Actually, a smart move from the courthouse and good leadership move as the numbers rise across the nation . . .

Jackson County Executive announces formation of COVID-19 Working Group

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. is announcing today that he has formed a COVID-19 (also known as novel coronavirus) Working Group within the County. This working group will be tasked with planning for the continuity of county government operations.

Jackson County Health Department Director Bridgette Shaffer and Finance Department Director Bob Crutsinger will serve as co-chairs of the working group. In addition, representatives from each County department, as well as the Legislature, Circuit Court and Sheriff’s Office are participating in the preparedness, response and communication efforts.

“With cases of COVID-19 in Johnson County, Kansas and St. Louis County, we have a responsibility to keep our staff safe, healthy and informed,” said Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. “Our courthouses and facilities provide essential services to our community and it is our goal to keep operations functioning. However, we are aware of the potential health risks associated with this illness and are taking the necessary steps to be prepared.”

“Our goal is to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19,” said Jackson County Health Department Director Bridgette Shaffer. “The Health Department is anticipating and preparing for cases of COVID-19 in Jackson County. We encourage the public to take precautions and stay informed.”

Currently, there are no cases of COVID-19 in Jackson County. The Jackson County Health Department is working closely with its partners across the community and region to monitor this rapidly evolving situation.

The public can stay informed by signing up for digital updates or submitting questions to public health experts in the County by visiting

Developing . . .


  1. The elected officials who are taking this seriously should be congratulated. If you look at what's happening in Italy and how unprepared they were for it, getting ahead of the pandemic is a a necessity.

    1. The courthouse has always been closer than City Hall to react. probably because they are in charge of the Medical Examiner's Office.

    2. Very surprised that MARC hasn't taken steps to form a metro group. A lot of people in KC are afraid to talk seriously about the threat of the virus. Better to be a little too cautious than to get caught off guard and have to deal with the consequences. The U.S. doesn't have the ability to quarantine like China or close the borders like Singapore, so a LOT public of health warnings are the best we can do.

  2. Wow the dynamic Jackson County gubbermint. Will he appoint Beatty head nurse?

  3. They'll probably decide that the best resolution is to throw some more money at 18th and Vine.

  4. "A lot of people in KC are afraid to talk seriously about the threat of the virus."

    Or most anything else serious for that matter unless it's the chiefs, royals, kids, or weather.

  5. Frank White is the dipshit that raised our property taxes 25% Jackson County can't even fill a pothole and they are going to save us from corona virus? We are doomed.

  6. ^^^^ +100000000

  7. Government's role is to coordinate resources and provide up-to-date information about any disease that impacts its citizens. It's in a unique position that no other private public/non-profit organizations can fill. Let's hope they can do this without alarming the public into shutting down our entire country.

    Check out this link if you want to know what actual propaganda looks like ( Chinese government is anointing their president as the great leader that has freed the Chinese people from Coronovirus instead of the nation that unleashed it on the rest of the world.

  8. This is all for show. The Big 12 basketball is going on, no concerns.

  9. Frank won't even be around after the next election. Everyone I talk to hates him.

    1. Your senile grandparents and retarded wife don't count, 5:41.

  10. KCMO is like Italy, where people blew off the early warnings.

  11. US coronavirus infections jump nearly 50% in 24 hours

    Nothing to worry about lets go watch some basketball!

  12. Boulevard should be introducing a new beer flavor any day. Covid 19 Pale Ale.

    1. ^^^^ And you just won the thread. Nicely done @5:52!

  13. I give it about about two weeks before the shit seriously starts hitting the fan around here thanks to KCMO leaderships mediocre response to just about everything.

    Good luck

    1. ^^^ hope not. KC is already out of control.

  14. Nothing is more important than a beer party in Kansas City. What surprises me is all of the dipsticks still coming in for this event.

  15. funeral directors are going to get rich! I see new mega mansions in their future!

  16. What is most worrying is this is a new breed of contagion and no one seems to know what in the hell they are doing or talking about.


    1. ^^^ I'm not sure it's completely. It's a super flu and we've seen similar things recently over the course of history. Is this worse? Yes but THAT is what scares me, we have models for how to react and public precautions to take and Kansas City isn't following that plan. Only Frank White is doing something. We need KC to step up.

  17. And just like that, the coronavirus caused the property tax issue to just disappear!

  18. If White and the Jackson County legislators decide to confront the virus, it certainly won't be a fair fight.
    A virus is WAY smarter than all of them combined.
    They should stick to assessing property and taxing it.
    Or making believe they can run a jail.
    A clown show by every measure!

  19. Anyone with a heart or kidney transplant will die if they get it. They have no immunity due to ant-organ rejection drugs they take. So all the kids you have seen over the years smiling and finally getting their new kidneys will die if this get loose in Kansas City. Is Basketball worth it? We need to lock down like Italy.

  20. 7:12, the baby killing mama's abort thousands of kids every year in the mms retro area, so who cares about a few virus casualties?

  21. "Viruses are not smarter than city leaders" A Virus is a non-living protein. Yes its NOT alive. It can only mimick life by getting into your own body's cells. Your cells do the living - the virus protein just tags along. It will however spread thru your body's cells causing damage and making your body's immune system to react to it - just like a overdose of poison or alcohol. Poison and booze are not alive, but will spread in your body. If you cough certain poisons on others, they will also get sick.

    This is going to literally shut down all hospitals. No beds, no healthy doctors, no medicines, no insurance will cover the huge costs.

  22. Too bad the virus group will be headed by Frank White.
    Name one thing you can think of he has done well?
    Avoiding paying his mortgage on time doesn’t count.

    Never forget how the Super Bowl parade boo’d him.. he will always be known for that.

  23. State of emergency due to coronavirus:

    - Colorado
    - North Carolina
    - Illinois
    - Ohio
    - New York
    - Rhode Island
    - New Jersey
    - Oregon
    - Iowa
    - Utah
    - Kentucky
    - Pennsylvania
    - Maryland
    - Indiana
    - Florida
    - California
    - Washington

    - Killer Shitty?

  24. The big question is who can we sue after this blows over to rake in millions of dollars.

  25. It's clear KCMO is failing to protect its employees, local citizens, from exposure to the virus by permitting the Big 12 to go on and pretending everything is just wonderful.

  26. I get the mail with a latex glove now and throw most of it into the trash bin before I go into the garage.

  27. Are all the "its just the flu bro" peeps heading to Italy right now?

  28. Young people are much less effected by the virus. There could be lots of them already infected with it in the universities. They'll act as carriers around the country.

  29. Wash your hands, stay away from crowds, do not go to known areas that have vectors unless you absolutely have too. If you start getting symptoms stay your sick stay home.

    Pretty much covers what you need to do

  30. Maybe start by cleaning the disgusting courthouse. Place is nasty dirty.

  31. Rex Archer, M.D., M.P.H.
    Time to stop Stop sign shaking hands, high5 & fist bump. Even our dogs can learn Namesta. One correction, please don’t touch your face as you nod forward! #COVID19

  32. Nobody seems to mention the virus has mutated from "s" to the "a" strain. And the new strain is much deadlier. So in less than 3 months the virus has been created by mutations in a Chinese live critter market, now has mutated into a deadlier form. If KC doesnt cancel all public events then we will be in the history books forever as backwards and stupid. The president during the beginning of the 1918 flu refused to cancel a parade, against medical adviser's pleas. Its cost thousands of lives of those that attended the parade. Do you want your fav basketball team to have a dead coach and a few dying players? Its will gladly kill anyone.

  33. The County government that appraised 25 ft. wide empty lots at $75,000 is going to save us from the virus?

    Get your affairs in order.


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