Kansas City Medical Drama: Should Youngsters Get Weight Loss Surgery?!?!

TV news plays doctor and offer this debate that avoids the unpleasant but necessary task of BLAMING PARENTS for the bad dietary habits present in their family that play a much greater role in body type than genetics or all of the junk food TV is selling.

Take a look:

Leading group of pediatricians say more obese kids should get weight loss surgery

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- Kids at Lenexa's Pinnacle Gymnastics are staying active. When KCTV5 News told their parents about obese kids getting surgery to lose weight, some said no way. "Personally, my own opinion, I wouldn't agree with it because they're still developing at that age," Jesse Franchuk, parent, said.


  1. How about spoon control classes.

  2. ^^^^ +100


  3. How much money will those butchers make off this?

  4. Maybe Traci can use the removed blubber to make candles.

  5. Try feeding your kids properly. Soda and Lunchables aren't it. Parents are supposed to be a good example. These are lifelong healthy habits that need to be established early. Gastric bypass on kids is an easy way out and may have to be redone or repaired in the future.

  6. Having seen many kids look like they eat candy all day without any exercise I take this with a grain of salt. I believe the first thing is to feed them good food, not junk food, and get them outside away from the TV and video games. Then if they exhibit a healthy lifestyle and and don't respond talk to your doctor frankly with a list of questions about the kids health and if surgery is appropriate.

  7. How about better diets and exercise? Parents are creating nothing but lazy ass fat fucks.

  8. Or maybe stop taking them to fast food every fucking night and take the tablet and/or phones out of their chubby hands?

  9. Have them walk or walk fast five miles a week. Give them a diet of fifteen hundred calories a day. And not empty calories. And cut off the Chicken .Chicken made Minnie,Pearls Breast Larger.


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