For the most part, out discussion about the debate last was worthwhile and offered a great many perspectives silenced by local media.
Now we make simple and we even want to hear from our right-wing pals . . .
What we're seeing from MSM is a consensus that either Senators Bernie or Warren stay winning . . . Take a look:
Salon: Heavyweight draw: Biden, Warren both walk away winners from fourth Democratic debate
Fox News: Democratic presidential debate question about Ellen sparks outrage
Time: Bernie Sanders Leverages the Debate for a Comeback Just Weeks After a Heart Attack
Nation: Bernie Sanders Is Back
CNet: Democratic debate in Ohio produces 'expodentially' entertaining memes
Quickie video recap worth a look in hope, again, that our Republican pals will carefully consider the competition or at least explain their choice for a winner . . . Honestly would like to know how a Prez Trump supporter sees this one given that the meme joke link posted was the only news hot take that really spoke to TKC:
You decide . . .
Democrats raised your property taxes 25%. Taxpayers will be scrambling to pay their property taxes when they receive their Jackson County tax bills this December.
ReplyDeleteIf the Democrats control Congress and the President's office; your income taxes will sky rocket.
What has Trump done?
1. Lowered your income taxes his first year in office.
2. Is strengthening and supporting the military while entangling the U.S. from endless foreign wars.
3. Great economy.
4. Against Democrat opposition, trying to secure the United State's borders.
5. Completed 1 through 4 while fending off CNN and the Democrats over fictitious Russian collusion allegations. The Ukrainians hate Russia; Joe Biden and his son probably used the Ukrainians to fabricate the Russian collusion charges. Biden family received $$$ tens of millions from the Ukraine and China.
I wonder if Bernie would still be alive if we had his universal health care. He has the best free health care on the planet now and he always will because he’s a senator. I’m gonna bet that there was medical personnel standing around in case Bernie had a medical issues. Can you guess who’s paying for it? Not him.
ReplyDeleteNot one leader amoung them. All people who want to run a no buget charity. Tax payers beware.
ReplyDeleteThe Mueller Investigation resulted in 22 Indictments, 14 of which were related to collusion to influence the results of the 2016 Election, and 6 of which so far have resulted in prison sentences.
ReplyDelete(Many of the indicted are not in the USA, and cannot yet be tried.)
The Mueller report also stated that there MAY not have been sufficient evidence discovered to issue an indictment against Trump, and left the question of whether there was sufficient evidence, as well as the questions as to whether an indictment could be issued against a sitting President under the Constitutional provisions. The Report left these questions to the Justice department, which still has not issued an Opinion one way or the other,as of this date.
THESE ARE FACTS, but the Cult of Trump has mythologized them into the fairy tale of "NO COLLUSION". This fiction completely disregards the sworn testimony of Donald J. Trump Jr. that the Trump Campaign held three meetings with persons they knew to be Russian Operatives in attempts to collude with the Russian influences underway toward the Election.
^^^^ And joe Biden didn’t get a prosecutor fired for investigating his son either.
ReplyDeleteYou’re constant conspiracy’s and lies about President Trump are tiresome, time to move on soy boi.
Worst group of presidential candidates this country has evar seen. That’s the real tragedy in this country right now, a failing party of incompetent fools that haven’t done a damn thing for the taxpayers. The party of do nothing but scream, holler and complain. Sad.
ReplyDeleteTrue, 6:46. Joe Biden did not get a prosecutor fired for investigating Biden's son. If you have evidence otherwise, please provide it or simply resume your daily activity--watching Fox News.
ReplyDelete"1. Lowered your income taxes his first year in office.:
Not mine, 5:36. I now pay more in taxes, but then I do my own taxes and pay quarterly estimated taxes, so I know how much I pay and don't judge my taxes based on a tax refund.
and yet one of them is going to be the next President. Weird.
ReplyDelete^^^^True. Pocahontas (or any of the others) takum orange man scalp if orange man still out of jail next year. Not weird.
ReplyDeleteSanta Claus is coming to town too! Lol
DeleteI want fudgepackin' Pete.
ReplyDeleteI have my rainbow boa ready for inaguration night.
Hope CNN covers he and Chasten sodomizing in the East Room.
^^Right! and trump's gonna build that wall, stop all the crime on day one of his administration, win the trade war because thy're so easy to win, pull us out of Afghanistan, drain the swamp, hire all the best people, and start a space force too! LOL!
ReplyDelete^^^^ and yet he is doing most of those things very well. Weird.
ReplyDelete^^and yet he hasn't done one of those things. Not one. Weird!
ReplyDeleteLet's address all these:
1. the biggest beneficiaries are the 1%. I'm solidly upper middle class, I think I got the equivalent of $150 a month. Hardly anything to brag about.
2. this is some standard propaganda bullshit. Trump hasn't done anything to disentangle us from the middle east. You do know he just sent a bunch of troops to Saudi Arabia. The removal of troops from the Turkish border area in Syria is a complete and utter cluster fuck. Even the troops who were removed are pissed and heartbroken. He has destablized the whole area and ISIS detainees are escaping. So, that's great. Other than the additional troops to SA and removing us from the Syrian border, nothing has changed.
3. The economy has continued on a path that was trending in this direction under Obama. Trump's policies haven't really driven anything here.
4. So is "trying" an actual accomplishment? He might get something accomplished here if he actually engaged the other party and got of this wall he's hung up on. You know, did some politics. Instead, he just tries to do everything as if he's the CEO, or the King or whatever. Shit don't work that way. This isn't one of his businesses he gets to run into the ground.
5. President's get shit done all the time in the midst of tough questions and investigations. Should we give Trumpy Dumpy a star for his effort???? I won't even touch the rest of the conspiracy garbage you brought up in here that has no concrete evidence to support outside of what state news media faux news puts out.
Thats was a debate? The term cluster fuck seems more appropriate to me.
ReplyDeleteOne of these things is not like the others
One of these things just doesn't belong
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song???
@ 9:10 Let me point out....
ReplyDelete1) $1800 a year probably pays three car payments or a full month rent for middle class families. Maybe groceries for three to four months.
2) The middle east is inhabited by tribes that have hated each other for over 3000 years. Just accept the fact we are not ever going to fix this mess and neither is anyone else. This is not Trumps fault or any previous or even the next president.
3) The economy is not on the Obama trend, thank goodness. It has improved in many areas. Wages are up and unemployment is down to record lows for whites, blacks, Asians and Hispanics. Not so with the anointed Obama.
4) The democrats have stagnated progress of anything that congress should be accomplishing with their daily tirade against an elected president. This has galvanized support for president Trump and is the root cause why he won in the first place and will be re-elected.
5) The only conspiracy involved here is on the democrats, Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler and others are always lying, you can tell because their mouths are moving. There is no conspiracy on Trumps part in election collusion with Russians. Other wise YOUR party's hand picked prosecutor would have found it like the multi millions of dollars they found to spend on paralyzing this country for two years.
6) You are not very smart because you would realize the none of the 12 candidates on the stage last night have a chance in hell of getting elected. Shit Bernie Sanders who had his life saved by our current healthcare system could have easily died but the cardiologists saved his pathetic life. He is trying to stick it to the medical community, the insurance industry and the general public with MFA. Talk about an ungrateful bastard...that is Bernie, and probably you too. Remember that Obama, a democrat, said health care costs would go down, you could keep your insurance plan, you could keep your doctor. All lies and this group of 12 is lying too.
PS) Please notice that I did not stoop to insulting name calling like you did, it's because I have more class than you do. And I identified myself by name.
^^TL/DR, written by a moron. Pro tip: Less is more dummy. Have a point, be concise or be gone.
ReplyDeleteChimpy! You're in no position to give anyone rules! Lol.
DeleteNow, prove you know your name!
DEFEATED: Pelosi Announces NO Impeachment Vote
ReplyDeleteI don’t think we’re ready for a dumb cunt like Elizabeth. Or a faggot like Mayor Pete.
ReplyDeleteOr an idiot crook like Donald Trump.
ReplyDelete1. $1800 on three car payments and some groceries, well whooopdefuckingdo. talk about trickling down! Don't you think it's bullshit that the 1% are raking in north of six figures in tax savings and hoarding it?
2. So why is Trump dumpy do sending OUR fucking troops to Saudi Arabia? Do you not see the hypocrisy here?
3. Are you familiar with trend lines, and economics? Numbers, etc? Please, point me to one policy that Trump has put in place that has our economy soaring. Fact is, real data and numbers (which I know Trump hates, ergo, his supporters hate) don't support what you're saying about Obama.
4. Democrats have put over 100 pieces of legislation on Moscow Mitch's desk in the past two years and they have died without a vote. So save me your stagnation argument. Trump's idea of working across party lines is "give me what I want". Nothing more, nothing less.
5. Sure thing, go back to State run faux news or whatever echo chamber you go to for your latest "hey, let's throw this shit against the wall and see if it sticks" theory.
6. Ummkay, I mean we're way from the vote but these candidates seem to be polling pretty decently against Trump in almost all polls but it's early, so whatever. You know, I'm kind of with you on healthcare except for the fact that people in our country go bankrupt everyday because they get sick. If H4A ends that, I'm good with it. It's a pretty complex issue but I'm certain you're an expert on it.
^^^Great response! +10000
ReplyDeleteWait, no it's not! Lol
DeleteChimpy's out of your league. Get over it.
ReplyDeleteNah. Chimpy is in a little poo flinging league of his own.
DeleteBut he'll ALWAYS be our lil chimp! Have you gotten over that? Lol
Chimpy is mad because he didn’t get his bananas today, poor ape.
ReplyDelete1:25, quit trying to act tough. You’d scream like a bitch if someone raised your taxes by $1800/yr. And you would be considering it a windfall if it had happened on St Obama’s watch. Don’t get me wrong, I am not Trump’s biggest fan but the guy could cure cancer and his opponents would bitch about it. You’re a prime example of the many Americans who are just bitching pussies. Blythe sense of entitlement and think you’re a lot smarter than you really are.
ReplyDelete^^^^got it man. you're right on. solid response. well thought out. bravo.
ReplyDeletemay favorite is when Trump guy says "I'm not a fan of Trump, but......."
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is when your whole worldview is defined by your blind hatred of Trump. Lol
DeleteI am not a Trump fan but he's a million times better than any dumocrat.
ReplyDeleteThe headline is Key Moment in the Debate. It was that at the end of the debate it was over thank god.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow, did Warren look weak. Not able to answer a simple yes no question about raising taxes.
ReplyDelete^^^and yet she’s your next president. Weird.
ReplyDeleteWho won? Donald Trump.
ReplyDeleteI hate them man but I'm sure as fuck not voting for any of these lunatics on that stage, neither.
And yet one them is your next president. Weird.
DeleteMy favorite is when they call Fox News an "Echo Chamber". I mean how many barely so called conservative channels are there? Compared to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Now that's the real "ECHO CHAMBER". And then we've got lunch bucket Joe bragging about how powerful HE is (Tough Guy), getting the prosecutor of a foreign country FIRED in HIS own words. Lol Thats why Oboma picked him. Crooked just like the Bushes, Clintons, They've been selling us all OUT... WAKE UP People. TRUMP had everything to lose. He's put it all ON THE LINE to SAVE OUR REPUBLIC..... They want us at each others throats and hate each other using the media as a weapon against us 6 News Corporations left. There use to be at least 50 different owners in the 80's. Wake Up People Our Freedom Is At Stake .....