Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes Winning Hearts & Minds During Lockdown

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Mahomes, Hill trash-talk Call of Duty League player

9:51 PM ET Arda OcalESPN Staff Writer The Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs earned a reputation for not backing down despite poor odds throughout the NFL season. On Monday, we learned that mentality extends to video games. Tom Brady? No problem. That stingy San Francisco defense? Close but no cigar.


  1. Didn't Selena Quintanilla play Jennifer Lopez in a movie thirty of forty years ago?

  2. ^^Why are you asking us? Don’t you have anybody else you can bore with this shit?

  3. ^^ Because I'd Like to know @9:07 - I'm REALLY interested in Beaner Culture!

  4. Byron Funkhouser3/31/20, 11:53 AM

    I read the article earlier on CNN.com. It made me think of Tony, & my ignorant comments about him thinking he's an honorary white man. I apologize for that. I was wrong. The main thrust of the article was how hard it is for people like her, & Tony (?), to find a path forward when they are of two cultures, & not completely accepted by either. She was too Anglo for some & too Mexican for others.

    Selena sang in Spanish, when English was actually her first language. It mentioned how hard it is to actually remain bilingual. As an example, the writer shared an insight from AOC about how she was losing her ability to remain fluent in Spanish, even though it is her first language.

    Ich verstehe, nun.

  5. Byron Funkhouser3/31/20, 1:24 PM

    Correction: Ich verstehe jetzt.

  6. How about a path southward to Mexico ? Would that solve the "two cultures" problem ?

  7. Byron Funkhouser3/31/20, 2:50 PM

    NO, asshole, it wouldn't.

    You can't deport American Citizens.

    Why don't you go back to Europe?

  8. Giovanni Gasparro3/31/20, 4:53 PM

    Western Europe is now a Third World Shithole. White people avoid such places.

  9. Open Borders are dead. Thanks Covid!


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