This afternoon Mike Sharp filed for another chance to run the Jackson County Sheriff's Department just a few moments before the election deadline.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic the courthouse took extra precautions and candidates were allowed to call ahead so that workers could prepare the proper accommodations and keep social distancing rules.
And so . . .
More importantly and given their good working relationship . . .

To be fair, the circumstances of former Sheriff Sharp's resignation will undoubtedly come into play as well.
We'll continue to follow-up this story but the this news FIRST ON TKC THANKS TO AWESOME KC INSIDERS threatens to turn the courthouse on its head as we move toward a historic election season.
Developing . . .
A KC democratic primary that actually means something. Good news!
ReplyDeleteWas wondering if anyone was going to take on the current Sheriff. I guess it was harder to find a candidate for this job than what most of us imagined.
DeleteI'm no fan of Forte but Sharp is a long shot. The Star would lose their mind if he ran.
ReplyDeleteSo I might vote for him after all.
Once they uncover how Sharp covered up evidence and protected the female deputy who shot and killed the guy at Walmart, he will be outed for the corrupt individual he is and always has been. Don’t waste your vote.
ReplyDeleteThink about it. Why support the administration who sent taxes through the roof? Frank White and his team have been horrible for the county and getting them out one at a time probably helps all taxpayers in the long run.
ReplyDeleteNice try. Eastside vote will cancel this quickly. I wish there was a better candidate but this one just comes down to numbers.
ReplyDeleteovertime vs metoo? And you wonder why people do their best to ignore Municipal politics?
ReplyDeleteSharp doesn’t own a motorcycle so at least he would actually show up to work everyday, forte disappears for weeks on end just riding his scooter and getting paid....
ReplyDeleteForte is the real crook scamming KC out of 500K.
ReplyDeleteJust about the time you have to wonder if political "candidates" in Jackson County and KCMO could possibly get worse, this comes along. There are apparently only about 30 people in the whole county and city who are members of the little insider club and the same names show up over and over again.
ReplyDeletePrevious performance or even behavior is never a disqualifier.
It just goes to show that most of these jobs could be eliminated without any negative impact on the public.
It's all just a taxpayer-funded jobs program for the usual suspects and their friends.
And whoever "wins" will be responsible for the new jail project.
Good luck!
Eastside votes? The same voters that overturned those crooked Black preachers (Cleaver included) not THe Paseo name restoration. Yeah, it’s no longer Black on the Eastside and hasn’t been for some time. If you’re trying to make synonymous Eastside to mean Black- then you’re mistaken. I wouldn’t vote for Forte if my life depended on it. I an for anybody but Forte.
ReplyDeleteI live in the the Eastside and I'm not black. And we vote.
ReplyDelete^^^Wow. Good for you Boomer! Do you want a cookie?
ReplyDeleteAnybody but Forte, even Sharp.
ReplyDelete^^^^ 7:26 we all know you are so boomer too! No sense trying to keep pretending!
ReplyDeleteTwo losers. We are screwed already.
ReplyDelete@7:26-and yet to m my. Do you, as per usual, don’t know shit. Weird.
ReplyDeleteAnybody know about two corona virus cases at the Jackson Count Jail? Asking for a friend.
ReplyDeleteYes one guy is at TMC
DeleteSharp is far better than Forte. Forte is useless and rarely comes to work. Ask the deputies who they prefer. Its Sharp.
ReplyDeleteI am voting for Andy Griffith to get Otis and the rest of the drunks off the streets in Kansas City.
Plus, Aunt Bee has a bigger, swinging ass than Kim Kardashian.
Be careful, I heard Aunt bee was on the down low with the drunk-ass Curtis!
ReplyDeleteForte appears to be either very constipated or about to release the world's loudest fart in that picture.
Finally some senses @9:57. Good show!
ReplyDeleteAnd what Day is it today, People?
ReplyDelete^^^ It's dated March 30th. The Sharp Run is real. Go Check the KC Election board.
ReplyDeleteTo the joker who thinks I'm a boomer. Wrong, female, 43, and much hotter than anything you're messing with these days. I know this is the only way you get off from the studio basement apartment you live in but go back to your hole and leave this blog to some people who can actually process information. Little boy.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted you guys to Check the 2020 candidate filings on the Jackson County website. I think that's why Tony posted this late and left it up this morning. Sharp is listed in the Democratic Primary section.
ReplyDelete@11:21-Sure you are Boomer, sure you are. You talk too much and think people want to hear what you say...we don’t! Sorry, not sorry. OKBoomer? Bye bye now tick tock.
ReplyDeleteStill not a boomer, asshole. Why would I lie about that? Back to the basement for you.
ReplyDeleteSeems I've hit a nerve. Wonder why that is.
ReplyDelete^^^Why are you still posting??? Nobody’s listening to you!!! Go away Boomer.
ReplyDelete2:13 You should try meditation. Good luck with your anger problem
ReplyDeleteAs sheriff Sharp cost Jackson County taxpayers over $300,000 in legal bills just on the final fiasco after hiring his mistress, flaunting her in the office by taking her on trips at county expense, paying her the highest civilian salary for part time work, used her to slam his ex and generally made life hell for any decent person who worked for him. He declined to offer any substantive support at at jail running out of control. He had two phantom employees who "worked from home" but produced no work output. Highly hostile work environment with two significant EEOC claims paid prior to the last nightmare. Misrepresented himself as KCPD professional. And to all this he felt it was no bodies business as long as his wife did not complain, which she obviously did since she is his EX. Said to complaints about phantom employees, "No body is getting rich here." And because his political compadre, Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker let all this slide we are left with a petty thief, misogynistic, unprofessional jerk who, having slide out from being properly charged and sentenced, thinks it is hilarious to run again. If he is elected we will be back to federal intervention at the jail in a flash and that will be even more wasted tax dollars while he arranges for more people to be filing suits for hostile work environments. And you think this is good news for Jackson County Democrats...if this is the best they could do to offer an alternative it certainly speaks to the long tradition of Jacksonite Democrats in this county.