Here's more info on an EXCEPTIONAL KANSAS CITY cause that deserves support and not just stupid jokes . . . Or maybe both:
KCPD: 500 free Christmas dinners to be distributed at East Patrol on Tuesday

Together with Hy-Vee and Harvesters Community Food Network, the Kansas City Police will distribute 500 free Christmas dinners to deserving families tomorrow at a police station.
The dinner give-away will begin at 4 p.m. Dec. 17 at East Patrol Division, 2640 Prospect Ave., and will last until all dinners are distributed. This is the third year for the giveaway, which started with Hy-Vee’s generosity in donating 500 Hormel Cure 81 hams in 2017. KCPD reached out to Harvesters last year to provide non-perishable side dishes. They generously stepped up to assist and have done so again this year. KCPD’s partnership with Giving the Basics, Badges for Basics, also will provide 500 bags of free personal hygiene items.
Meals will be first-come, first-served. (Department members and volunteers will deliver some of the meals to homebound seniors and disabled individuals beforehand.) The food items are not hot and are designed so families can make the holiday feasts at their own homes.
Hy-Vee, Harvesters, Giving the Basics and KCPD are happy to make the holidays a little brighter (and more delicious) this Christmas season.
You decide . . .
Do the god damn fucking job we are paying you to do!
ReplyDeleteDo the cops want to build a Twitter feed or do their jobs? Handing fucking hams out is a pathetic pr stunt.
ReplyDeleteKCPD East Patrol Division
Hyvee suburban grocery stores
A crowd of 500 hungry desperate people
KCMO record-setting homicide count
Pig jokes
Pandering politicians
" I wants my free shit".
ReplyDeleteOne more thing the obnoxiously fat black people don’t need is more free meet, god damn these people will nevar get under 400lbs at this rate.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is they will probably waste this ham because they already get $1400 a month in food stamps, they don’t freaking need another ham when the one they get with our tax money will be 20lbs heavier and it’s still free to them. As usual, it will go to the wrong people.
Check for warrants before giving anyone free ham. Also, no Jews.
ReplyDeleteHope they're hickory honey hams.
ReplyDelete^^^ because if they don’t get what they want it would be racist.
ReplyDelete^^^and if you had a dick, you wouldn’t be so lonely. Would you bitch?
ReplyDeleteLMAO John Modest Miles demanded that the Police move in next door. Now there is competition of who can be the pass-through for Harvestors donations. Well, if the Police win, then passing out Harvestors donations will lose people who buy-in to the John Modest Miles theory of helping people. Yeah, you help... distribute food from Harvestors. What has the church done in the community? Mostly nothing. Mostly menacing, self-serving acts that would make the devil blush.