Back in February there was speculation about this senate run from a famous Kansas biz dude who might be the only viable MAGA challenger to Kris Kobach.

FIRST on TKC here's the news fact:


Plumber, Businessman, Conservative announces conservative candidacy to “drain the swamp”

Bucyrus, Kan. – Bob Hamilton, successful business entrepreneur and founder of Bob Hamilton Plumbing, announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for United States Senate today.

“I’m a plumber, not a politician. I have a lot of experience fixing things, and nothing is more broken than Washington,” said Hamilton. “In the US Senate I will work for create economic opportunity for Kansas families and businesses every day, I will stand up to the Washington Insiders, fight for conservative values, and work with President Trump to rebuild our nation.

“If you want to drain the swamp, hire a plumber,” said Hamilton.

Bob is a committed pro-life advocate, a defender of the 2nd Amendment and an avid hunter, and a proponent of border security, the Trump Wall and limited government policies. He is a gritty outsider who has actually rolled up his sleeves to create good-paying jobs for families.

Bob and his wife, Teresa, started Bob Hamilton Plumbing in 1983, with Teresa scheduling appointments and Bob relying on a single plumbing truck and word-of-mouth referrals to grow the business. it is now a thriving business in the Kansas City area providing an income, health insurance and other benefits for 160 employees.

With ample private sector experience, Bob is committed to helping Kansans get back on their feet following the massive disruption caused by COVID-19.

“A lot of Kansans are reeling from the job loss and health scare caused by COVID-19,” said Hamilton. “My pledge to Kansas, as your next Senator, is to work every day to get our state back on its feet.”

“I know what it is like to maintain a payroll during an economic downturn, to cut through bureaucratic red tape to provide health insurance, to navigate state and federal regulations. Our focus must be in providing capital to small business so they can keep people on payroll, providing unemployment benefits, and preserving access to affordable health care for every Kansan through competition and choice. To rebuild the Kansas economy, we need leadership in the Senate that has actually built something,” said Hamilton.

Bob and Teresa have been community-minded, assisting low-income families through the launch of a non-profit in 2011 called Giving the Basics. Their charity provides personal care products to Kansans in need, such as laundry soap, shampoo, toilet paper and other basic hygiene products. Giving the Basics partners with local businesses to provide millions of hygiene necessities to people in need.

Bob and Teresa are the proud parents of 12 children, grandparents of 11, and the Hamilton Family calls Miami County home. They worship at the Holy Rosary Wea Catholic Church, where they are members.

“I want the people of Kansas to know I am a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Primary, even if all traditional campaign activities are on hold. When the time is right, I look forward to traveling to every corner of the Sunflower State to discuss my conservative vision for our future.”


Developing . . .


  1. The money he has put into commercials are basically advertising for this job for the last 20 years. Has more leverage in JoCo than Kobach. GOP can't lose the biggest Kansas population center and expect to hold onto the state.

    1. Don't let him scare you Kris, you can do it! Now is the time. Run, Kris, Run!

  2. They only ones draining the swamp are federal prosecutors.

  3. He's been digging in shit for 20 years.
    Sounds like the right man for D.C.

  4. Don’t dislike Bob but didn’t like the way he sent commissioned plumbers to my house to “diagnose” my issue and tried to sell me $1,400 of plumbing work. (This was 17 years ago do that was serious cash.) What I didn’t like was a couple of $4.00 flappers fixed my problem. Ethical plumbing service sales? Not that day. But might be why Bob has made a fortune.

  5. Great, all we need is another rich Republican wanting to tell poor people how to live.

  6. ^^^You mean like get a job and keep it, get married and stay that way, don't have children until you can afford to take care of them and save money for a rainy day? If more poor people followed that advice there would not be as many poor people.

  7. ^^^^Says every Republican caught having sex with boys, divorcing and marrying a few times, cheating on their wife, using drugs and every other transgression imaginable.

    1. Oh hey now Biden has a big time sexual assault allegation against him, thanks for the reminder. Lol #metoo

    2. ^^ +100

  8. Byron Funkhouser3/30/20, 12:37 PM

    Donald Trump is all about family values.

    1. LOL!! A Funkhouser calling anyone out on their family values is hilarious. Shut up BlieRon, you’re a damn fool.

    2. Hahaha 😂 good one
      Paying off porn stars
      Really funny

  9. Bob Hamilton promises to WRENCH apart the PIPELINE of foreign influence in Washington, and CAP THE FLOW of Government WASTE!

    He's going to have to put up with a lot of crap during the Primary campaign, but he's probably experienced enough to handle that!

  10. @12:05, or get a fortune handed to you as soon as you finish High School, get married, cheat on your wife, divorce, marry again, cheat again, divorce again, marry a third time, cheat a third time, pay off your mistresses, and go Bankrupt six times along the way?

    That seems to be the Republican path to Fame, Fortune and High Office.

    1. So obsessed with Trump. So crazy.


  11. A Republican.

    "Drain the swamp."


    That'll happen

  12. 12:49 #okayx'er nothing says inferiority complex like blaming your failures on other people's success. How many hours a week did you study in high school? Did you invest in a college education or working hard/smart in a position to set you up for advancement? Did you save your money and invest it? Instead, you probably chose the easy path, didn't work very hard, and probably made some poor financial decisions. Not Bob's fault.

  13. Great. Another closet GOP “homersexual” pretending to love America. Didn’t the failed Trump regime treachery teach you dolts anything? Still winning there, Cletus?’

    1. What? Get back on your meds.

  14. 12:17, whenever a Republican is caught straying, it is a man bites dog story and therefore newsworthy. When a Democrat does the same, it's dog bites man and ignored because it is as expected.

  15. 12:49: Is there any proof the very stable genius graduated from high school?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  16. Local grifter looking to go national. No thanks.

  17. 1:54 - yep Biden is closing the gap. It's like 40 - 1 in favor of Trump.

    1. Yeah no. Nice try though. But hey, let's investigate, as we did with Kavanaugh right? Believe all women!!!!

  18. Bob Hamilton is one shady person. He sold his business but they have to keep his ugly mutt on the back of all the service trucks. Hamilton had this all planned a long time ago. His wife will also scam you out of your money fast as Funkhouser will. Hamilton and Cleaver no doubt two peas in a pod.

  19. Trump has been in charge for over 3 years. The swamp is drained. The wall is built. It's KAG now.

    But he's running on broken Washington and rebuilding America? Why is Bob calling Trump a liar?

  20. ^^^^^^^^ The wall is built? Hahahahahah. All 100 miles of fully climbable wall ... AND NONE OF IT PAID FOR BY MEXICO. Fucking goober.

  21. Was his 1st shop located at State Line & 79th street (Prairie Village)? If so, I have a funny story about one of his first plumbers (its clean). But I am not sure its the same company.....

  22. I got a quote from his firm once. It was so "over the top" compared to the other bidders that I never got a quote from them again.

  23. We cannot afford to lose this Senate seat to socializing socialist who just was pledged to the Democrat sorority, Barbara Bollier. (who would unionize America while fluffing the ballet season for the Kennedy Center and subsidizing post-birth abortion.)

    So this is all about winning the Aug. primary...go to and sign up today to vote by mail. This is important but not worth dying for.

    Who would best represent Johnson County? Kris Kobach is a Rhodes Scholar narcissist. But until today, he actually was the best candidate. Roger Marshall from far western Ks. is an unlikeable crabapple who cut corners building his medical office...violated codes! Dave Lindstrom is Mr. Cellophane--a go along, getalong nothingburger who caused Joco govt. to blow $34 million on King Louie to bail out his friends.

    So--hold your noses, and vote for Bob Hamilton. He's good on the issues. He's good with people. He doesn't have any Brownback baggage or own any tanks.

    Ordinarily, Bob Hamilton would be too late to the game. But this year is different.

    The swamp is what gave us this week's $2 trillion bailout that was so full of Democratic pork all it was missing was a bottle of Gates sauce with every $1200 check.

    We need a Republican Senator in Ks.--and we need to reclaim the Ks. Third District for the House--with Adrienne Vallejo Foster.

    The only two people who KNOW small business.

  24. Mitch wrote the $2.2 trillion bailout bill. Our 2 current GOP senators voted for it (although Pat Roberts has lived in Fairfax for a decade and is considered to be Virginia's 3rd senator). Every Republican senator voted for it. Trump signed it.

    There is no draining the swamp with Trump's GOP cronies. They have proven to be the most corrupt of all. They can't be trusted with taxpayer dollars.

  25. Boycott Bob Hamilton plumbing

  26. ^^ Do that and you'll be in deep shit.

  27. It's cute that Tracy thinks she can convince her Joco neighbors to vote for her candidate after calling them a bunch of Nazis a couple days ago.

  28. 11:51 AM, what Tracy actually said was that in JOCO there were people who "were acting like Germans turning in hidden Jews to the Gestapo, in a righteous mean way", as they hunt for perceived violations of the stay-at-home order by their neighbors and then whine-post the supposed sins, under the veneer of concern, on a neighborhood social media website.

    Vote for Hamilton and Foster!


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