First responders aren't getting the gear they need to do their job . . . Here's the update:

KCFD says it's beginning to run low on protective equipment

The Kansas City Fire Department said it is beginning to run low on protective equipment.The Fire Department said it is getting some replacements, so it is not burning through all of its protective gear."But as this ramps up and our call volumes increase, we easily could be," said Ross Gundyson, who supervises the Fire Department's purchasing, including ambulance gear."Right now, I am going to make up some gowns because we pretty much have run out of what we had and our face shields," said Carla Summers, of KCFD.Getting resupplied is not easy, including supplies such as toilet paper.


  1. They should call ny governor coumo, he’s hoarding a shit ton of ppe for the big one, you know, the Chinese red death virus isn’t big enough to get into his stash yet so he should help the rest of the country who is nearly out or nevar had any, fucking prick.

    1. Nobody needs to worry or do anything. The Trumpvirus is a HOAX! Donald Trump the greatest president ever said so himself and then did nothing for 2 months. So KCFD needs to do nothing too. DJT is a very stable genius by you are a moron libtard for thinking he is wrong about anything.

  2. Byron Funkhouser3/31/20, 7:56 PM

    ^^Bullshit. That lie has been debunked.

    Der Fuhrer said the Federal Government had 10,000 ventilators that they were saving for an emergency.

    Ironically, if you watch his campaign rallies, you are actually uninformed because he lies about the effectiveness of unproven drugs& pretty much everything & anything.

    He's killing us!

  3. Got an idea. Can we get Byron and Chuck's ghost to start a blog and get the FUCK out of here?

  4. Masks will be here when shipping containers of Made In China masks when the ships dock at the port of L.A.

  5. Dipshit, he is not killing us. Lack of following rules and basic hygiene is killing us. Par example simple social distance. Which no one seems to give a shit about. If you caught Aids, is it also the Presidents fault you butt fuck ? Don't be a butt fuck..

  6. Maybe KC should quit spending money on fire trucks and stations since we don't build large wooden buildings anymore and start focusing on the future of emergency medical services equipment and supplies. NO on the fire sales tax.

  7. Der fuhrer bLIEron I got news for you dumbass, that piece of shit coumo told the world on tv yesterday he had a warehouse with four thousand ventilators and all kinds of ppe in it, Trump jumped his ass about it and coumo said he didn’t need to use it so far and he wants the feds to give him more for the day when the big one hits.

    That must hurt you deeply huh bLIEron, you have nevar told the truth about anything anyway, you’re a known lying cocksucker so don’t even try and pull that bullshit around here.

    This low life lying prick is hoarding shit the rest of the country needs, just like you taking welfare money away from people who truly need it.

  8. 9:03 - Calm down, Cuomo has Corvid-19, Kathy Hochul is more than prepared to take over as Governor of NY state. She wont be much better because she is a democrat, but right now NY needs hope even if its hopeless.

  9. Running low on Protective equipment? That Department ran out of good moral turpitude years ago, so KCFD...meet Karma!!

  10. Good gravy, some of these comments are beyond the pale. I want KCFD to get more equipment and stay safe. They protect us! I want KCPD to keep all of us safe. It's so sad to see that some, but not many, can't abandon their politics for one second during a disaster. We all live in KC together. I only hope we can live in peace and help as many people as possible through this crisis.

  11. Quit going 10s of millions over budget on overtime and maybe people will care


  12. Pandemic.

    It's a pandemic.

    Not a "pandemics."


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