Clay County Cleanup Crisis Continues

Here's a quick update on never-ending Kansas City Northland slap-fighting that offers a just a bit of foreshadowing . . .


There is no unity among the American middle-class and that's part of the reason why their ranks are so easily thinned by corporate trusts and market forces.

Even progressives are making their pitch to Republican moderates in order to lure them from often repugnant alt-right tactics.

And so this hyper-local glimpse offers more evidence that not all middle-class white people think alike as DIVERSITY AMONG WHITES deserves consideration amid an increasingly balkanized American electorate.

Bickering Across The Bridge

Clay County citizens hopeful for change in 2020

A new Clay County constitution committee will start public meetings next week to explore how the county's government should function in the future.The meetings begin as Clay County is mired in several political disputes, lawsuits and a contentious state audit."2019 was just a disaster for Clay County," said Jason Withington, who helped petition for a state audit of Clay County government.

Dox Exposed

Clay County resident's information sits in court house exposed

CLAY COUNTY, MO (KCTV) - One homeowner called KCTV5 News after they saw stacks and stacks of white boxes labeled, "destroy securely" in the hallway of the Clay County Courthouse. That caught our attention because thousands of people are going in and out of the courthouse Monday to pay personal property taxes.

Systemic Change?!?!

Clay County committee seeks input on new form of government

LIBERTY, Mo. - Clay County's Constitution Committee is asking residents to voice their opinions about what is happening in the government and changes they would like to see.

Developing . . .


  1. "In the most recent Quinnipiac national survey, Trump’s supporters remained a brick wall on impeachment: Among voters who say they approve of his overall job performance, 99 percent oppose impeachment. Just 8 percent of those voters said he was acting to advance his personal, rather than the national, interest in his dealings with Ukraine."


    Hive minded fever dreams from Progressive coalitions who think they and they alone have the "High Ground" in any political discussion.

    It takes a Potemkin Village to, in the face of the unambiguated, categorical corruption of the Left, to believe that "moderate" Republicans will bend to the will of Hollywood cheerleaders, oleaginous politicians, dishonorable, unprincipled Deep State Bureaucrats and 4th Estate Apparatchiks and decide that the literally hundreds of scandals that took and are taking place right now, can be forgotten and voters will all just decide that the last 3 years of an attempted coup by the aforementioned was just a bump in the road and that some brain dead idiot like Sanders, Warren and AOC would make a great president.


  2. I don't understand the connection made between the chaos in Clay County and the Republican Party's abandonment of its traditional values under the leadership of the "Alt-Right" and Trump.

    The Clay County problems stem from the actions of one Republican Commissioner acting in lock step with one Democratic Commissioner against a second Democratic Commissioner.

    The Republican Party's apparent abandonment of what have been seen as "Republican Values", such as Fiscal Conservatism (Wheee! Deficits don't matter!), Free Trade (Tariffs galore!), Strong Constitutionalism (Congress is in the way!), a strong stance on Russia (Putin good, NATO bad!), and the concept that Character and Personal Responsibility matter (Trump!!); seem to mark a complete reversal of the concepts of a "Grand Old Party"!

    These would appear to be two completely different topics, so what am I missing here?

  3. Whatever happened to the Russian Collusion deal I used to hear so much about?

    Did I miss something here?

  4. Trump loses, the Republican bickering is pretty loud in Clay County. Very off putting.

  5. What are you trumpers going to do when he loses? So many conservative snowflake tears to enjoy.

  6. It’s just some whiny loser dimwits causing the problems in clay county, they can’t stand it when things are going well, chaos and destruction is all they know and they won’t be happy until they get what they want.

  7. There is a strong comparison between what is happening in Clay County
    and nationally.

    A developer, thru Nolte, with bogus claims, tries to regain control of Clay County. Just as national Dems make bogus claims against Trump.

    Nutle has made great effort to create controversy since his first day on the commission. Zero effort to work with others to address problems. Clay County taxpayers suffer.

    America suffers from Dims dishonest efforts.

    Good call, Chuck. Thanks.

  8. @11:24 (Hi, Luanne) you keep making these claims about a Developer and Nolte, but the only activity from a "Developer" that we've seen was when you and Owen rammed through a $20 Million deal to move the County Courthouse Annex from its present central location to a "new" spot inconveniently located only a few (3 or 4) miles from the Liberty location. This is to be built on a parcel of land you two agreed to buy that was sold at the highest cost of all parcels considered, from a "Developer" who just coincidentally was Gene Owen's largest Campaign Contributor.

    The County already owns a large, centrally located parcel where the existing Annex is located, if a "new" Annex is needed, why not build it on the land already paid for, at a more central and convenient location?

    And what of the "Developers' who contributed to your own Campaign, they seem to have received a large amount on contracts from the County over the past few years.

  9. If Withington’s lips are moving, well you know how it goes. His boy toy Nolte is about to get that all important second vote from a newly elected commissioner in less than a year. Can’t wait to see how Nolte, the cartoonist who gets all Developer contributions, can manage a $100 million county government. It’s like Gilligan being handed the keys of running that deserted island. Trouble then will be, who will Nolte then blame for the county’s problems and blunders????? Maybe it will the Chief Petitioner aka Cerner boy not working but taking a pay check. I work with him and know his twin bro, the whole family has disowned him. Sad the media keeps him in the limelight, just like Clay Chastain.....waaaaaaa

  10. Republicans love Trump, and Jesus. It's a weird combo

  11. Rambling Rudolph @2:19, WHAAAAT???

    Incohere Much?

    Whimper, whine and misdirect all you want, but the FACT remains that a large number of Clay Countians signed a Valid Petition asking the duly elected State Auditor to audit the County Government.

    And two County Commissioners have chosen to waste over $600,000 of TAXPAYER'S DOLLARS on outside Lawyers trying to KEEP THE AUDITOR FROM DOING THE JOB SHE WAS ELECTED TO DO!

    This act alone should justify their Removal From Office, and anything other than the MALFEASANCE OF THESE TWO COMMISSIONERS is completed eclipsed by their choice to take this action.


  12. ^^^^ So it's all just a political vendetta? Has nothing to do with the interests of the community.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  13. @8:05 How the hell do you get a "Political Vendetta" out of two Thieves trying to keep their crimes under wraps?

    And stopping their raid on the County Treasury to benefit their Donors just MIGHT BE A BENEFIT TO THE INTERESTS OF THE COUNTY that you claim to be so damned worried about while you try yet another feeble attempt at misdirection!

    Nice try, Jackass, hope you're one of the County Employees that have allied yourself with these two and committed criminal acts to try to protect them.

  14. @2:19 another unsigned Clay County press release? Why cant you ever put your name on anything? When I say something I put my name to it. When you say something you hide behind anonymous


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