Special thanks to the good people of the UM system who found a way to make TKC's communication studies degree with a pre-med minor even more worthless.

Link tease seyz it all, HERE'S MORE FOLLOW-UP, with just a bit more info behind the wall for the rubes who never learned anything about the Internets . . . Read more:

ACT and SAT scores are no longer required for admission to this Missouri university

The night before Sadie took her ACT exam, her stomach was in knots. She was so anxious she couldn't sleep. She had been in the same position five times before.


  1. Because, blacks that’s why.

  2. ^^^^!00% correct

  3. More evidence of our disintegrating society.

    How would you like to go to a doctor who never had to pass a medical licensing exam?
    Or drive across a bridge designed by an engineer who never had to pass a professional engineer licensing exam?
    Hire an attorney to defend you who never took or passed the bar exam?
    Or get on a passenger jet whose pilot never took an FAA certification exam?

    That would only be fair right?

    I mean, diversity and inclusion is critical, right??

  4. Could we just get rid of grades, too? They cause a lot of anxiety for students. Those poor snowflakes. By the way, UMKC is a fake third-rate school.

  5. Aw poor little Sadie

  6. Jean Peters Baker is a graduate of UMKC

    I rest my case!

  7. Make sure to spay and neuter the students while you’re getting a chip to locate them insured.

  8. KC proves itself to be a landlocked mecca of intellectualism yet again.

  9. Grades make my kid feel bad and then in need of a safe zone and some long term mental health treatment. Besides once my kids graduate, affirmative action will get them a job they are not close to being qualified for. They'll spend he rest of their lives soak up cash for nothin'. You'll wonder why everything is fucked up like my kids, my life.

  10. I'm shocked to learn that UMKC had any minimum entrance standards. The baloney about high school grades correlating so well with academic success is an intentional misuse of statistics. While it's probably true as stated, it is irrelevant unless the population is limited to those who have good high school grades BUT poor standardized test scores.

    College administrators are another group who are fundamentally dishonest.

  11. Ghetto U is getting pretty damn desperate!

    But then, of course they had to eliminate the ACT and SAT tests, half of their undergrads couldn't spell them!


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