Despite slightly lower stats, the quotient of violence continues to escalate locally. Here's the latest:

KMBC: KCPD: Shots fired into car, critically injuring child


"Authorities said officers found a crime scene on Truman Road. At the same time, 911 call takers received a call from people in one of the vehicles, saying that someone inside had been shot.​

"Independence police found the vehicle with a shooting victim inside in the 1300 block of Ash Street.

"The child was taken to a hospital in critical condition."

KSHB: Child suffers life-threatening injuries in KCMO shooting

Developing . . .


  1. Shooting doesn't stop for global crisis or an innocent. Sad.

    1. sad but all too common.

  2. Save the 2nd Amendment3/31/20, 10:09 PM

    Don't worry. By the end of all this I'm pretty sure that a lot of our freedoms are doing to be drastically limited and gun ownership will be massively curtailed. Just one more order that everyone will have to comply with.

  3. Byron Funkhouser4/1/20, 12:16 AM

    ^^Based on what?

    Paranoia & intuition are not facts.

    1. Thoughts produced by a profoundly retarded person are not facts either.

  4. It takes a real coward to fire into a car with a kid in it.

  5. Multiple shootings on day 8... can’t wait to see what day 9 brings.

    This quarantine isn’t going to be pretty and it will probably be extended at least two more weeks.

    1st and 2 nd amendment rights are being taken away as we speak, no religion and no guns but hey we still got plenty of drugs and booze!

    Shut up bLIEron, your brain ain’t right.

  6. ^^You talk too much and never have anything to say. How come you don’t have any friends to bore with this?

  7. The total decline of certain demographics of America are intriguing.

  8. ^^Nothing you have to say is interesting.

  9. ^^Blah blah blah.

  10. 5:53 post some links to 2nd Amendment rights "being taken away as we speak." You won't because they aren't and you will find zero evidence of such. You paranoid inbreds said Obama was you going to take your guns away and he did nothing about guns. You realize gun and ammo manufacturers must laugh behind closed doors at your paranoia? You rubes believing all the ridiculous lies you read on your right-wing websites makes you drive the prices up on their products that you religiously buy in your bouts of absurd paranoia. Here's video of your Dear Leader Trump saying to "take the guns first, worry about due process later." I even used the Fox "News" link to make it more believable for you dumb asses.

    Don't forget to post your links from reputable sources that your 2nd Amendment rights are being taken away as we speak.

  11. 10:28 they stopped all sales of firearms during the “quarantine” are you really that stupid?

    You truly are an imbecile.

  12. 10:44 Here's Trump's own words from two days ago you fucking ignorant moron.

    Gun stores are open and considered essential. Do yourself and the world a favor. First, sterilize yourself so you slow the spread of the stupid gene. Second, do some reading. Start with that link above. If you don't like that link there are dozens of others showing one can buy guns right now. I defy you to find and post a link here that says gun sales have been banned. Goddamn. I can't believe people can be so fucking dumb.

  13. Oh Goddamn 10:44am just got knocked the fuck out!!!!!!

  14. Hey 10:44, 10:28 and 11:20 here. Where's your link proving me wrong and you right? Hell, you're probably out licking door handles at hospitals to prove that the Rona is a hoax.

  15. 10:44 you back from licking door handles at the hospital and the floor of the Strand Theater? Did you happen to catch the top article on this site about Bass Pro? I'm still waiting for your response.


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