A glimpse at were we stand as KCMO and the Heartland emerge from the lockdown . . .
KCMO Health Department: As of May, 6 KCMO has recorded 669 positive COVID-19 cases and 16 deaths.
KMBC: The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services reported 186 new confirmed coronavirus cases Wednesday, bringing the statewide total to 9,102. In addition, 19 new deaths were reported. A total of 396 people have died from the disease.
WIBW: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment says there are now 5,374 cases of COVID-19 in the state, with 144 deaths.
Accordingly, here are a few more national and local links on the topic of COVID-19 impact . . .
Kansas City Dreams Of Coronavirus Fed Cash Tonight
Federal money to help Kansas City fight COVID-19 may be on the way
Federal help for Kansas City to fight the virus may be on the way after all. There had been a dispute between the city and Jackson County over its share $122 million to cover the costs.
Local Food Tragedy Underway
Triumph Foods employee dies after testing positive for COVID-19
BUCHANAN COUNTY, MO (KCTV) - A Triumph Foods employee has died of the coronavirus. The male Buchanan County resident tested positive for the coronavirus on April 22. Officials say he was in his 40s and had underlying conditions. Triumph Foods sent KCTV5 News a statement confirming the death.
Curvy Late Night Look
Tracker shows curve of coronavirus cases, deaths in Missouri, Kansas
We're tracking the curve of coronavirus cases and coronavirus-related deaths that have occurred in Missouri and Kansas.The data shows the total number of COVID-19 cases along with the number of COVID-19 cases per day.
Prez Trump Shares Historical Perspective On Pandemic
Trump says virus worse 'attack' than Pearl Harbor
US President Donald Trump has described the coronavirus pandemic as the "worst attack" ever on the United States, pointing the finger at China. Mr Trump said the outbreak had hit the US harder than the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in World War Two, or the 9/11 attacks two decades ago.
NYT Ready To Surrender
Opinion | The Virus Is Winning
Magical thinking won't protect us. Then he realized that he had misheard. The task force wasn't "ramping up" but "wrapping up." "I was in shock," said Osterholm, a professor at the University of Minnesota. "We're just in the second inning."
Everybody Enjoys Divisive Blame Game Politics
How 'Karen' Became a Coronavirus Villain
A popular joke about entitled white women is now a big pandemic meme. In the ongoing, tense conversation over how long America has to remain locked down during the coronavirus pandemic, one of the more absurd moments came two weeks ago: Carolyn Goodman, the mayor of Las Vegas, called for the immediate reopening of her city's casinos, offering her constituents up as a "control group" to test whether stay-at-home measures are actually effective.
Developing . . .
The Day was certainly NOT disappointing to people who have been wanting and NEEDING to get back to work.
Until you get the virus.
DeleteAlso very worried about all of those people still waiting on those $600 checks from Kansas. Good luck. They've been saying they're coming for 5 weeks now.
ReplyDeleteTrump is saying there will be a vaccine by the end of the year. But by then the election will be over, so which ever way it goes Trump does not have to worry about being held responsible when there is no vaccine by then.
ReplyDelete^^^ you sound happy about that, why do the deaths of tens of thousands of people please you? You’re just plain sick, freaking nut job.
ReplyDeleteTrump talking about Pearl Harbor is a joke. He never served in the military. None of his children have. He comes from a family of cowards in that regard.
ReplyDelete5:47 so you admit Trump is LYING? And 5:23 doesn't sound happy. But it apparently makes YOU happy to cover for Trump's lies. You piece of shit.
ReplyDelete^^^^ why are you covering for Trump? Just think of all those people who will support him because they believe there will be a vaccine by the end of the year. But it is no vet even possible to get a reliable vaccine that quick. At best the will get something with side effects that you would not want to experience.
ReplyDelete6:01, 6:02 and 6:04 are all the same person and she is Triggered! LOL! You can tell by her hysterical screaming in all caps. I love it! Let me get some coffee while you keep it coming.
ReplyDelete6:07 why are you so stupid? Last I heard him say was he hopes there’s a vaccine by the end of the year, yes I saw and heard that with my own eyes and ears, i also saw on tv and in the news reports that your favorite news sources cnn and npr are predicting a vaccine by the fall, now you won’t believe Trump but you’ll believe anything those idiots say amiright?
ReplyDeleteQuit being a lying whiny little bitch.
6:14 the truth upsets you doesn’t it little girl, apparently you’re the one that is triggered. Thanks for playing though.
ReplyDeleteTrump is lying. People will be dying. That's the truth cunt.
Delete^^^ lighten up Karen
ReplyDeleteKaren; Their defining essence is “entitlement, selfishness, a desire to complain,”
6:20. No, he said we will have a vaccine by the end of the year. Face it. Deal with it.
ReplyDelete^^^ But Karen, cnn said this fall! You have to believe them, amiright?
ReplyDeleteThe next thing Karen will complain about is the vaccine won’t be good enough because like the flu, it evolves every year and it’s an “educated guess” on what strain or variation will hit next time. The Karen’s of the world just can’t be pleased with anything.
ReplyDeleteTrump said by the end of the year...Google the video. Of course, that will be After the election so he cant be held accountable either way, honey. So calm down, dear.
ReplyDelete^^^ Oh Karen, you’ll nevar get far in life with that attitude, being scared and lonely is definitely harming your mental health
ReplyDeleteWho the hell is Karen?
ReplyDeleteThe trump hater
ReplyDeleteKaren- Their defining essence is “entitlement, selfishness, a desire to complain,”
ReplyDeleteOld people: Sooooo lame.
ReplyDeleteHey now, if you read the article you would know who Karen is!
ReplyDeleteTrump has nothing to do with the virus. He is reacting the best way he is being told to by experts. If you belive this virus isn't political than he is getting the same advise as any president would. It's up to all of us not to spread it.
ReplyDelete^^Shut up Boomer. You're the problem. Go drink bleach like your God said.
ReplyDeleteJust because some prick opens up his business doesnt mean you have to walk into it like a schlepp.
ReplyDeleteTrump is lying. People are dying. He doesnt give a rat's ass as long as he wins.
ReplyDeleteTrump will live to a ripe old age and pass away from natural causes. But take comfort in this...he will go to HELL.
ReplyDelete^^^ Karen is very angry today because she’s been getting her ass handed to her on this thread, posting lame ass lies doesn’t help your cause. poor baby
ReplyDeleteOh Chimpy. You're a veteran of do many clown suits on this blog you could teach a clinic on it.
DeleteCitizens need the basics of food, shelter, and utilities for their families. They need their small businees to open or resume their job to survive.
ReplyDeleteThe chances of a 18 to 60 year old contracting corona virus and dying is .0001%. The chance of losing shelter, food etc. For their families is 100% if they cannot work and earn a living.
Democrat extemists do not want businesses to reopen as they want the economy to be tanked to hurt Trumps chances of re-election.
Wear masks, wear gloves, wash hands repeatedly and use sanitizer if you can find it. Clean surfaces repeatedly.
But I dont need your small business to reopen for me to survive.
DeleteWouldn't want you as a customer anyway. Stay in your basement with mommy.
DeleteNice, the virus is now like the Pearl Harbor attack. Only difference is no one knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked before hand. Sure it was a different day and age, the world has a much bigger place, strategic intelligence not near as abundant. The COVID 19 threat - he had all kinds of warnings, several intelligence briefings, etc. A thinking man would've realized that the world is much smaller today and the spread from China was going every direction. That ain't Trump though. He just decided to put in some half ass ban of travel from China and resume playing golf, doing cult rallies, and downplaying the threat.
ReplyDeleteStupid political post with no accuracy.
DeleteUnited States needs to ensure manufacturing of masks, sanitizer, latex gloves and clorox wipes is performed in the U.S. and stockpiled for future pandemics.
ReplyDeleteThey need to flood the distribution chain with these products. Hand sanitizer, masks, latex gloves, and clorox wipes still cannot be found by the average citizen.
Just because you open up your shitty business does not mean I have to walk into your shitty business.
ReplyDeleteWe would serve YOU a shit sandwich and fries on the house.
DeleteHaving the State Governors decide when to reopen is actually smart. Kansas, Missouri and many western states have much lower incidences of corona virus than New York / New Jersey.
ReplyDeleteThus, if elected State Governors feel their states have hospital capacity for future corona virus cases etc and the curve has flattened then let them reopen.
New York is a disaster due to the Democrats in charge like Cuomo auctioning off stockpiled ventilators and unpreparedness, horrendous nursing home practices etc.
The left wing media is focused on New York and assumes the midwest and western states are as incompetently run as New York. The media and Democrats want states to stay closed to further tank the economy to hurt President Trumps reelection chances. Americans see through Pelosis, Schumer and Schiffs motives and propaganda.
Travel bans, partnering private and public resources, daily press briefings, pro-active stimulus packages, extending unemployment benefits, lowering interest rates, incentivizing American companies to manufacturw masks, hospital gowns, ventilators etc. is outstanding leadership.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Biden and Pelosi hid in their basements and skyped negative attacks on the President.
^^^Swiss cheese travel bans, partnering my ass - is it partnering when a state orders their own PPE and the Fed comes in and takes it? You know MD ordered their own and promptly hid it from the Fed and had it guarded by the State Guard so the Fed wouldn't try to come and take it? You have some states who have more than they need and refuse to share supplies. Yep, that's leadership. Those daily press briefings - you fucking joking man? Those were Trump's rally substitutes full of lies and bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the testing? You know, the testing Trump continuously lies about the abundance of? Mass testing seems to work in other countries but you think Trump pays any attention to that shit?
All this shit you like to pat your dear leader on the back for, should've been done months ago instead of fucking golfing and cult rallies.
I don't look to Pelosi for leadership, I look to the oval office and unfortunately we have life long fuck up in there who's only in the position he's in because his old man was rich and bailed his shitty ass out.
This whole situation is on Trump, period. It'd be one thing if he prepared and mitigated as best he could. But he didn't. He instituted a shitty travel ban and then washed his hands of the issue.
Trump did everything possible to minimize deaths with the Democrats fighting him every step of the way.
DeleteDemocrats are treasonous globalists selling out America every chance they get.
The left is an assortment of gays, transgender, slackers, atheists, drug heads and baby killers.
A bunch of losers in life with nothing going for them but hate against the United States and tbeir fellow Americans for being losers amd slackers in life.
The statistics show that men and women are dying of corona virus in greater numbers than all the other genders combined.
ReplyDelete“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
ReplyDeleteHey 10:28..I'm atheist...and even I know you've got your head
ReplyDeleteso far up your ass that you have to wipe your ears after ya'
shit....and as for 'baby killers'......tell us how many babies'your god has killed just today,with miscarriages,still births, and birth defects......the list goes on and on.......
...so just thank god and Hrump for this mess we're in.
..."Every little breeze seems to whisper disease"........
..........did you just cough?
And there ladies and gentlemen is a representative of the Democrat Party.
DeleteI rest my case.
^^and that's a bad thing? you've got your lips so planted on Trumps big dumb fat ass you can't say a negative word about the guy.