Kansas City Counts 119 COVID-19 Cases As Missouri & Kansas Numbers Continue Spike

The latest numbers this afternoon . . .

KCMO Health Dept Confirmed KCMO #COVID19 cases as of 3.31.20

Total: 119
Women: 67 Men: 52
Clay: 28 Jackson: 85 Platte: 6 Cass: 0

KCTV5: The state health department said 14 people have died and 1,327 cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, have been confirmed. That was a 28.7% increase from the 1,031 confirmed cases on Monday.

Fox4: Health officials reporting 60 new positive COVID-19 cases in Kansas, bringing total to 428

Developing . . .


  1. Wonder how many people were told today they had cancer? Will that be on the news later?

  2. going parabolic. fasten your seatbelts.

  3. Aids deaths won't be on Tv either. And it's promoted 24/7.. Butt fuck away kids. Rainbows and unicorns.

  4. Amazing Trump backs up when asked about has he contacted religious leaders presumably for prayer to combat virus.. says Billy Graham son Franklin loves Jesus and he talked to him today. Bet it was about mobile hospital in New York Franklin set up to help victims. Say Franklin really lives Jesus.

    Has Trump ever claimed to love Jesus. Totally blew off reporter for an answer.. too proud only science can do the trick. He believes.

    Yesterday President Trump introduced my pillow guy Mike Lidell spoke at white house about help with face mask then God and prayer to stop virus and Trump quickly distanced himself from Mikes positive comments for spiritual help from God..

    Folks heard he calls minister's only when he wants them to pray over him. But allegedly if they call allegedly limited access to him. What's going on folks..

    God has shut this thing down by prayer in Kansas and Missouri compared to population.

    Cumou mouth is a snare to New York. Bible says you will have what you say. Life and death are in the power of the tounge choose life.

    He on tv giving doom count.. God stops this behind faith in Jesus God and the holy spirit.

    Virus akin to the angel of death in exodus 12.25 does marked with blood of lamb.. olive now used eith no weapon formed against you will prosper in Jesus name.

    Wow.. reminds me of when Peter denied Jesus 3 times.

    One more to go folks. We all want virus cast back to the pits of hell were it came from friends.

    Folks here speaking against virus much lower infections and loss of life.

  5. Byron Funkhouser3/31/20, 7:08 PM

    ^^Please keep your religious nonsense to yourself.

  6. Religious or not, he /she/it should keep their/its' nonsense to self.

  7. Can this really be considered a spike, there are over 6 million ppl in MO.

  8. Where are all the Boomers must die comments. Now that Corona is showing progress in the Millies, also spread by the Millies. Did the OK BOOMER reply poster 20 posts a day finally meet his demise ? You know the guy that thinks it funny that people should die like your old lady did....Weird.

  9. 5:56 AM
    Good observation. This Corona Karma is coming down hard on those who previously thought they were not at risk. OK Boomer guy may have been one of the first to contract, hard to social distance while giving reach arounds.

    This is the main reason all of you Millies out there should listen up and obey the rules like everyone else that doesn't have to be constantly stroked by the crowd. Your craft beers, veggies, wines and cheeses can be enjoyed just as well at home with a monogamous partner. Just stay the fuck at home for awhile.

  10. Oh shit that was my AIDS speech, same applies, same demographic.

  11. .....Looks like Anony 6:54 is suffering from "The I'm a Stupid religious jesusfreak" syndrome.......most of the "jesusfreakers" think this is a 'blessing" from their god....the anti-vaxxers want to have "Corona Parties"......dismiss, denie, distribute the blessing that god gives us.......
    Haven't heard so much as a "deadly blessing" from Ken Hamm down in
    Kentuk.....wonder how many of "god's crew" are stuffed in the bunkers?
    ''Thank You god!"...........


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