Hallmark Giving Away Another Million Cards

The company based in Kansas City offers more freebies in hopes of luring people BACK to tangible expressions of sentimentality in a world of easily disposable digital Internets sentiments.

Take a look at a freebie move that has, ACTUALLY, earned an enthusiastic response:

Hallmark To Give Away Additional One Million Cards After Overwhelming Response to Original Announcement

KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Hallmark Cards, Inc. announced today that it is doubling its one million card giveaway to two million cards after an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response from people who want to put more care into the world.


  1. That's sweet. Do they have an online version?


  2. I wouldn't take a hallmark card even if it is free. Oh.. maybe I would if I ran out of toilet paper.

  3. I want to send a card to Mrs. Riscoe that says - Yes we are hiring all the people we can from your I.T. department and paying them more than you!

  4. Hallmark just laid off a bunch of associates, so it's good to see them giving free stuff away so they make less money and can lay off more people in the future.


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