Just a quick big picture look tonight as the establishment Democratic Party denizens FLEX on the progressive and far more active segment of the party. Will the former Veep stay winning against Bernie Bros???


Polls to close in South Carolina primary as Biden seeks crucial first win

Polls will close soon in Saturday's South Carolina Democratic presidential primary -- a race which is a must-win for former Vice President Joe Biden's struggling campaign, which is hoping the state will act as a firewall against surging frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders.


  1. The brothaz just love Biden for some reason. He must've promised them a bunch of free shit.

  2. ^^^^ as if Bernie is not promising lots of free shit. Weird.

  3. ^^ They both are. Which Liberal doesn't ? Name them ????

    1. Stop texting while driving on the free highway you idiot.

  4. They’re all worthless pieces of shit

  5. ^^^ As are you. Obviously.

  6. ^^ As are you , Boomer.

  7. Byron Funkhouser3/1/20, 12:00 AM

    ^^Der Fuhrer is a worthless piece of shit.

    Trump: What are we gonna build?

    Trumptards: A wall!

    Trump: Who's gonna pay for it?

    Trumptards: Mexico.

    Promising someone else will pay is even worse than promising "free shit".

  8. South Carolina black Dems went for Biden because of his association with Obama, who didn't do anything for blacks (unless you count letting them use unisex bathrooms). If that's not racist on the part of the SC voting block, I'm not sure what is. Trump has lowered unemployment for blacks to epic proportions and helped get many of them out of jail because of renewed sentencing guidelines. That's why he's going to get a lot of black votes in the upcoming election.

  9. Hey bLIEron, the blacks are calling your President Trump the first black president.... that must hurt you to your worthless core huh! Hahahahaha!

  10. Byron FTW!

    I also remember Trump promising much better healthcare at much lower costs. He broke that promise. But he did give $2 trillion in Wall Street tax cuts paid for by... ummmm... well someone else is always getting stuck with the bill.

    1. Hey the $2 trillion tax cuts were well deserved free shit for the great lords, my social betters! -said every servile Trumpet.

  11. 12:00,
    You don't want a wall anyway, so what are you bitching about?

  12. Yes, Mexico will pay for the wall . Loss of our goods stolen here and taken down there, loss of their worthless people coming up here and bankrupting our nation while buying Navigators and escalades off of assistance money. Win win bitch. The biggest part of the win would be you and your little druggie fucks wont be able to destroy America as much by getting your easy illegal drugs.

  13. Trump would have bettered healthcare in America if the RINOs and Dems didn't put a stop to it. At least he got rid of the penalty for not having Obamacare. What a joke that was. And have you priced an Obamacare plan? It's out of sight in terms of affordability. Plus, his tax cuts have increased my middle-income take-home pay. Trump 2020!

  14. ^^^OK Boomer


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