Why Did Hickman Mills Boss Lady Quit?!?!

She's not saying, here's a few more deets from this incredible, shrinking provisionally accredited district . . . Read more:

Hickman Mills School District superintendent announces resignation

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Hickman Mills School Board is looking for a new superintendent to lead the south Kansas City district. Dr. Yolanda Cargile announced her resignation Thursday after three years as superintendent.


  1. She is she filing her discrimination lawsuit?

  2. ^^^^^^^ Good call.

  3. Why can't people just say I am quitting? When is her last day as the letter says nothing about that. Or is this the letter they want the public to see and not the real one? Hey she is leaving why does that need to be a part of saying I quit. Lady is full of herself. I agree with above when is the lawsuit being filed?

  4. Carpenter is available.

  5. She will sue next week some time. Just trying to make sure she includes all possible defendants.

  6. Just hire a competent white man alreadt and restore the district.


  7. When could a black person ever do their job? She probably gets more money from the LBJ war on poverty foundation. You know... black power or I mean privilege and all.


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