Prez Trump Approves Kansas Disaster Declaration And NO 'THEY' Are Not Going To Blockade State Line

Quick fact check for a persistent RUMOR wondering if Missouri/Kansas will shut down the border . . . First of all it's not possible and secondly, that's so silly it doesn't even deserve it's own post.

Here's real news about desperately needed federal funds:

President Trump approves disaster declaration for Kansas

By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN Former Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn died at his home Saturday, according to a statement from his family. He was 72. By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN Tom Coburn, a former US congressman from Oklahoma and obstetrician, died at his home Saturday, according to a statement from his family.


  1. The second part of that headline is what happens when schools shut down.

  2. Sounds like the kind of lie and rumor Byron would spread. That sheep raper hasn't ever told the truth in his life and more than one person in his family has told me that to be so.

  3. Let's also bill the president for his six weeks of woeful inaction.

    1. Early on he tried to shut down travel from China, and he was accused of being a racist for it by the Democrats. The Democrats are traitors.

  4. ^^^And then did nothing else. Trump was all like "shut down travel to China"....and then "later, I'm going golfing".

  5. ^^^And Pelosi, Schumer et al. were like, "it's racist" and immediately thereafter, "virus, what virus, let's get back to this impeachment thingy."

  6. ^^^^^True Dat

  7. ^^ah yes, the ol' "what'd you expect Trump to do, he was being impeached" (in a whisper: all he did was shit tweet and watch fox news). You dumb fucking rubes have more excuses than a 5 year old on a temper tantrum.

    You know who was taking action though....some of the GOP's finest (who were getting the same information Trumptard was) and selling off stock.

    Again, Trump's ignorance and disdain for intelligence put the country way behind against this thing. Oh, and here's a newsflash for you, Trump lies.....all the time.

    1. Yep, not wanting any facts at all. Carry on with your TDS self.

  8. ^^^^^^^I guess you being the liar you are might know so but you don't.

  9. ^^Stop Trumpkin he just knocked the fuck out of you. Go back to Faux News for some more talking points. You’re all done here.

    1. Shhhhh, Chimpy. Stick to making us laugh with your monkeyshines!

  10. Trumpsters are always like what about this, and this, and that, and Pelosi said this and Schumer said that. What about the guy who's supposed to be leading us through this garbage. There's been plenty of Republican President's who I've disagreed on policy but gah damn, those guys could at the minimum rally a country together during tough times and coordinate from the top for the benefit of all (ie Bush post 9/11). But all this current guy does is whine about how he's getting picked on by the press and he's got great "ratings" for press conference viewership. He whines that if a governor isn't nice to him or doesn't say nice things, his administration shouldn't talk to them. Honest question you think this shit is normal? Does it not appear to you that all this guy cares about is how he's viewed?

  11. Try learning to read halfwit, he was perfectly understandable.

    1. The problem is I speak English and not halfwit. Since you're clearly fluent you should assist! Lol

      Play again y/n

  12. ^^ No. Too fucking long.

  13. ^^You mean you’re too fucking old. There fixed it for you Trumpkin. Get that cough checked.

  14. ^^^^^ Denying your heritage, Halfwit?
    Trying to pretend you don't understand your Mother Tongue?
    Go ask the Guy who thinks he's your Father, he's an expert on Halfwits, hell, he raised one!

    1. Yeah no. Not even a good try. Ya shoulda stopped when you were behind. Lol

  15. Yup, declare yourself a winner, and keep at it despite all reality, who knows, you might make it into Public Office, it worked for another Halfwit!


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