Greater Kansas City Chamber Downplays Local Coronavirus Layoffs

The coronavirus outbreak could cost 47 million jobs next quarter. Goldman Sachs on Tuesday revised its coronavirus projections, seeing a sharper downturn than originally thought: The bank now sees unemployment peaking at 15% later this year.

Here's a bit of local spin on this number that focuses on biz and not workers . . .

Chamber: Roughly 25 percent of KC businesses laid off workers due to pandemic

Results of a survey conducted by the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce show the top three concerns from business owners during the coronavirus pandemic are the health of their employees, the uncertainty of the future and having to layoff employees.


  1. With under employment and job's that don't pay a living wage. You know business will take advantage of people. They was laid off from a good job and had to take what they can get it will be close to 35 percent in the Metro. New York California and Louisiana will be much worse. This,pandemic may last many months. And the winter of 2021worse.


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