Notice Signs Of Support For Mike Sharp Growing Across Kansas City In Upcoming August Jackson County Sheriff Primary

Given the circumstances of his departure it's somewhat odd to see so many campaign signs across KC in support of former Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp.

From Eastern Jack to Midtown to Ward Parkway it seems, very much like jilted lovers, locals are apt to forgive "transgressions" and offer consideration to the politico amid frustration with the current political leadership at the Courthouse.

You decide . . .


  1. Tough decision. Which crook for sheriff are you going to vote for.

  2. I'll vote for him. Fuck that lying race-baiting piece of shit in there now.

  3. Mr. KC Sexual6/18/20, 8:21 PM

    A vote for Sharp is a vote for SEXY!

  4. Will Sharp continue to make his girlfriend the highest paid civilian employee by giving her more raises and promotions?

  5. A few days after Sheriff F's appointment as Interim Sheriff, I was walking out of the Post Office in my eastern Jack hamlet, and doing a slow cruise down the street was Sheriff F in an unmarked Crown Vic. I waived at him and he waved back. I won't forget the look on his face as he scanned the area, much like an Earthling who was assigned to do a Mars Reconn.


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