Check the newspaper taking their journalistic cues from social media and mistakenly believing that people will pay for this kind of message board complaining:

On Monday, Kansas City Councilwoman Melissa Robinson tweeted: “Racism: Black people being targeted and treated like thieves @Walmart self-check out #JimCrow Perhaps blatant white-only signs are making a comeback. Very disappointed #WalmartBecky would not let me leave until she found my items to price match. You can keep it!...I just imagined all what my ancestors went through when blatantly refused service and being unwelcome where they spent their money.”

Never mind that this price check is pretty much part of box store shopping humiliation for everyone and overall most people despise shopping at Walmart no matter what their demographic background.

The newspaper continued their "journalism" on discount hassle:

"An African American manager soon showed up, apologized and explained that employees were doing random checks after a rash of tag-switching thefts. But was the check random? Is Walmart going to start advertising “prices so good we’ll accuse you of stealing”?"


Of course box store gripes are part of the daily grind and adding allegations of racial intolerance spices things up for some readers . . . Meanwhile, it's uncertain if reporting on shopping complaints will have the fading fortunes of the newspaper.

You decide . . .


  1. We have a saying at our business:

    "See black people in your store?

    Watch your money walk out the door."

  2. They probably thought she stuffed a bunch of merchandise in her clothes not realizing she was incredibly obese.

  3. Hey it's a black thing and your black Melissa so deal with it.
    But it's like this lady I'm white and had black door security people check my crap and didn't go into a racist rant screaming I was being picked on for being white in WalMart.
    When I was CA back in 99 they checked everyone leaving the WalMarts out there They didn't care what color you were.

    Is this the chick who ran around with expired tags?

  4. you'd think with all her wild Race-Card waving..

    this fatty would be in better shape

  5. Jesus girl, talk about privilege ! And I thought you were a better person than throwing that tired race card! Wow how wrong could we be!

  6. She should be embarrassed that any store has to do things like this to prevent theft because..... black people that’s why.

    If you don’t believe that blacks aren’t thieves then your not watching the news, everyday the news shows pictures of thieves leaving stores and guess what, 99 out of 100 are black.

  7. This summer in went into a Wal-Mart in a sketchy part of Cleveland. I've never seen another store like it. Almost everything was behind lock and key. You know why? Because of the clientele. People earn their reputation.

  8. I am white and get my stuff checked frequently leaving Walmart. Do I get indignant about it?

    No, I realize they are doing their jobs and move on with life.

  9. Somehow it seems unlikely that the KCMO taxpayers are ponying up $70,000/year to pay her to play city councilwoman just so she can put on the usual "victimization and racism" show.
    How about rolling up your sleeves and focusing on fixing the streets.
    Or better yet, weigh in in the black community and get residents to cooperate with the cops and try to decrease the horrendous homicide rate.
    Complain about your own agenda on your own dime.

  10. Randomly checking purchases against receipts sounds like a good idea to me. That should hold down theft. It happens every time I go into COSTCO. Get used to it, get over it.


  11. HATE CRIME!!

  12. Let me take a wild guess... 40 Highway Walmart. I do not shop there. Yes, that store is hit with a ton of shoplifting. It’s hard when the threat is as real as the threat of being racially profiled. I despise the way Walmart checks receipts and no it’s not always random - it seems it’s always somebody Black that they stop when it’s a known fact that White women shoplift almost unabated. We’ve seen several cases of that over the years. They use their boosted items to move into swanky neighborhoods undetected for years. I don’t like Wal-marts approach but as a business owner understand the need to do something to limit theft. It’s a tough situation on both sides but I would want to error on the side of customers.


  13. so THAT'S how all those White women got into Mission Hills..by shoplifting at Walmart....

    democrat sjw logic..

  14. White, Gladstone, Walmart, stopped and receipt checked for un bagged items this afternoon. So what ? Get a life fat black and butt hurt.

  15. Ironic:
    A fat person mad someone going to get them for shrinkage...lol.

    Ask Walmart how many tens of thousands they lose there -

    Should they just let everyone go free ?

    What percentage of those called out for shrinkage and incarcerated.. are white, brown,yellow or black?

  16. The smarter comments here seem to suggest "the Walmart experience" is pretty horrible all the way around.

  17. The Walmart on State Line checks my ticket against purchases in my cart about one in three times.

    You go there enough, they will check what you purchased against your receipt.

    The Home Depot on 95th and Hillcrest has to lock up the wire (Electrician - 14/2, 12/2, 14/3 etc etc.) and some of the other inventory too. It is the only one that I know of, that has to do that.

    If there is a lot of shrinkage, then the manager is not doing his/her job, unless the items that are disappearing are locked up.

    At Auto Parts stores, there is a product, called, "Coverall". It is for your tires and interior. It really works well and is popular.

    That product, is NOT even displayed on the shelves. It is stolen so much, that they keep it in back, you have to ask for it.

    This black lady is just another parasite, hoping for a pay out from "Da Man".

  18. The issue is price tag switching. The "customer" switches prices tags and puts the less expensive price tag on the more expensive item. The employees are told to find the item and confirm the price tag wasn't switched. The merchant cannot continue in business with excessive losses, be it via shoplifting or otherwise. Walmart doesn't need the business nor the bad publicity. The elected official would be better off work with the merchant to find a solution. Best guess, the "racist" employees in the store work in the neighborhood. The issue isn't Walmart, the issue is the neighborhood.

  19. Walmart isn't racist, the employees of Walmart are racist; and the employees live in the neighborhood. The councilor needs to address issues with racism in the neighborhood she represents.

  20. This fat ugly black city council person better think twice before starting a fight with Walmart. They will kick her fat ass harder than she ever thought possible.

  21. Melissa is a fat hog but she is not as fat as Alessia Canady. I bet together they are 700 lbs.

  22. If they did a strip search, they probably wouldn’t have found any merchandise but they would have found 200 lbs. of crack.

  23. She better nevar go to Costco if she doesn’t want to get caught, I mean have her receipt checked, they don’t play at Costco.

  24. Walmart clerks are horrible and racist. She's got a point and some of these same haters regularly cry white racism when they're getting shaken down by a black clerk.

    Dumb all the way around.

  25. totally scintillating!



  28. After getting threatened by Blacks FOUR TIMES at the Raytown Wal-Mart...for not moving fast enough and after getting followed to my car twice...I finally caught on and quit going. FUCK YOU WALMART.

  29. Didn't the world give black Americans the country of Liberia ? Get, go on, get !

  30. Oh, "fuck you walmart" for nigs acting like they do?? How fucking lame is that? Save your condemnation for those stupid, stinking blacks!

  31. I think the issue was the price tag, not the holder of the property. Loss prevention does this every day. I'm an old white guy and Walmart price checked me once, for a dog bowl!
    Goes with retail. Shrinkage is an issue. Ask George Costanza!

  32. I get checked every time I go out the door at WM. I'm lower-middle class white and am usually wearing nice clothing. Does it irritate the shit outta me? Yes, and I avoid WM whenever I can. However, its WM's policy and I don't have a fit, I just spend my money elsewhere whenever I can.


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