The Republican Senator shakes his fist at the "most favoured nation" trading partner of the United States. His recent statements, interviews and a recent column call out the Asian juggernaut in no uncertain terms.

Fox News:

Sen. Josh Hawley: Investigate China's coronavirus actions and make Beijing pay for lives and billions lost

Money line:

"Now the Chinese government is scared. It says that it handled the coronavirus outbreak transparently and effectively. But it becomes clearer by the day that the opposite is true. Beijing wants the world to trust it and grow dependent on it, so that it can control us. But the world won’t easily do that if it knows that Beijing is responsible for this pandemic."

You decide . . .


  1. Investigate China....haha, yeah, just send some investigators over there, I'm sure China will be real accommodating. This is stupid. Josh is pandering.

  2. China will bay for the coronavirus right after Mexico pays for the Great Wall of Colorado.

  3. Byron Funkhouser3/30/20, 9:16 AM

    China will pay for coronavirus when Mexico pays for the Wall.

    1. When will you pay your own way, Byron? Gonna mooch forever?

  4. Hawley can be a blowhard at times, but he is dead right on this one. China owes the world an explanation and rebuild after what they did.

  5. Well you have to understand who is audience is. It’s Trumpers. With Trumpers, you don’t ever have to explain how anything works, or how it will get done, you just have to say idiotic and outlandish things and Trumpers eat it up.

  6. I think we should give China a pass on this one. They are really good people, they just have a bad government. So it is not their fault. Also they provide us with all the stuff we buy in walmart.

    1. They aren't good people, and they despise USEFUL IDIOTS like YOU.

  7. Byron, you were in Raytown early this morning. I tried to say hi but why did you run off?

  8. 9:20 - well, maybe one of your favorite tough guy Trump style politicians will tell it like is, you know, speak to the real people about China. And then you'll be like "fuck yeah, get those Chinese!" and then absolutely nothing will happen (because nothing can happen). But you will feel good because your guys are telling it like it is and talkin' tough! Amirite? You know I'm right!

  9. I haven't liked this guy in the past but what he says about China makes sense. They kicked out all American reporters when even a hint of blame was mentioned so who the f--- knows what they are responsible for or knew about.

  10. Of course it makes sense, but it's practically impossible to enforce any of the shit he's proposing.

  11. I wouldn’t mind a bit if we just nuked China. they are filthy and diseased and pollute the eart. Might as well wipe out North Korea as well. It will save a lot of dog lives.

  12. China will pay.
    Mexico is paying.
    @9:16(s) do you know what a map is?
    Look to the west of Yuma AZ.
    The Mexicans call it Rio Colorado.

    Now don’t you feel stupid

  13. ^^lolz. look at this fucking Trumpster clown. Your overlord Trump approves of your bootlicking.

    1. Oh Chimpy. You know all about clowns! You put on a clown clinic every day.

  14. Someone please remind him he has a job to do; a job to do as the representative of Missouri in the Senate. Baffling who he is pandering to. Oddly enough Claire McCaskill gets more air time and most of the constituents think Claire is still the Senator from Missouri.

  15. ^^^^ And you're the first to sign up for classes - but did you know you're the only one dumb enough to pay tuition?

    1. What? Oh Chimpy. Timing is everything. Much like your mom, you work for free! Lol

  16. If you're reaction to this article is to criticize Trump, you probably need to take a deep breath, wait a couple of moments, and think to yourself "would your reaction to Pearl Harbor been to blame the Japanese or Roosevelt". If you're blaming Trump right now - you probably would have blamed Roosevelt too.

  17. With the control of information back then, maybe not. Today is out of control but this gray rhino event was at least decipherable by the senators who dumped stock. Makes me wonder if Trump saw the opportunity to exploit it by calling a Democrat’s hoax. Hoping China would get it under control. But it backfired on him.

  18. Yet we are indicting the president of Venezuela. Like that’s gonna work. At least we have some trading relationships with China and might be able to get something out of them. Venezuela, not so much.

  19. Fvck that. This is 100% self-imposed. The swamp, the RINO's, deep staters, even power-hungry repubes are happy to jump on the power grab bandwagon. This is nothing but fear mongering horseshit. China doesn't owe us crap, but those in power do.

  20. Leave Josh alone. He has a great box.

  21. Don't contradict me Josh.

    "Just finished a very good conversation with President Xi of China. Discussed in great detail the CoronaVirus that is ravaging large parts of our Planet. China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the Virus. We are working closely together.

    "Much respect!"

    March 26

  22. Stop it Josh. Be a team player.

    "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well.

    In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"

    January 24

  23. You 'll suck a Chinese man dick to get their shitty products and watch them destroy the Economies of most Nations. Because your vested interests are in promotion of the weak, buying tacky shit and following Hollyqueer and Monkey ball.

  24. ^^^You seem really old and lonely. Did you always want to be a loser when you grew up?

  25. Josh hawley is not only a blowhard, since resuming his extravagant lifestyle in DC, he LOVES to blow hard.


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