Once again our KICK-ASS TKC BLOG COMMUNITY BROKE THE STORY OF MLK BLVD SIGN DELAY and sparked attention from lesser news outlets.

THEY (i.e. local politicos and meek newsies who take notes from consultants) quickly devised an excuse to keep voters stupid.

The reality, is that from the Congressional level on down there is an effort to find a way to thwart the will of voters over the silly protesting of a few misguided d-bags who regret their decision to demonstrate inside a church hosting their political opposition.

Anyhoo, here's how KCMO is silencing any dissent or tough questions about the street sign switch for a few months . . . Meanwhile, our blog community has already reported the effort to KEEP MLK BLVD is underway.

Check the propaganda:

Kansas City Isn't Likely To Swap MLK Signs For Paseo Until The Spring

If you're wondering when the streets of Paseo Boulevard that have Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard signs will become Paseo once more, you may be waiting a while. Maggie Green, spokesperson for Kansas City, Missouri's Public Works Department, said the street signs will not go back up until spring 2020.


  1. The fix is in. This is KC after all.

  2. Apparently, with their known ineffectiveness, they are still plowing.

  3. KLM frequent flyer12/30/19, 10:30 AM

    I doubt the powers that be would be acting any quicker had the protests not occurred. This is simply a convenient scapegoat.

  4. Our leadership is getting too good at ignoring the vote. Socialist behavior, first step to Communism and totalitarianism.

  5. If Pablo would of followed the traffic laws he would not be in the hospital. Pablo crossed against a light and also was wearing dark clothing and did not have his helmet secure. Did they take a blood sample to see if he was intoxicated or under the influence?

  6. The d-bag is the Congressman. You're wrong here Tony. Political rallies shouldn't held at churches. The hosts were wrong on all fronts. The voters have spoken. Tell the Revs and Congressman to have a pissing contest over something else. The issue is res judicata.

  7. Save the Paseo and impeach Quinton Lucas!

  8. The cleave still thinks he’s gonna ram this down the peoples throat, he and the fat fake revs want the Paseo gone for their own personal gain. Maybe he was planning on kickbacks from the king family?

  9. I smell a law suit in the near future. Can' use the excuse that the guys are plowing snow or fixing potholes, or fixing anything else in KCMO either.

  10. How about the prosecutors office look into the background of the Paseo to MLK disaster city council process. Here are a few of the issues:
    1. Political influence of City business by a tax-exempt religious organization.
    2. Disregard of city rules in the renaming of a street without a vote of residents.
    3. The corruption and fraud of a 3rd district representative who misrepresented his college degree in his on-line portal. Mr. Jermaine Reed told reporters that he thought he completed all course work at UMKC but this was a lie. Mr Barnes was a sponsor of the renaming of the Paseo to MLK.

  11. it is tragic what Clever has done to this City. A


  12. How about getting the word out to Gov Parsons and to every other politician in the state that Kansas City city hall refuses to change the sign making mail un-deliverable and making a street go by a fake name. Having a fake street is not legal.

  13. What street does Carwash Cleaver live on? Maybe it should be renamed for his idol, MLK.

  14. Took only a matter of days to put those MLK sign up but now takes months to take down?

    Hey people can you smell the bullshit on this one?

  15. They're afraid that Al Sharpton will be upset again.

  16. It is an embarrassment to our city to have anything with MLK on it, even if it is in the middle of the shithole rat-infested ghetto.

  17. Maybe Jimmy C can take a brake from being a liberal and and keep one month from telling the world how backwards the star is and company are and help out.

    Maybe Libs like former writers get a hard on for Adam Shifts lack of due process and lives to bash Trumps Republican Party- but if he gave thought to his 401k and investments - he would genuflect in front on Reagan and show remorse for his liberal-Hollywood-tofu-Volvo-driving-Pelosi-Liberal-talking-points-unabashed-California-homeless-causing attitudes- face reality and be thankful for all Trump has done.

    No idea how this relates to MLK Blvd?

    Think about it- they are trying to over rule a legit election to put Paseo back! Hearsay allowed by Shiff... that’s good enough for the Jimmy C’s of the world and his ilk.

    Here is to 2020 and more prosperity for black and minority employment- higher wages- better jobs- lower gas- better protection at our borders- standing up to our enemies... while libs want to tax and spend and keep minorities poor and homeless.


  18. It's funny, they wasted no time putting up the new MLK JR Blvd signs but now seem to be in no hurry to take it down due to the will of the people to change it back to the Paseo. Wonder if they are hoping everyone forgets about the vote to change it back...

  19. Well, Tony ya got the clickbait workin' on this one LOL Not until Spring!?? It's a damn conspiracy!!!


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