Tonight the level of violence in Kansas City continues to rise as this town records its 2nd mass shooting so far this year.
Remember that MLK Day early morning mass shooting gunfire at a local club following a Chiefs playoff win claimed a life and injured multiple people last month.
And this morning . . .
Moreover . . .
It looks the to so-called Westport "street vacation" has FAILED to live up to promises that restricting pedestrian access would curb local violence in this embattled party district.
Here's the word:
Kansas City Police are investigating a deadly shooting in Westport. Police say people were shot around 1:30 a.m. Saturday near Westport and Mill. One person was killed.
More . . .
Around 1:30 a.m., officers saw a white SUV traveling on Mill Street and actively shooting.
Police say there are four shooting victims. One man was shot and killed, two men are in critical condition, one man is in stable condition and one woman has non-life threatening injuries.
Police have one person in custody.
Developing . . .
fudging hell. this city is getting violence as balls. I thought we were going to stay below 100 homicides this year?
ReplyDelete^^^^ good on you for remember that but it wasn't really a promise, more like a wish.
Delete#25 on leap day. At this rate we're set for 150 murders or more. Another record breaking year.
intersection westport/mill street needs an exorcism.
ReplyDeleteWho has not had a fight on that corner?
i hear booze is called spirits, b/c it makes you weak allowing spirits to possess you.
ReplyDeleteLots of ghosts in Westport.
DeleteBuild a police station there...that will solve everything.
ReplyDeletewestport is dead, been that way since 1991. all downhill from here.
ReplyDeletehopeless town
ReplyDeletewhich makes me another hopeless person in your hopeless shithole.
ReplyDeleteWith the weather getting warmer (especially with the forecast for the next two weekends) it could really be chippy out here. Carry if ya got em. Stay safe everyone.
ReplyDeleteNYC now far safer than KC. Shame on all the Missouri politicians taking so much NRA cash. We need a solution to all these guns. And it ain’t MORE guns...
ReplyDeleteDang those guns, somehow mysteriously showing up in the the hands of thugs. Why, it's almost as though criminals are to blame!
DeleteMeh, so another one. Does anyone really care?
ReplyDeleteGetting hit by random gunfire is just part n parcel of living in the city. Im sure the shooter had a good reason.
Diversity makes us life and death.
Thoughts n prayers.
We must all be disarmed now. (((They))) need you to meekly turn in all your guns.
damn shame how quickly this city is going downhill.
ReplyDeleteSurely a dispute between graduate students over the accuracy of the latest Jane Austen adaptation. When will it end??
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Baltimore already has 49 murders and Chicago has 75. Our hood rats are unskilled and slothful.
ReplyDeleteWe need to remember that whoever did this shooting is suffering from hundreds of years of oppression by white people.
ReplyDeleteand therefore has control issues
ReplyDeleteIf we could only be sure that there were no microaggressions or Confederate statues in our town. Surely then the murders would stop!
ReplyDeleteNo problem!
ReplyDeleteKCMO now has yet another hotel to subsidize for decades, narrow special interests like BikeWalkKC looking for hundreds of millions, tens of millions of tax dollars continuing to disappear on "east side economic development", big talk about expanding THE streetcar and a downtown baseball stadium, and selfies, selfies, selfies.
Why should KCMO electeds be concerned just because a little burg of just 468,000 has more than half the number of murders as New York City, with a population 17 times as large, year after year after year?
It's really a shame that KCMO doesn't have a municipal government.
And it drags down the whole region.
Was it another African American like the Molson Coors? Mad because he watched videos all day on his cell while other employees worked. We sure hide a lot of facts. Instead we most often Sugar coat it and divert the blame on a choice of weapon, politician or law enforcement. Notice one reply blames the guns, I wonder why they don't blame the Race responsible for 90 percent of the violent crimes and murders? Look up the stabbing rate in areas without guns . Ever seen someone stabbed ? Then are you going to outlaw your Kitchen knives as well ? move on to bats? Rocks ? Scissors ? Fists ? It's the person, not the tool. Sadly its the same people every time. Same people you buy your dope from and scratch your balls while listening to their violent lyrics about killing people.
ReplyDeleteAnd we have never had a white mass shooter
Delete6:38 Sure, it's the NRA's fault. If Democrats retake power and remove all of our guns then black people will stop killing.
ReplyDelete1)Black people won't turn in their guns
2)We will disarm whites only
The result? When blacks attack and the Feds begin taking what is left of your Constitutional rights away, we will all be on our knees.
The solution is to buy more guns than ever. More ammo, more ordnance of all types. The government that rules over you, is afraid of you for good reason. The government that rules over you hates you and now knows that you know it hates you.
^^^^ or you could just hide under your trailer and stop bothering everybody else.
DeleteKC needs more gun control. This madness must STOP NOW!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to move into my new luxury OPUS apartment in Westport!
ReplyDeleteThey made the constitution difficult to change on purpose. Gun control is not changing the constitution. Keeping guns controlled like a million other things we control is not a threat to our constitution. No.. you cant critically injure 4 people throwing knives from an SUV.
ReplyDeleteHow many can you kill with a suv?
DeleteThe Streetcar extension to UMKC will end this problem. Crime will mysteriously vanish once it's built and we'll be the safest place in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteStay scared rabbits. Tony wants you that way so you’ll spend your remaining days here crying like the bitches you are. I’m not scared, never been,scared, and will never be scared I’ll be in Westport later this afternoon too. You bitches stay here bleating like the sheep you’ve always been.
ReplyDeleteBecause no one gets shot ever you guys!
DeleteLooking forward to your productive removal from the gene pool.
The Mayor was going to comment at 8:45 this morning......That will surely help, just like a balloon release or candle vigil. SMH
ReplyDeleteStart holding people accountable, quit making excuses for any negative behavior and follow thru with the punishment. Quit ignoring who is responsible and quit whining about when your Police hurt your feelings which deflects from the reason the Police were even involved.
8:35 tell that shit to the folks in London.
Yet today I spoke to a man from London who was former military (Queen’s Guard) who emigrated to here seven years ago. Loves it here and feels safer than London. Specifically mentioned all of the knifings.
Delete^^^^ Ban silverware, or, at least don't let any black people into William Sonoma.
ReplyDeleteCCW everyday all day be safe my law abiding citizens.
ReplyDeleteAmy of the victims White, Asian or Latino?
ReplyDeleteIf not, who cares?
Close all KC Bars at Midnight, except for any located in the 18th & Vine District. Let Bars in that District stay open until 6:00 am.
ReplyDeleteThis make policing much easier, simply locate a branch of the Coroner's Office nearby, and the Police can do a street sweep at 6:30 am each day pick up the trash.
Was the mayor there to take a selfie?
ReplyDeleteHe was busy at his favorite gay bar in Lawrence
DeleteGun control? Ha! How about SELF control? How about respect for life? How about our so-called community leaders speaking up and addressing the real problems that are festering in this city? Or is it too late to be that honest? This is beyond sad.
ReplyDelete^^^ FTW
DeleteTwo of the most violent big cities in the country are in Missouri. But Missouri's dominant population (Trumpers, fundamentalist Christians, inbreds, tweakers, hillbillies, etc ... lots of overlap, obviously) dominate the state politically. Christ isn't the answer, but relocation is.
ReplyDeleteI agree make all bars close at midnight. I'm rather sure this was an all black shoot out. Ban all coloreds from Westport and this kind of crime will stop happening.
ReplyDeleteQuan'Quan had an issue with Tre'Tavious' postmodern interpretation of 'Hamlet'. Oh, these kids!!!
ReplyDeleteBars and guns are not the problem it’s people. These guys drove into Westport knowing police were working the area. They just don’t care.
ReplyDeleteRemember when the Chiefs player used to go to the Harris club and bring guns ans get in trouble?
ReplyDeleteTo save future generations we need a one child on welfare only if mother accepts sterilization.
ReplyDeleteAnd, a three violent crime and out policy. As in the death penalty.
Both will help take the burden of raising America off the backs of the school systems and law enforcement.
Tough times demand tough choices.
Rename a street after the only man of distinction of the violent race will solve this.
ReplyDeleteMost of our violence involves hood rats killing other hood rats. Why is this considered to be a problem?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteKC needs more gun control. This madness must STOP NOW!
2/29/20, 8:31 AM
KC needs more BLACK control. This madness must STOP NOW!
Mass shootings the media don't care about -- black people opening up on crowds of innocent people Fucked up.
ReplyDeleterelocation relocation relocation
ReplyDeleteSome left-wing liberal Democrat blamed rural Missourians and Republican Trump supporters for the Westport shootings. Yeah right, those rural Trump supporters riding into town on their tractors shooting the city up.
ReplyDeleteIt's the Democrat controlled cities of St Louis and Kansas City where all of the gun violence and murders occur. And, the murderers are Democrats that the Democrat leadership pander to.
Murder and violence in Kansas City and St Louis have nothing to do with 2nd Amendment rights. The Democrat leadership wants to take our guns and implement Bernie Sanders Communist society where central government controls your every action and confiscates your property, life savings and souls.
if the city doesn't enact an midnight curfew on westport, they are insane. Or would that double the crime scenes in the vibrant downtown. conundrum.
ReplyDeleteRacists in one thread, homophobes in another! Could there be an AWESOMER blog community around?
ReplyDeleteDiversity is getting people killed you myopic fuck. Go get a sex change.
DeleteOhmigod WACISM is worse than murder! Mommy!
DeleteDollars to donuts, this is hood rats shooting people up. And it continues until they all get rounded up and stuck in a place where they can't harm other people, or they're routinely physically excluded from places where peaceable people hang out. The latter approach is basically racial segregation, and while it keeps two mutually incompatible cultures separate, it's not particularly pleasant. The former approach might involve opening up a state mental hospital, and making it into a hospital for the criminally insane. A couple of months of enough Thorazine to make them drool in their shoes, and maybe a couple electroshock sessions - they'd *beg* to not be sent back, they'd chill out quick and they'd serve as an an example for any others with an interest in that lifestyle...
ReplyDeleteHave Yanofsky stand out on a corner in a tiny bikini. She will stop traffic and any crime. Who couldnt just stand and stare at her!
ReplyDeleteI like the past coverage of how Trannies were getting killed and how it's always an attack on gender. Only they left out the part about it being mostly by Blacks. I'm sure that previous mentioned oppression includes a need for them to kill LGBT members and not given the credit for it.
ReplyDelete10:53, there are very few homicides in the rural parts of Mo. Rather they occur in the more liberal cities among those you deem superior. As for relocation, I think California would love to have you join their sidewalk shanty towns if you can cut it.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice westport created a gun free zone
ReplyDeleteThen people can shoot at folks in or coming out of that area knowing they wont be armed
Gangsta mfer gotta a Gat. Had all the white folks running for their Teslas.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the guy on here who has a drone?
ReplyDeleteHe could solve stuff no one less could!
Criminals feared him and his drone.
He was good
Wasn’t his name Alphonse Washington?
Can someone put his name in the air at night?
We need him!
The Police should hire him!
Is he still here?
Maybe he is on vacation or jail.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he lost his drone license.
Maybe he had the police shut him down.
Maybe maybe maybe.
His name was.... Batman?
Our cemetaries are filled with people killed in westport. From the pioneer days, to this week. Its a killing ground. No telling how many girls "partying" in Westport are now dead after catching a fatal virus from a professional athlete who had sex with many girls. The true death total from all westport activities has to be huge, just huge.