Suspected Missouri Bomber Shot & Killed Amid Threats To Kansas City Hospital Claimed COVID-19 Was Jewish Conspiracy

An important aftermath update offers a glimpse of NAZI CORONAVIRUS CONSPIRACY THEORIES and how haters present a horrific public health threat that extends far beyond the targets of their persecution . . . Checkit:

"He was involved with the neo-Nazi organizations National Socialist Movement and Vorherrschaft Division. He also had a post that read, “If you don’t think this whole [coronavirus] thing was engineered by Jews as a power grab here is more proof of their plans. Jews have been playing the long game we are the only ones standing in their way.”

Read more:

Missouri Man Who Allegedly Planned to Bomb Hospital Said Jews Were Behind Coronavirus

A Missouri man who was planning to use a car bomb at a local medical facility died in a confrontation with FBI agents during an attempt to apprehend him, authorities said. ABC News reported that Timothy Wilson, 36, planned to bomb a hospital just outside of Kansas City.


  1. The white male conservative. The most dangerous specie on the Earth. Responsible for most mass shootings and domestic terrorism.

    1. It's 'species', there, brain donor.

      How many murders were committed by blacks in KC last year as opposed to whites? Never mind, you can't count.

  2. Apparently he wasn’t taking his crazy meds like he should have been

  3. Sounds like a bernie bro to me

  4. I doubt he was in favor of homosexuals either. Most people are not.

  5. First 1:18 on earth? You meant the most dangerous species on earth are mooselimbs and then the blacks, are mooselimbs considered black? there, fixed it for you.

  6. Need to capture guys like this alive and save for human drug tests subjects. We are gonna need to know the pandemic meds we are taking are safe.

  7. He seemed nice when his dick was in my mouth.

  8. Conspiracies, check.

    Anti-Semitic, check.

    Angry white male prone to threats and violence, check.

    Another MAGA inspired terrorist. Trump's creating more American carnage than he's stopping.

    1. At least two mass shootings by insane Dems during Trump's tenure.

      Do better.

  9. MAGA guy all the way. The Bern is a jew, so he obviously couldn't support that guy. Pretty much right in line with today's angry, entitled white guy. Wonder where they learn the grievances from?

  10. Herr Wilson & Herr Funkhouser be hating on those Jews

  11. ^^^ find those two clowns and bust their group all to hell.

  12. Glad he is gone. Now he can bicker with the residents of hell about petty things!

  13. Sounds like Byron to me.

  14. 1:18 Your Trump is showing. BERNIE IS JEWISH YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! I bet you repost the George Soros meme on Facebook claiming he was a Nazi, when in fact Soros is also Jewish. 100% guarantee you and this guy vote for the same people, visit the same ridiculous right-wing websites, and share the same belief system.

  15. He boasted that if the FBI came after him, "they better bring a lot of body bags"
    Turns out they only needed one; just to take out the trash.

  16. This is why the 2nd amendment is obsolete.

    If the government wants to get you, they will get you. No amount of guns and ammo will protect you.

  17. ^^Wrong on two points.

    1. True that an individual or collective of mercenaries are no match for a well funded and organized military unit, but the cost of victory is the deterrent to tyranny. If you remove all firearms from private ownership, their is virtually zero cost to imposing a second world police state.

    2. Private ownership of firearms protects private individuals from other private actors, not just government actors. It is true that private ownership of firearms, licit and illicit, enables victimization, particularly victimization of unarmed individuals.

  18. Cammo hat but hipster glasses. The man was obviously a contradiction. I guess he took that social media junk far too seriously.

  19. 5:33: And yet you keep saying that, but you never provide specifics, so that must mean you're a liar. Weird.

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  21. The statement is very true!! White males DO Commit the most heinous crimes regarding..School Shooting and hate crimes!! I don't see any school shootings of babies in middle school or high school by many people of color.. Gangs and other offenses..yes.. Churches..Schools.. No!!


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