Kansas City Leaders Must Prepare For Drastically Reduced Tax Revenues As Consequence Of Coronavirus

Really great TKC READER SUGGESTED NEWS LINK attempts to dispel the persistent myth of a V-shaped COVID-19 recovery for the economy . . .

Money line: 

"We can anticipate a federal bailout of pension funds and one-time aid to state and local governments, but bailouts won't repair the eroding foundations of tax revenues."

Read more:

What Happens As State And Local Tax Revenues Crater?

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, We can anticipate a federal bailout of pension funds and one-time aid to state and local governments, but bailouts won't repair the eroding foundations of tax revenues. As we all know, the federal government can "print" money but state, county and city governments cannot.


  1. That makes sense from a financial perspective but KC leaders don't care about the balance sheet. Just about winning elections. If people don't vote then they will keep getting taxed out of existence.

  2. Remember that, with a trillion dollar deficit per year, the feds don't actually have the money....they will be printing it and sending the bill to our great grandchildren.

  3. Maybe we'll find many elected officials not so "essentiall" any more. Maybe the voting public will actually start electing people based on performance and not political party or color.

  4. They are preparing to raise taxes on property
    ...and they will sell your property if you can't or wont pay.

  5. All these handouts and bailouts. Doesn't that seem a bit well, SOCIALIST??? Where are all the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" people when we need them?

  6. They will attempt RAISE taxes to make up for the shortfall, not reduce spending.

    Government always eats first ... and last.

  7. ^^^Oh we are here but when we talk and point out common sense reality we get told by those like Byron and the boomer haters how fucking old and stupid we are and to shut up and just die.

  8. ^^Well you ARE old and stupid, don’t forget racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and hateful. So please DO fuck off and die like chuck did.

  9. ^^^You like Byron will be proven for the hateful Nazi liars you are.

  10. Nice try, and so will you.

  11. We boomers have lived a long and happy life, you young’uns won’t make it to mid life, sorry, but it’s true.

  12. Good! Hopefully they will start laying people off for good. Start with police, fire, the Health Department Director, half the Mayor's staff, the list goes on.

  13. As long as the Jazz District stays over funded, all is well.

    Ever seen one of those nature shows where a bunch of hyenas fight over the carcass of a gazelle? Something very similar will be happening in KC very soon.

  14. Did someone say Chuck Died?


    When did this happen? Is there any proof? Say it ain't so, Joe!

  15. Yes. He’s dead.

  16. Telling boomers to fuck off and die is a bit "short sighted", pun intended.

  17. ^^Well maybe if they all weren’t insufferable assholes that wouldn’t be necessary, but they are, so they can all fuck off and die.

  18. Your socialism has arrived 50 percent of your income will go to taxes the state and local taxes are what is going to get you. And then the world order wants a carbon tax and The U.N.Wants a Tax to Fund more wars it will never end. Venezuela is hear. Don't go driving around now.


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