A culture war issue that's more than symbolic resonates in Kansas City and across the nation. While an FBI probe found a Talladega noose was not hate crime directed at NASCAR star Bubba Wallace. The controversy continues . . .

Super Dave: Has the truth killed NASCAR?

NASCAR like so many other businesses, corporations, media outlets and whatnot have all jumped on the BLM bandwagon in supporting what they believe to be this Black Lives Matter movement. Yes, in the past week we’ve seen the likeness of a black lady removed from a syrup bottle which in effect told the ladies family we don’t like your mother/grandmother anymore on our syrup bottles. What did this black lady do to deserve such treatment? Uncle Ben’s can no longer be Uncle Ben’s and don’t look for Eskimo Pies in the freezer section at the local grocery store from all indications that we see in the news. America has lost its frigging mine in an attempt to re-image what?

NASCAR in an attempt to re-image itself has banned the Confederate flags at the races. Let me remind you first that NASCAR has had the Confederate flag flying it tracks all over the southern part of this country ever since its conception. Drivers wore the flag on their uniforms and hats, they even had it on their car sometimes and the flag was seen flying around race tracks during the race and there are many pictures out there of the winner standing in front of waving Confederate flags as the trophy girl gives him a kiss. NASCAR has been on a slow spiral downward trend for some time now, their TV ratings have dropped, tracks that used to have season-ticket owners that would in a will leave their tickets to the kids or family members they were so much in demand. But that is all changed, the good old boy days of racing is no longer politically correct. There appears to be a full out charge to change the history of the oldest and biggest racing group in this country. It wasn’t broken to begin with, but the powers that be couldn’t leave it alone.

On Sunday, June 21 supposedly a member of the Richard Petty Motorsports team found in the garage area of Bubba Wallace’s car on the garage door itself a rope they believed was a noose. It’s not clear exactly who reported this to who but all of a sudden NASCAR goes on total freak out to the media announcing a rope fashioned in the form of a noose was located in Bubba Wallace’s garage area. And of course the media goes full out nuts along with NASCAR on this so-called incident. NASCAR was making a post approximately every 90 minutes on Facebook alone promoting what was found and how awful it was and how they were going to investigate it so on and so on. The one thing that was never mentioned was turning the evidence over or immediately contacting any law enforcement. Sometime in the early afternoon hours of Monday the 22nd a squad of no less than 15 FBI agents all swarmed into the Talladega pit area to investigate what is now known as the whole lot of nothing crime. What isn’t super clear here is who ordered such an investigation? A bank can get robbed in Kansas City and 15 agents will not respond. But in the meantime pictures started showing up everywhere from the fans showing what clearly was a piece of rope with a hand loop at the end of it not a noose and they were showing these pictures from not just last year but years previous of the same garage with the same piece of rope hanging from the door. Bubba Wallace pitted in this exact same garage stall at this track last year. Hmmmm, no issue then I guess.

Just want to point out that NASCAR in the pit areas at these race tracks has some pretty insane security. They have cameras mounted everywhere running 24/7 the whole time they are there inside the garages and outside the garages. They have to, there is millions of dollar’s worth of equipment, tools and so forth located in a very small area of the track about the size of a city block. NASCAR within 30 minutes or less could have determined what the world had to wait almost 36 hours to be told. Had NASCAR done such the media would probably never have been told anything or made aware of anything, I mean there was nothing to report.

No NASCAR decided they were going too up and push this to the limit by getting all the media attention they could over this so-called racist act of tying a rope located in the stall of the only black driver on the circuit.

Depending on which news agency you choose to believe or not believe Bubba Wallace never saw the rope in question. But then Bubba comes out and says he saw the rope so who do you believe? Even after the FBI confirmed what many fans already knew from basically the beginning there was no attempt by anyone to place a racially motivated object or item in the garage area.

But does it end there, no Bubba has to go to the media and say he doesn’t believe what the FBI found. Regardless of all the photographic evidence that supported the outcome Bubba has to say I don’t believe it. But he has since then stopped saying that and NASCAR mumbled some words to the effect they were glad it was all a lot of nothing, a misunderstanding all the while not admitting they created the whole situation. Bubba has since also gone quiet, I’m sure under the orders of NASCAR as you see NASCAR can and does control what you are allowed to say or not say at any time. Sort of like slavery was many years ago.

NASCAR dealt itself a big blow to its fan base so now they are trying to cover up by eliminating some of their Facebook posts and the comments while Yahoo Sports has done the very same thing along with certain racing groups on social media. So quickly everybody climbed onto Bubba Wallace’s bandwagon only to find out they got suckered in to be as big of idiots as the perpetrators of the whole story.

What we won’t see here is all the scrambling and effort to try to make this story go away. To me when you attempt to make a mountain out of a grain of sand, consequences should be coming your way. Another NASCAR driver earlier this year was banned for making a racist comment and I might point out that driver is what’s considered a minority. But NASCAR is attempting to sweep this under the rug has only infuriated many and some of the older fans who are all calling for Bubba Wallace to be banned from NASCAR as well. I belong to a social racing group that actually originated in Australia and a lot of its members live in Australia where racing is a big sport and even this group of people is saying NASCAR has really messed up this time.

It’s time for America to get back to what’s important in running this country and that’s not looking for ghosts in every dark room or a raging rampant style of destroying anything and everything related to our past history. Renaming fountains and destroying statues will not ever change anything and if you think it will, well you’re a part of what the real problem is in this country today.

You decide . . .


  1. Good post Dave.

    Even though you don't live in Kansas City or in its zoo like Chimpy.

    Every organization not specifically founded to advance conservative causes ultimately will be taken over by the far left. ACLU, now NASCAR.

  2. NASCAR race bait publicity stunt. Never watch them again.

  3. Great post Dave. If this country wants to go insane it will do so without my participation.

  4. And yet Dave cares way too much about NASCAR and needs to get a life. Weird, but Bubba is a hottie!

  5. It's refreshing and long past due to see some adult common sense comment on the country's current attack of silliness and stupidity, which seems to get more extreme every day.
    After the facts were learned, the TV folks just couldn't bring themselves to admit they had badly and embarrassingly jumped to conclusions.
    Instead they claimed that "a lesson had been learned".
    Yes. The lesson was that if you have a spring-loaded default narrative and find evidence of what you're looking for everywhere you look, sure enough your worst suspicions will be confirmed. Regardless of facts or the intentions and views of others.
    Wallace and the entire NASCAR organizations made complete fools of themselves.
    Looks like a good time for Jussie Smollet to take up race car driving.
    Just flat out cowardly and sad.

    1. "It's refreshing and long past due to see some adult common sense comment on the country's current attack of silliness and stupidity"

      Really? Where did you see it.

  6. And yet nobody likes stupid Dave or NASCAR. Weird.

  7. Bubba threw every white person on the planet under the bus only to remember two days later that they pay for everything his non winning mediocre on his best days sorry ass has, I’m betting the king had a quiet word with him about who’s paying his bills. His sponsors should run as far and as fast as they can.

    He’s only in race-car now because nascar needed a diversity hire to bring in some new fans, black fans that is. The problem nascar created for themselves is now he can’t get fired for being a bad driver without him screaming racism. He’ll quietly move on from Richard petty enterprises because nobody fucks with the king and it will be called a promotion so as to not create a huge mess. Unless bubba suddenly becomes a good driver he won’t last but a few more years. Good riddance.

  8. 8:47 only you don’t like super Dave and nascar because you’re a retard.

  9. 8:47 Super Dave is the greatest of all time and you, you’re just a worthless, dumbass troll with no life so.....

    TROLL- They lack real-life stimulation, so they get their fix by targeting you online. It’s pathetic, but trolls are deeply insecure. When you respond to their words it gives their life meaning. Remember if they had something better to do — say, spending time with loved ones or working — they wouldn’t have the time to push your buttons. I look at it this way: if they’re targeting a local blog they’re leaving someone else alone, at least for a little while.

  10. Super Dave always was racist and it's hard for him to be anything else but racist

  11. Stupor Dave & NASCAR, two redneck institutions who’ve long outlived their usefulness. Please follow the example of your mentor in stupidity Chuck, and die.

  12. Does Bubba have expired tags?

    1. lol on the expired tags comment. WELL DONE.

  13. Jussie Smolletts Junior Forgot to call in Rev. Sharpton for the save.

  14. PS whoever tied the "noose" probably just thought it looked cool as a door pull, which I agree it does look cool because I'm not an idiot.

  15. Awww...poor stupid Dave, he doesn’t get to play racist anymore at the races! He can’t wave his confederate flag and yell the N word with all the other po’ white trash. Too bad! The world changes, you can always do the right thing and die like chuck did!

  16. 9:37 we saw your idiotic post at 9:04 so you can stop acting like Bubba Wallace.

  17. ^^^And we see your multiple anonymous posts too stupid Dave. Bubba Wallace is your daddy. Worthless cuck.

  18. Wallace's new BLM sponsorship sticker will appear on his car right next to STP (not the oil additive, the abbreviation for stupid).

  19. The troll got owned tonight and now he’s acting like his whittle feelings got hurt, awwww poor baby! Hahahahaha!

  20. Put a fork in NASCAR along with the Plaza and NFL.

  21. Byron Funkhouser6/27/20, 11:51 PM

    Another racist screed from NaziDave.

    He can't understand what all the fuss is about because in his fantasy world white men have never ever done anything wrong. He thinks blacks are the "real" racists.

    As a nation, most of us have decided that nothing should be named for slave owners or other racists. The "Confederate" flag is a symbol of oppression & treason. You give people hell for kneeling during the national anthem while you proudly wave the flag of armed insurrection!

    BTW, over 60% support Black Lives Matter, because only a liar would deny that blacks live in a different country with different rules.

    Why is it so hard for white police men to NOT kill unarmed black men & women?

    60% of Americans want to know why this keeps happening.

    1. It doesn't happen often,

    2. Uh...blacks live differently because they are different...they are unable to live in a civil society where one advances on merit not race.

      How low must we lower the bar for blacks.

  22. Go away bubba.

  23. Learn to read 12:10.
    Byron as always making racist comments while claiming someone else is doing.
    9:51 as always spreading hate while showing no IQ.
    9:37 never seen you at the races so you have no idea what we fans do let alone what Dave does. Do you even know if Dave attends the races? I do and have never seen a Confederate flag waving there.
    Did anyone else besides me notice how 8:17, 8:47, 9:02, 9:04, 9:37 and 9:51 all were made by the same person. You have issues severe mental issues and no doubt need many years of professional help. Does that person know that their actions do fit the bill in the criminal code of stalking? Should Dave contact the police and have this troll taken away? That sure would eliminate more than likely 50% or better of the worthless comments like Byrons we have to skip over all the time.
    8:53 is very correct you’re just a worthless, dumbass troll with no life so.....

    Great take Dave and you present a very open and factual look at the issue. I'm guessing this must have been written before NASCAR started spreading that very fake picture they now claim is what the noose was supposed to have look like. I find it very weird how they didn't show that picture in the very beginning instead of waiting 4 plus days later to do so. Time will tell but I'd say Wallace is done in NASCAR and NASCAR is going to take a huge sponsor hit money wise because of this. As well if you look the other drivers are no longer all speaking out for Wallace as they feel they were made fools of I'm sure.

  24. You're right. I've never been to a NASCAR race. I've also never been to a Klan rally or a fundamentalist church. And I've survived. Weird.

  25. BUbba token house = Jussie Smolletts = Twana Brawley = Your fat liberal white no life neighbor bitch. Tru dat. Weird. Whitey pig sows were watching Oprah while you were out being the real slaves. Your problem.

  26. I see the link. Obuma's Tranny Nanny and his support of division.

  27. Bubba is the best race card driver that Nascar has ever seen.

  28. hey @ 7:29------QUIT smoking the PCP bruh

  29. Why was my thoughtful comment about Westerns and nooses used to hang white cattle rustlers, horse thieves and bushwackers...that's what I think of when I see a noose because I'm not retarded and know that many many more whites have been lynched than blacks.

    Want to make a common sense person mad...lie to him.

    Wanna make a liberal mad...tell him the truth.


  30. Hilarious. In two ways:

    1) Trying, in vain, to support white supremacy and
    2) "America has lost its frigging mine..."


    "Now where did I put that mine?..."


    Thanks, "Super Dave"!

    You're "super", all right. :)

  31. 8:06 He is not a good race car driver. He has never won a race. He is doing to Nascar what Lebron James is doing to the NBA without having ever been a champion. Bubba has always been a diversity hire and he is not only living down to diversity hire standards he is also antagonizing everybody in the process with his posturing. What a loser.

  32. Just another "Stupid Dave" post about nothing. Blah, blah and more blah...


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