At the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, insiders told our blog community that it was just a matter of time before the Jazz District demanded money that could be better spent in many other places. Similarly, some of our most thoughtful readers mentioned the sordid topic of coin and the fate of this district over the weekend in the midst of more gunfire.
To wit and because the newspaper is downplaying THIS EPIC CASH ASK in order to focus on continued corporate welfare . . .
Reference and a tweet from 3rd District council lady Melissa Robinson . . .
"On Wednesday we will have a hearing on the City’s commitment to investing $7Million in the Historical 18th and Vine Jazz District."
A peek at the legislation . . .
#200424 - Affirming the City Council’s commitment to fund subsequent phases of the 18th and Vine Historic District Improvements by identifying funding sources from 2021-2022 Fiscal Year budget; and directing the City Manager to include a funding request in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year budget in conformance with this resolution.
Now, to be fair, every year Kansas City taxpayers fund the P&L District to the tune of at least $15-MILLION.
However, the P&L District has created hundreds of jobs, transformed the image of Downtown KCMO across the nation and hosted a solid line-up of C-list entertainers for cheap or free admission — Thereby attracting a great many chubby 30-something-recently-divorced ladies into the loop in order to entertain us all and make life worth living.

Meanwhile, there's a somewhat cool daiquiri bar around 18th & Vine but overall it has been one of the biggest economic disasters in KCMO history.
For those who might be tempted to forget about KCMO basically burning money . . .
The 18th & Vine Jazz District has garnered over 100 MILLION BUCKS worth of KCMO taxpayer investment since the 1990s yet without developing a profit model or curb constant violence near venues after dark.
It's highly unlikely that seven million more worth of street improvements will make any difference for businesses that haven't helped KCMO revenues for a period of time far longer than the American jazz age.

Sadly, the district can't be viewed merely as a FAILED investment in tourism and business development . . . Instead, social justice activists believe they're entitled to taxpayer cash to support a biz model that doesn't work.
Example and a savvy guilt trip that could be worth millions to those lucky few on the receiving end of KCMO cash . .
18th and Vine business owner calls rash of violence a symptom of racial inequality
Henry Service, who also is an attorney, said he believes the recent rash of violence is a symptom of the racial inequalities that he and others have vocalized in recent weeks of protests on the Country Club Plaza.
"And nowhere else do they have to invest and try to make a living where the city's got their knee on the necks of the people who are investing," Service said. "They don't help. They won't give any kind of financial incentives for people to develop this area. They won't develop their own property. All they do is hinder the businesses down here."
Clearly, Mr. Service lost track of that $100 MILLION along with any misguided politico who would dare vote for throwing away good money after bad.
And so, whilst social justice and election season debate continues among activists, we advise persistent readers to pay attention to local politicos spinning the "momentum" of protesters into even more cash for a FAILED idea that has unfairly siphoned funds away from other urban core solutions which might have garnered greater success than a doomed district wherein gunfire echos through the streets far more loudly than jazz.
You decide . . .
they'll get the money and more.
ReplyDeleteQ doesn't even have a choice. Unless he decides to skip this vote too.
^^^ I would say, "see you at the groundbreaking"
DeleteBut Henry Service is right. Nobody wants to build shit here.
^^^ Can't say I blame them.
ReplyDeleteQ: What's the difference between a "HISTORIC DISTRICT" and a "HISTORIC DISGRACE"?
A: 3 letters!!!
There are no longer enough contributing buildings to call it an Historic District. With the current economic climate cuts are going to have to be made. Let's start here.
ReplyDeleteNo, no, no, no, hell NO! This is a lost cause. Move the Negro Leagues Museum to Union Station and move on. That is the only thing worth saving. As unfortunate as that may be it should be clear this has been a mismanaged effort from the beginning, money has seemingly vanished into thin air, it is not something people are flocking to visit, and it's one of the most violent areas on KC.
ReplyDelete^^^ +1 on Hyper and @8:59 AM
ReplyDeleteKeep on voting democrap suckers.
ReplyDeleteFlee Kansas City.
ReplyDeleteIt has evolved into madness and anarchy.
Fraud and corruption is rampant in Kansas City.
@8:48, that's a "DISGRACIST" statement right there!
ReplyDeleteJazz isn't dead it just smells like a dead body.
ReplyDeleteQ: What's the difference between 8:48 and retardation?
ReplyDeleteA: None!!!
Has the City ever demanded an audit of how previous funds have been used?
ReplyDeleteThat be rayciss
DeleteThe city's got its knee on the neck of Jazz District investors? Oh boy, another bullshit metaphor from the racial shakedown crowd. We'll be hearing that one a lot. At least Jesse Jackson would have made it rhyme.
ReplyDelete^^OK Boomer. Go watch Matlock.
ReplyDeleteWhat's a Matlock, boomer?
Delete$7 million more for the 18th & Vine shithole? I would rather see the money go to the KKK. At least they wouldn’t waste it on new Escalades or at Harold Pener.
ReplyDeleteBring back alcohol prohibition.
ReplyDeleteBan all geezers.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see (a portion of) a street around there renamed MLK Blvd.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see that area built up, like P&L,but alas, the funds are mismanaged or stolen. I wouldn't mind helping the 18th& Vine area, but it never ends. It just seems to be disappointment after disappointment. Maybe 0859 is right.
Charles you have a good point. The Paseo to Troost,Built it,up.And give them there own security patrol. .
ReplyDeleteFrom 18th St to 31 St Paseo to Troost,And it would work, If you are going to spend tax dollars ,GET a return .
ReplyDeleteThe Ordinance should also change the name to The Cleaver District, since it is a bottomless revenue pit for mostly his family and friends.
ReplyDeleteCome to 18th and Vine, where you too can witness the latest shooting from the comfort of the available Party speakeasies
ReplyDeleteI'd say the $100m in direct public funds to the area more than offsets any perceived lack of indirect development incentive.
ReplyDeleteIt's an important historical area, but at some point you have to quit throwing good money after bad. Stabilize and mothball any properties left with a historical attachment, relocate the NLBM, disband every organization the grifters have attached themselves to, and give it a few years while the city tries to get past the impending municiple finance apocalypse.
Bulldoze all of it, construct a new Royals stadium and put the museum{s} inside the stadium. Parking and seating design will be based on what K.C. had for average attendance for the last 35 seasons or so out east aways.
ReplyDelete“Henry Service, who also is an attorney, said he believes the recent rash of violence is a symptom of the racial inequalities that he and others have vocalized in recent weeks of protests on the Country Club Plaza.“
ReplyDeleteHe’s just pissed because he owns a building in the so called jazz district and he’s losing his ass without the support the city gives him. Suck it up buttercup, spend your own damn money instead of everybody else’s. If you can’t make it work using someone else’s money then you are the problem.
It’s not racial inequality, it’s been proven that no matter how much money you spend down there it won’t work, it doesn’t help that black people wont support it and it’s clearly too dangerous for white people to go there so....
Don't rude to boomers just cause they get 90% of the money in this country and 100% of the pu**y.
ReplyDeleteOne out of two ain't bad.
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you about the last time I went to the so called Jazz Dist. I and friends were there app 90 minutes and had to take taxi cabs home as some loser stole my car and it ain't been found yet. That was two years ago. This goes on in that area a lot as I was told by KCPD if your ride has KS plates other than Wyandotte county you have a 50/50 chance it will get jacked or broke into. So hell no I'll never go back and many and I mean many others won't either.
ReplyDelete^^and yet you speak for absolutely nobody but yourself CHUD. Weird.
ReplyDeletePrevious funds were spent on Rolex watches, and other personal items
ReplyDeleteBaby needs a new pair of shoes!
ReplyDeleteONLY $7 million?
The self-appointed gang that "runs" 18th and Vine will turn that little amount of money into thin air in just a couple months.
Just like much of the east side, NO ONE is going to invest private money in the area until there's some serious improvement in public safety.
And folks who can aren't going to continue to live there either.
That's why there are thousands of abandoned derelict broken-into houses throughout the east side and hundreds of boarded-up commercial buildings.
As long as the area continues to suffer the high crime that it does, all the money in the world won't make any difference whatsoever.
This is all just the same losing song, 450th verse.
^^and your post is the same crybaby shit you post all day long. Everyday.
ReplyDeleteCrybaby white liberals pay your ghetto taxes
ReplyDelete12:37 wtf is wrong with you? Why do you keep taking up all that space with your posts?
ReplyDeleteBecause he is a duck! Also takes in more air than he should!
ReplyDeleteDick, hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteBoomer Hater / Chud guy used to get deep throat by Grandpa behind the woodshed on the family farm.
ReplyDeleteThen Grandpa made Boomer Hater go inside and watch Matlock while Grandpa rode him doggy-style.
He has been a bitter lad ever since and lashes out about Matlock every chance he gets. Cross-dresses and became a Democrat like all Democrat men are.
^^^No he's a child molester
ReplyDelete....and if we don't get the money we will yell racist and vandalize.
ReplyDeleteI know a guy that got some of that money. He bought a Rolex. He also paid bills with it. That money is padding the living expenses of alot of people.
ReplyDelete^^Wow. Good for you Gladys Kravitz. Who Cares? How come you don't have any friends you can bore with shit like this?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the budget item for the Blue Room? Somewhere I heard the city kicks in $600k per year to keep this going.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's a shithole.
DeleteSend Alonzo down with his hi-tech crime drones and put an end to this madness!
ReplyDeleteJust kidding they would definitely whip his ass.
Dude all that money don't go into the area. Its spread amoungst friends for parties and stuff. Wild parties
ReplyDeleteWe have to cut $10M from the police budget and layoff cops in one of the most murderous cities in the country per capita because of tight financial issues but we always seem to have infinite millions of dollars to throw at 18th and Vine? Hmmmm......
Dear 6/22/2020 11:14
ReplyDeleteYOUR response is the ONLY real truth that exist about 18th and Vine. If the so called, "community leaders" of the district were called out and REAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS be allowed in to do something about the district, you would see real change. but the "civil rights professionals" like Cleaver and Freedom Inc. disciples of the last 10 years like Jermaine Reed and now Melissa Robinson are in charge, they will only line their pockets and the pockets of their friends, only to point the fingers at others, distracting from their thievery of our progress. STOP THEM and you stop the carnage. ALLOW THEM TO CONTINUE and they will grind the area to rubble like the locusts that they are. This also goes for the chicken thief preachers and pastors that feed off the community with promises of "we shall overcome."
It's all about political control of the "heritage" more than actually doing something that works viably as a business district. Corruption is likely a built-in condition that can't be taken out of the equation. The baseball museum keeps the area afloat and is a self-sustaining entity that's a positive plus to the image of the region. The problems I have seen over the past twenty years or so with the jazz museum center on the fact that there is consistent mismanagement overall and nobody seems to care. Bring in director after director who isn't a business person and subject expert, watch them run it into the ground, then have the city bail it out. Rinse and repeat. The one director who actually did a competent job operating the organization in the black financially and never lost money was not retained. Politics: you always get what exists there. The genuine jazz heritage of Kansas City and its perpetuation into future generations has been hijacked and that's the real loser.