Rock Chalk Honcho Remains Confident

Despite earnest MSM editorials, it seems that highest paid public employee in Kansas isn't sweating NCAA or FBI investigation as he shows quite a bit of swagger at the outset of an uncertain b-ball season . . . Read more:

Bill Self on job status as NCAA investigates Kansas? 'I'm really not concerned'

CLOSE KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas basketball coach Bill Self said Wednesday that he's unconcerned about what the NCAA investigation means from a personal standpoint. He's not concerned about the status of his job and wondering about the legacy he leaves is not even on his radar.


  1. Self is a sleazy as they come. Hope that they run that cheater out of town.

  2. Of course he is not concerned. He realizes that 90-95% of KU students and alumni are homosexuals and don’t pay attention to sports.

  3. ^^all the better for you to blow then.


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