead. De-funding the Police is allowing George Floyd’s moment to be hijacked by the Woke

  54. And the black on black murders just keep happening. So let's rename something or let some balloons off


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