Kansas Masks Encouraged But Ignored

JoCo and The Dotte are among the hotspots for the coronavirus but message to wear masks is lost on most locals if glimpse around grocery stores is any indication.

Still, here's the guidance from health officials . . .

Kansans encouraged to wear masks in public

With phase one of reopening set to start Monday, the state will strongly encourage Kansans to wear a mask in public. Dr. Sam Antonios is the Chief Medical Officer for Ascension Via Christi Hospitals. He says with Kansas starting to reopen, it's critical to continue wearing a mask in public to lower the chances of spreading COVID-19 to others.


  1. Dr. Judy Mikovits says wearing a mask won't protect you, but it may infect you. Do a net search to find the history of her studies.

  2. Byron Funkhouser5/4/20, 5:49 AM

    The point of the mask is to protect other people from you.

  3. if everybody wears a mask, it would make a difference and allow a return to more normal life.

    masks will be obligatory in some european countries as they reopen.

  4. Yeah what's the big deal. Now we're are allowed to wear masks in grocery stores and gas stations and hardware stores etc. Anonymity rules why are people so stupid

  5. Judging by Home Depot, it's about a 50% rate on masks. Should be better. Not sure what the big deal is? It's about having some concern for your fellow citizens.

  6. it's looking like usa might fail the reopening by not wearing masks and gradually coming to ignore distancing and hygiene rules.

    if the reopening fails, it portends long-term problems unless and until a vaccine is available.

    also, a failed reopening will likely lead to an economic death spiral and true depression.

  7. bLIEron, masks can’t protect you from getting the Chinese red death virus, so what in that pea sized brain of yours makes you think that if you wear one it will prevent you from giving it to someone else? Damn you’re stupid.

    That’s the big lie of wearing a mask, if you can get the virus wearing a mask then you can give it to someone else. Masks stop a small percentage of the germs you breathe out, germs are escaping with every breathe you take.

    The only thing that can help prevent getting and spreading the Wuhan flu is a 95+ respirator, masks are useless.

  8. Better Late Than Never?

    "..the state will strongly encourage Kansans to wear a mask in public."

    Let's see, a national emergency was declared on March 13, and KS Governor Kelly has not been wearing a mask, nor has KDHE Secretary Dr. Lee Norman.

    When the 2 people leading efforts in KS, supposedly informed on the situation, choose not to wear masks, or to distribute them to KS residents in March, it tells you what the real truth is.

  9. 929 is right on the need for leadership to set an example. even pence realized that, too late.

  10. ^^^ unless you’re wearing a respirator there’s no reason to wear a mask, they don’t work

  11. .....NOW I'm wearin' a mask!!!

  12. I thought Governor Granny been wear'in a Halloween mask all this time. She be scary look'in if that ain't no mask!

  13. We are told to wear facemasks in public, but all that does is lower our exposure to not only COVID, but all other forms of viruses, germs and bacteria. This lack of exposure weakens our immune system because we don't build antibodies.

    Wearing a facemask in unnatural, if we were intended to have filters, then we would have evolved to have them in front of our mouths, but that's not the case.

    Masks are appropriate for high risk environments, like visiting a hospital with infected individuals but not appropriate for everyday use.

    1. Using your logic, we would have also evolved to have condoms naturally grow on our peckers.

  14. @4:14, no because we would go extinct. Species don't evolve to further their extinction.


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