Jackson County Sheriff Forté Shares 'Understanding' Of Protesters Amid Tough Upcoming Primary Election

The former KCPD Chief has been a longtime advocate of protest local protest movements . . . Here's his take on recent unrest:

Jackson County Sheriff says he understands 'the rationale' for protesters

Jackson County Sheriff Darryl Forte said he understands "the rationale" for protesters speaking out against the death of Minneapolis' George Floyd. "I'm an African American male, born and raised in Kansas City, and I've been racially profiled myself," Forte said, "and so I understand the frustration level.


  1. I think what he really means to say is...he understands the rioting because he is a racist! He is also a liar he has not been racially profiled. He's part of the problem. This man has been arrested and President Trump ordered a immediate investigation into the incident. Get over yourself Forte your are just as bad as the cop that killed that guy!

    1. And you obviously think cops should play judge jury and executioner.

  2. What an ass. He has also refused to assist local law enforcement in serving and protecting life and property this weekend. I don't live in the craphole known as Jackson County but if I did I sure as hell wouldn't vote for Forte. He cares about one thing...himself. Always has, always will.

  3. Protest over one death in a city 400 miles away but nit even a shoulder shrug over 50 plus black on black murders. Pure Bull S__t hypocrisy at its finest.

  4. Hey who is this unshaven bum?

  5. He’s actually a millionaire thanks to kcpd and now Jackson county, he’s been so wronged amiright!

  6. Do you really asshole Sherriff? Where were you when the police were taking peoples house for no reason other than they could? And who bore the brunt of that? Black people. Forte doesn’t give a shit about black lives. He can go fuck himself.

  7. The police don’t take peoples houses dirtbag, but you’re right one thing, or over a million of them actually, he dont care about the blacks and that’s a fact.

  8. Forte cares about Forte. That is all there is to it.

  9. He's as phoney as John " Modest Miles, A Clinton transplant whose phoney church Is a front for his KC land grab development who hides behind the 501 c. Status. BTW.. Old Forte Frank White and Caleb Clifford belong to that church. You do remember last election when the ex FBI man ran for office and was eaten alive by the above same church members at a forum. His wife sent an editorial to a Less Summit paper. Forte made a grave mistake when he attacked the paper and turns out John Besoin worked for the other newspaper. Talk about not knowing your facts and he wants to stay sheriff to a bunch of what he referred to as rednecks? What a jack ass If he was white he is still a sleazy person.

  10. Wow, what a sleazeball. He had my vote, but now I think I'll just vote for the sexual predator.

  11. He isn’t a sexual predator, it was a consensual three way, I ain’t mad at him!

  12. I thought Forte was going to law school? Pants up. Don’t loot.

  13. Vote for Sharp.

  14. Interesting comments Karen.
    Sharp- his history is quite colorful- that name alone is quite colorful.
    Today marks the last day of Masterbation month.

    Anyone for a threeway?

    Seems he has no pride.


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