Rent Crisis Looms In Missouri & Kansas

Quick look at one of the biggest problems facing locals this month . . .

Newly Unemployed Renters In Kansas And Missouri Face Uncertain Protection From Eviction

As April's rent becomes due across the Kansas City metro, tenants face an uncertain legal landscape subject to the vagaries of the coronavirus and how soon its spread can be stopped. That's been the case for tenants such as Erin White, who rents an apartment in Skyler Ridge, a 200-unit complex on 115th Street just west of Metcalf Avenue in Overland Park.


  1. Should have had a savings account for their money wasted on new overpriced apts in downtown area, new cars, tattoos and overpriced phones.

    Wives and mothers survived during WWII when husbands were draft and sent to war. People no longer have a nest egg and a couple weeks off work bankrupts them.

    No one to blame but themselves.

  2. I bet Erin can find a way to get by.

  3. it's sort of amazing but some well-off young people don't think they gave to pay rent either.

  4. Amazing Lash Studio, now there is a huge career maker. Look lady, if you are already broke living in a place your low paying job unemployment benefits won't cover, you are for sure living above your means. And get this while you won't be kicked out Erin will be required to pay all the rent due in the future. I'd be looking hard and fast for any kind of work. Because at this rate you're going in the hole very fast.

    Sorry, I don't feel sorry for people like this. Any bets she has a huge new car payment as well?

  5. dave ramsey's practical economics should be required reading in high school.

  6. Holy Crap 1 Bed 1 Bath $860 for only 821 Sq Ft. And she claims her unemployment isn't half of that? Then now the hell can she afford the place to begin with? She sure didn't pass any credit check.

  7. The feds added an additional $600 per week to the unemployment for four months, for just the noted reason. The writer of the story and the subject of the story need to get their facts straight before printing the story. The goal is to float people for 3-4 month so individuals can make decisions about the future. Those without jobs and without the resources to pay the rent need to give notice to the landlords and exit the premise. Regardless the rent needs to be paid and the feds provided the resources as such.

    $600 per week is a lot of money in the Kansas City metro area.

  8. Spinal Tap, "Bent For the Rent"

  9. Looks like all new SUV’s in the parking lot. Poor girl.

  10. Disconnect the cable tv, quit going to Starbucks and Panera.

  11. Was that taken at a new car lot?

  12. How about instead of being anonymously harsh judgment, we offer some compassion? Would that hurt at all?

  13. Wonder what percentage are willing to give up their new rides? Nails being done ? APple cell phone ? Crack ? Cocktails ? Meth ? Bag of weed ? Let's be truthful, most still are going to get a new tattoo with the $1,200 or some dope. Lots of good poor people, more scumbag scammers than good however.


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