JoCo Counts 116 Coronavirus Cases

The most populous part of the Sunflower State shares data on COVID-19 infections. Here's the latest:

Live blog: Johnson County, KS COVID-19 cases up to 116

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, continues to spread across the world, and in Missouri and Kansas. 41 Action News is keeping track of all closings and cancellations, as well as tracking where positive coronavirus cases are located.


  1. hu lee fuk, we're all dying, there's no saving us, the population will be reduced by 95%, those that remain will perish without the machine working. Fuk, idiots. There will be less than 150k deaths WORLDWIDE from coronavirus. Even when they try to cherry pick all of them (die in a car wreck, test positive for Co-Vid, tally it up). There are TYPICALLY 500,000 deaths from the flu. SARS-CoV-2019 is a gigantic NOTHINGBURGER. No ifs ands or buts. Fear mongers are certainly out in full force, and it suits the NWO to destroy the middle class which they are readily doing without firing a shot. But anyone with even the smallest ounce of common sense knows this is literally a hoax.

  2. ^^^Yaw some dirty little bastards in JOCO. Wash your damn hands!

  3. Byron Funkhouser3/30/20, 12:36 PM

    12:09 is a dangerous idiot.

    There is NWO.

  4. bLIEron, your boy governor coumo just admitted he is stock piling equipment such as ventilators that he’s been screaming he needs, he’s holding on to them just in case it gets worse, now hospitals all over the country need these things and he’s admittedly stockpiling for future use...... and you wonder why they’re called dimwits.

  5. Mark my words back to this post byron you fucking idiot. I'm 100%correct whether your withered mind accepts that or not.

  6. ^^^^Dumbaass! NYC has half the cases in the entire country. He's going to need them long before Kansas City or Omaha Nebraska. Of course he should stock pile.

  7. It is proven Covid-19 is more deadly than the flu and more contagious that the flu.

    By 12:09's own numbers, if 500,000 die annually from the flu, then this will be much worse than his false 150,000 prediction.

    TKC deleted a comment yesterday that posted false numbers. Since this also involves info dangerously misinforming the public, 12:09 should be nuked too. However, don't delete the posts pointing out the fake numbers (which was also taken down). People need to see the truth.

  8. 1:21 so you say it’s ok to stock pile federal government ppe and ventilators from the rest of the country he have none now? God damn you’re a genius!

  9. If its so harmless why is the javits Center and McCormick place being turned into massive locations to treat the patients?

  10. @3:28, No, what I am saying is that you send them out as others need them. Now to be honest, this needs to be a national response so that states are not competing against each other.

  11. @12:09...the only 'hoax' is what's comin' out yo' mouth............
    It's obvious you graduated (with flying colors).......From Trump Univ. .......
    All the 'stuff' that comes out trumpoopie's ass is coming out your mouth.
    Sounds like you're on your way to the Stable Genius' stable........
    so take your bowl and spoon,,,,,you'll be eatin' what comes out the southbound end of a northbound horse........
    "We got one in isle six!!!!"...............


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