Over the weekend social media has been confused about the fate of Kansas City's longest running political chat show.
The reality:
The very capable host Mike Shanin was always gracious to every single guest but there was no question that he is an avowed conservative and his wry humor often shined through in the midst of talking with strident progressive activists.
Behind the scenes we've witnessed and noticed several activists groups lobby against the appearance of conservative speakers, pundits and opinion makers . . . Full Disclosure: TKC made a single appearance on the program and earned more negative feedback than any other guest in the show's history.
The reality, in this political epoch there's no more room for televised political discord given that "the conversation" is now mostly comprised of separate partisan bubbles that rarely interact with one another and are doomed to reinforcing themselves inside an infinite loop.
Here's the money line from a recent statement via social media wherein there's still some confusion about the fate of the show:
“Our goal at KCPT is to aid our community by providing a platform for important and productive conversations,” said Kliff Kuehl, President and CEO of KCPT. “We want to ensure we are utilizing community support in the most effective way and are considering the best use of the resources required by the program.”
"KCPT will take this break to evaluate the resources that are allocated to the show’s production and discuss options for future programming that could better serve audiences. KCPT is adamant about continuing air programming that brings together ideologically diverse voices and will look to the current position of the station and the community to inform future decisions for the timeslot."
Read the missive in its entirety . . .

Of course this is a disappointment to fans of the show that served as THE GOLD STANDARD of local political discourse for a generation.
Most noobs won't remember the reference but convergence of partisan players on a single stage was a local take on The McLaughlin Group that was not only far more polite but also exceptionally helpful in providing a gauge of local mainstream political opinion.
Now, the majority of political rhetoric is disseminated from the top down via social media wherein bots and paid activists pose as social media "influencers" in order to fake the appearance of consensus and grassroots support.
Ruckus represented a moment in time wherein locals weren't afraid of disagreeing with one another face to face, amid violent civil unrest and the continued pandemic, that's no longer the case.
Developing . . .
Mike did a wonderful job hosting for so many years.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU MR. SHANIN for your public service to Kansas City.
^^^ +1
DeleteThis is a loss for KC and local politics.
the chatter we see on facebook or even this dumb blog is no substitute for a MAINSTREAM political conversation. Channel 5 has a program that's similar but not as good.
This is very disappointing. This KCPT member will not renew their membership. Instead, I will look to directly support whatever Mike does next (if anything). Failing that, I will look to directly support national PBS programs (as I do with shows on NPR - in addition to being a KCUR member). Very poor move by Channel 19.
ReplyDeleteAh! The Masters of Public TV have spoken.
ReplyDeleteThey don't even try to hide it anymore.
They who always claim being persecuted and down-trodden are crawling out from under their rocks to put their foot on the neck of the rest of us.
Unfortunately, Tony, this blog will go the same way.
Too bad. The comments are worth it.
Shanin's nastiness coming home to roost.
ReplyDelete8:01, you must be a king sized snowflake if you think Mike Shanin is nasty.
ReplyDeleteTony, your analysis is spot on and yes, 7:50, they don't even hide it anymore. I will not be renewing my membership.
ReplyDeleteso much for "free speech"
Liberals are pussies. Conservatives rule.
ReplyDeleteDefund KCPT
ReplyDeleteLibs are ready to violently act against against perceived slight to their radical agenda. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car and see how long before the windows are broken or a large scratch appears in the car's paint. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a disease afflicting millions of idiots who I'm sure tipped over the checkers board as children when they were about to lose.
ReplyDeleteit wasn't age discrimination more than anything else?
ReplyDeleteThe Left is only tolerant and accepting if they agree with your opinion or lifestyle. If not, they try to silence or remove you.
ReplyDeleteThis Country of ours is sooooooooo FUCKED! All of you right of center, I hope your stocking up! It's coming sooner than later!
ReplyDeleteI'll bet the moderator deletes this one! Coward.......
8:01 - What are you talking about???
ReplyDeleteMike made a point of recognizing and congratulating Mary O'Halloran on-air when she married her wife. It seems to me that those two have a genuine friendship outside of the show despite the fact that they seldom agreed (on the big issues).
I am a KCPT Passport member but will renew my Passport level support (great value!) with another PBS station. I was also planning to financially support KCPT's classical station once it launched. Guess I'll have to up my contributions to KUSC (if you appreciate classical music, check it out - https://www.kusc.org).
If any others care to write or call KCPT leadership to express their thoughts:
- Kliff Kuehl, President & CEO
816-398-4269, jferguson@kcpt.org
- Nick Haines, Executive Director/Public Affairs
816-398-4263, nhaines@kcpt.org
- Michael Murphy, Director of Programming
816-398-4272, mmurphy@kcpt.org
I hope Mike will go back to radio M-F 2pm-6pm
ReplyDelete"White power! White power!" -- President Trump tweet earlier today.
ReplyDeleteShanin is a disgruntled old racist man who couldn't hack in on AM radio. He deserves to be forcibly retired to the Old Dixie Retirement Home so he can piss his diaper and rant about Obama to his bowl of Jello. Good riddance, Mike!
ReplyDelete916, it's really needed.
ReplyDeleteparks's show is not serious and can be tedious. they must have a market study saying people want silliness.
shannin for two hours, 4-6, might work.
9:24, Shanin has forgotten more this week than you’ll ever know.
ReplyDeletewho needs free speech when the mob is there to tell you what to think. Kansas City Mo. is going to get what it wants....hard and deep.
ReplyDeleteI quit watching KCPT a couple decades ago. Used to have good programming but that was about 30 years ago. I thought the program was mostly boring. Still, I do commend Mike Shanin for doing this for so many years. He stayed "Conservative" Parks went all Oprah.
ReplyDeleteNothing but cooking and travel shows now.
DeleteThe real reasoned cancelled because leftist ideas can't stand up to scrutiny
The woke commentators were consistently shown to be lacking in common sense and knowkedge.
Just pass by those channels now.
ReplyDeleteQ: What do you call a highly-paid, White male, Leawood Kansas resident genuflecting at the altar of the SJW, who claims to represent the viewers of KCMO?
A: The former head of KCPT!!!
For years the Ruckus program was biased 3:1 in favor of the Democrats. On nearly every episode, of the 4 invited panelists, 3 were Democrats, who got to dominate the discussion. The format only became balanced 2:2 in 2018 (?) after gentle persuasion was applied by reviewing the lopsided panel guests for the previous few years. You can't argue with factual data.
So now, the KCPT/PBS liberal management can't handle a Ruckus program that gives equal time to both sides? I guess not. Apparently, Kliff Kuehl is ready, willing, and able to axe Ruckus before the activists notice that he's a White man who resides in Leawood, while taking a lucrative pay package from "Kansas City" Public Television. Shameful ineptitude, Mr. Kuehl.
It is indeed a sad day in the KCPT service area. You will soon find out who your friends are because the liberals don't contribute as well as conservatives do. Then Mr Kuehl will need to be let go too. I think Nick Haines is a man of integrity and maybe he will quit and do free lance programs in the KC area. I think if you let the liberal demographic control your decisions then you get what you deserve.
ReplyDeleteGlad KCPT is a non=profit organization because they are surely going for "Less Profit" in the future with this decision.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a continuation of the cancel culture we now find ourselves in due to many not being able to tolerate the mere existence of differing opinions. Different cultures, races, genders including fluid genders, etc. are all ok with SJW until it’s something different they don’t like. Then NO ONE gets access and it’s canceled. So I’ll be canceling my KCPT membership since I don’t want to support an organization run by a man who is totally lacking a spine and a pair.
ReplyDelete^^^ TRUE.
ReplyDeletealso, the defund KCPT comments are hilarious.
I'm somewhat liberal and have been a Ruckus viewer for many years. I like to hear many viewpoints. Patrick Tuohey, for example, is conservative but always interesting. I will miss the show.
ReplyDeleteI’m done with the “pandering bullshit station” PBS for you libtards that have to have everything explained to you. Yes, you are that stupid.
ReplyDeleteWell now, just where will all the whining negroes go to run their babble?? This program seemed to be a showcase for this bullshit!
ReplyDeleteLeft-wingers don't like diverse opinions. They want everyone to march lockstep to one opinion.
ReplyDeleteDefund Marxist KCPT.
ReplyDeleteNo more taxpayer funds should be directed to a politically motivated public television station.
One has to ask; why are taxpayers even funding public television and public radio these days when there are over 500 other channels to choose from that fund themselves.
"Our goal at KCPT is to make it another 6 months on the fumes we have as funding until we beg/bother you for more so our no talent staff can put off finding a real job for a bit longer. Thanks for your support!
ReplyDeleteThat is fantastic. That is some great news right there. Obviously Right Wing, Republican host Mike Shanin and all his old, Right Wing, also Republican buddies like Woody "I'm a Fossil" Cozad were WAY out of line. KCPT viewers and supporters deserve far better.
Yessir and ma'am, great, great news! Thank you, KCPT! You did the right thing here!
This news breaks my heart, but I knew quite some time ago that the "powers that be" at KCPT wanted Ruckus out. It was a very poplar show, to their dismay. I think they sabotaged it out of existence by constantly preempting it at the slightest whim. Mike Shanin deserved better treatment, and I wish him well in his next endeavor.
ReplyDeleteThin skinned people don't like the truth. I watched almost every week, and I saw both sides of many issues. It sounds to me KCPT management doesn't care to hear the good and bad of the way Greater Kansas City's politicians are running things.