Kansas City's top morning news dude works to improve his craft by reaching out to his many fans. Replies to this public post have been "interesting" given that most of the plebs might not know about the upcoming crackdown on social media comments is now on the way . . . So their criticism might not matter much . . . Still, the conversation is fascinating:
Mark Alford: I recently posted: “What is the cure for all the pain in the USA?” Many of you said the media was in some way at fault. So I’m asking now: What can we “The Media” do to improve? What are we doing wrong? What are we doing right?
You decide . . .
More anchor women, fewer anchor dudes.
ReplyDeleteTo much repeat of news items over and over .
ReplyDeleteAre you telling me we have to listening to Trump over and over and there is nothing in Kansas City or news items from some where else ? Hearing the same same over and over fro 3 or 4 days is not what I call going out and getting the news .
Oh fire about 90% of you all.
ReplyDelete^^^^ Said an unemployed bum.
DeleteLess sensationalism - present both sides of the story and a neutral position. Cover less news but dedicate more time to important news. Some news is worth of debate.. be moderators not reporters. Check facts not check sources. Pick sources that have something to say that is meaningful, constructive, not hateful and divisive. Present solutions not just problems.
ReplyDeleteStop hiring commies. It looks like the only stories getting air time are about racism and Trump sucks. When you don't have those then it's school shootings. If it's not school shootings, then the world is coming to an end because of global warming. Every now and then there's a little variety about how corrupt business is, or income inequality. None of this reflects or explains real life. It's all paranoid BS.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, we need more men in the TV news business. We need less emotion, more facts and objectivity. We need fewer Karens in broadcast media. We need fewer news readers pretending to be experts in fields in which they have no background. Having satellite radio in her car does not make Abby Eden an expert on matters of science and technology. She shouldn’t pretend to be something she is not.
ReplyDeleteBecome a black lesbian muslim woman and a militant liberal one at That's all BLM will accept
ReplyDeleteWhat can you do Mark?
ReplyDeleteStop lying. Stop giving us your opinion, or the opinion of the piece of shit that feeds you the lies and signs your check.
Look up the definition of JOURNALISM and read it over and over for five minutes to your audience LIVE, ON CAMERA' every day before your ''news broadcast.''
For starters, anyway. Then do all the things listed before my comment. That ought to make it fair for once.
All gay weathermen! Oh, wait.....
ReplyDeleteLess news. More big TITAYS!!
ReplyDelete"Stop hiring commies" & "It's all paranoid BS."
ReplyDeleteHow ironic.
Make Fox Entertainment stop calling themselves Fox News.
That's the way it is in Canada & Germany banned them altogether.
Yes, free speech is over-rated.
DeleteShut your mouth Byron. You’re just a stupid welfare sucker.
DeleteDon't listen to 2:37 for starters...some of us just want straight reporting. Everyone else can go to MSNBC or Fox for debates/opinion pieces. How about starting with reporting the truth, not agenda-driven misinformation that ignores anything contradicting the popular narrative? Example: The KC Star reports for almost two weeks that there was NO VIOLENCE during the protest/riots, ignoring not only injuries to officers, but also attacks on non-police targets such as a hospital emergency room and fire department vehicles. Now that they see a chance to blame right wing extremists, they run an article that actually highlights the violence.
ReplyDelete...and yes Byron, let's start "banning" certain outlets we disagree with. No one should be able to watch something you don't like.
ReplyDeleteFox News Channel - Fair and Balanced. Sorry you socialist libtard LBGQTXYZ loving BLM rooster gobbling losers. Melt down begins in 3, 2, 1.
ReplyDeleteMark, people with the fully functioning brains appreciate that you call it like you see it. It is refreshing.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you have not sexually harassed luscious Lauren Halifax makes you higher in willpower than me.
ReplyDeletebLIEron should be happy all conservative news has been banned by google, nomwonder the dumbass can’t get the truth of what’s really happening in the world. Stupid fuck.
ReplyDeleteBy the way bLIEron, Fox News is the number one most reliable news source in the nation and has the most viewers. The only reason why Anderson’s pooper is still on cnn is they’re afraid to fire him because..... he’s a flaming faggot that’s why.
3:55 I’ve heard him in the past go after people big time, he has the skill and knowledge to do so but the station is holding him back because they’re afraid he might offend some bitch ass snowflake.
ReplyDeleteAnd Kim burns is just plain stupid.
For starters, local news can stop wasting time on the fluff pieces and actually start showing news about, I don’t know, riots? Maybe you can start there
ReplyDeleteAnd also, stop with the cooking segments. If ever there was a waste of time.......
You could also start doing a daily segment on the city budget and showing who is getting the money
More virtue-signalling ! Lots and lots more kissing of Black asses on live TV ! Much more public pandering to Gays ! More heart-warming stories of immigrants replacing American workers ! Did I mention more virtue-signalling ?
ReplyDeleteTopless, hot female news anchors and weather girls with big tits would enhance local news tremendously.
ReplyDeleteFood for thought !
Less theatrics and drama. Just report the facts and let the viewers make up their mind.
ReplyDeleteEncourage unity as a community.
If I saw a creepy dude like Mark Alford walking down the sidewalk; I would bring my children inside and lock the doors.
ReplyDeleteHow about a bigger menu at Cheesecake Factory?
ReplyDeleteAlford quitting would improve KC media immeasurably.
ReplyDeleteHe is unbearable and unwatchable.
Answer: Cease to exist.
ReplyDeleteMark Alford is about the only person left on local news who is watchable. He actually knows enough and is professional enough to tell the real story when he knows it and the copy he reads is incomplete or incorrect. That sets him apart from everyone else who just brainlessly read from the teleprompter.
ReplyDelete6:42 is so right. Alford is a narcissistic buffoon who thinks he’s much more clever and funny than he really is (we call him Eddie Haskell). Mark, to truly improve the news, first decide whether you want to be an anchorman or a comedian. Take cues from competitors like Brad Stephens who is human and approachable, but also polished and professional.
ReplyDeleteMark thinks he's funny and hip. He's not
ReplyDeletestop reading the stories given to you by the parent company.
ReplyDeletestop trying to 'make' news about Trump or the right. Not everything the president is newsworthy. Report facts. stop portraying one side of a story.
viewers can tell when it's a slow news day when Fox 4 doesn't have any death or destruction to report on locally, so they report about deaths in some other part of the country.
the reason more and more people are tuning out the local news, is the same reason many have been tuning out the national media for years......we're tired of being bombarded with nothing but bad news / doom and gloom 24/7.
and for the love of god...STOP the "Tell Me Something Good" segment. IT's so cringeworthy and forced.
people should watch the local news how I do...get up, tune to Fox 4; pause the DVR. Shower, get ready for the day etc. Then before leaving, fast forward to the weather, watch it, then shut off the tv and head to work. The weather is LITERALLY the only reason to watch local news. the rest of the broadcast is garbage and opinion / editorializing / reading the stories per corporate - all masquerading as "News"