This week the Shawnee City Council voted 5-2 Monday to pass a nondiscrimination ordinance that protects sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnant women from discrimination.

There was a great deal of interest and acrimony over the legislation which sparked culture war debate among the residents of this otherwise sleepy enclave.

Lesser newsies slopped a few livesteams onto the Internets but didn't seem to notice the call to action from a Kansas City metro broadcasting legend.

To wit . . .


Here's the hot take from critics of his words:

"TKC, Mike Thompson left Fox4 and is now showing his true colors as an idiot. He's on video arguing against the Shawnee NDO. He's totally focused on sexual predators where there is no proof of that. In fact, we have countless examples of men hiding cameras in women's changing rooms and these are not transgender people. And he stupidly refers to transgender individuals as Transexuals. No one uses that term any more unless you're going to a late night performance of Rocky Horror Picture Show."

"Sure. A friend of mine was at the meeting and was really disgusted when Mike Thompson spoke. He's just spreading false hysteria about the bathrooms. And he doesn't realize that there are NOT laws to protect LGBTQ people in housing and discrimination in many states including Kansas and Missouri. You can still be fired from a job or denied housing in these states for being LGBTQ."

"He's just an old man with white privilege and because he's been lucky in life, doesn't realize that others haven't had his good fortune and still don't."

Spoiler alert: Mike Thompson was on the losing side as Shawnee passed the NDO this week.

TKC perspective . . .

Our favorite line from Mr. Thompson: "You can't legislate respect or acceptance. I was a meteorologist for 42 years and I got no respect ever!"

To be fair, Mr. Thompson is largely conciliatory in his remarks and seems to want the best for his community despite political and cultural differences with NDO proponents.

We've clipped his remarks and omitted his address for our blog community to consider . . . Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. I like Mike!

  2. I stand with Mike. I agree with story that Mike has the good fortune not to be affflicted with the tranny mental disorder.

  3. I agree with Mike


  4. Hats off to Mike a truly SMART and brave man! I lived in OP and I know first hand how the state of Kansas has protected gays and freaks Transgender or transsexual what ever you want to call them, to me they are freaks! What they want is not equal rights they want it all and they want straight people to hang. I was a victim of these hideous people and the State of Kansas and city of Shawnee will have a fight on their hands. To call Mike Stupid and not know all of the details about what's going on is IGNORANCE!

  5. He doesn't seem very mean at all. he presented his arguments well. The ordinance was a mistake and is not good law. His warning about unintended consequences was apt and he was right to notice that there have not been discrimination complaints so far. The legislation was not needed.

  6. The last fuckin guy who WASN'T a gay weatherman is gone and we gotta hear about how tough it is for LGBFSDTWRRJDJSDT (Hope I got some of those letters correct snowflakes.).

    Ya need a degree from MIT to keep track of all of the new definitions and categories for about a tenth of one percent of the population that wakes up every day deciding that maybe they are "Nellie Queen and Butch" as opposed to yesterday, when they were Fa’afafine. And you better be ready to read minds you evil cisgender fuck, or else!

    What a load of fuckin shit.

    No one cares if your gay, just be gay and quit pretending you're a victim. Again, are there ANY straight weathermen left on TV?

    Didn't think so. It's probably not a thing then.

  7. ^^Get your lazy ass to work chuck. No wonder you're 70 years old and still working! You're lazy as hell!

  8. ^^^Walkin out the door fuckhead. Go check out your usual, Wendy Williams and "The View" so you know what to think today.

    Oh shit, your comment reminded me, I gotta water my indoor plants.

  9. ^^and yet i'm independently wealthy and don't need to work, and you do. Weird.

    1. Oh Chimpy. Who are you kidding? Being in a zoo isn't independently wealthy!

      Now perform for us! We know you will.

      Every post, every day.

  10. Mike's entitled to his opinion as are we all. I enjoyed his low key delivery of the weather, but the world moves on and times change. As Pope said, "Be not the first on whom the new is tried nor yet the last to cast the old aside."

  11. At some point or another EVERYONE in this world will be discriminated against for something. Get over it Alphabet people.

  12. 8:09 Mommy and Daddy leaving you money doesn't make you wealthy as it's plain to see you're too stupid to have earned it.

  13. Shawnee had that cocksucker on the City Council that was blowing his underage students.
    No surprise that they think that faggot shit is all wonderful.

    You go Mike!

  14. DelusionalProgressive8/30/19, 8:52 AM

    When asked to put this issue to a public vote, Michelle Distler made a comment similar to "the voters were not smart enough to vote on this issue." This ordance is Michelle Distler’s parting knife in the back because the voters soundly rejected her baby sitting community center. She took a page direct from SLie’s playbook.

  15. Mike Thompson's comments were thoughtful, respectful, and on-point.

    Liberal media has been pushing the anti-family/anti-religion agenda for a good 20+ years now.

    Religion = BAD!
    Heterosexual 2-parent family = BAD!
    Conservative values = BAD!

    Atheism = GOOD!
    LGBTQZ Activism = GOOD!
    Abortion = GREAT!
    Decriminalize Drugs = GOOD!
    Soft On Crime = GOOD!
    Celebrity Worship = GOOD!
    Big Brother State = GOOD!

    Rule of thumb for the metro: Notice what KCMO is implementing and do the opposite!

  16. ^^Wrong chump. It's wrong to discriminate on the basis of sexual identity. What's so hard for you broken, busted, bitter, bitches to comprehend?

    1. Chimpy! What are you doing trying to comment on current affairs? You know you have no rights under human law!

  17. ^^^What's so hard for us to comprehend is why you're not in a padded room wearing a strait jacket. Soon maybe.

  18. This is how this douchebag motherfucker spends his free time? What a loser.

  19. Instead of focusing on LGBT right, or women's rights, or disabled rights, or, etc, etc. How about we just focus Bout rights? I thought we're supposed to be equal in America. Quit all these special privileges!

  20. ^^and yet we are NOT equal in America. Thus the special need for protections. Weird.

  21. Never forget the famous quote of Hitler a homosexual is a disease in the body of a nation. These diseased pieces of shit would do anything to subvert our society and turn it upside down into something unrecognizable . Don’t forget the aids epidemic spread by all the queers screwing themselves up the ass. All I can see any of them are good for is cannon fodder in the coming race war

  22. Hey 11:53 how would anyone know if you’re a fag or whatever you call yourself unless you tell them? So how can they discriminate if they don’t know?

  23. There hasn't been a good weatherman in this town since "Cheryl" Jones left!
    Talk about your great trannys - half the horndogs in town were panting after "Cheryl", he got lots of laughs about them!

  24. I support mike and agree with him

  25. Always wondered where the "Smirking Panic Monger" went!
    Nice to see he's still around, what office is he planning to run for, any guesses?

    Used to get a lot of laughs out of him, some old biddy in Emporia would fart, call in saying she'd heard a tornado, and Ol' Mikey would cut into some program, screaming...
    Hilarious - he also predicted about 3,842 of the 12 heaviest snowfalls we got.

  26. Well you see these queers anymore are masters of disguise growing beards and dressing normal so one might not know at first glance unless they pass out in front of a queer bar like the new nigger in the mayors office

  27. @919 - I recognize and respect people for their gender identity. I recognize men and I recognize women. Those are the only two genders that exist. The word sexual represents and act not a being, sex is a verb not a pronoun. It is not same sex marriage (because marriage is between genders namely the fore mentioned man and woman) so there is also no same gender marriage.
    I personally don't ask people about if they are heterosexual or homosexual because I don't care. If you wouldn't announce it no one would know or care. But YOU make it an issue and call attention to yourself and cause a problem, not the heterosexual normal people.
    If a company wants to promote same gender anything I stop buying that product or going to that place. That is my right and I live by that. If they want my business and the money I spend then they should not do that offensive thing.

  28. Someone needs to break the news to Mike Thompson that a gay priest lives in the rectory at the Catholic Church where Mike proudly sits in the front pew every Sunday. No, not the cryptkeeper Monsignor who also spoke at the council meeting, but the other one who conveniently stayed away.

  29. 12:02 FTW!!

    12:02 just knocked out 9:19 and 11:53 comments.

    If you're walking down the sidewalk, applying for a job, eating in a restaurant, shopping at a store, etc., how would anyone know what your sexual identity is?

    Oh! You have pink hair, a rainbow flag T-shirt, a tattoo on your forehead that reads "Proud Queer", and go into every neighborhood bakery demanding that they make you a gay wedding cake! But you just want to be left alone and respected by others?

    Other than your partner, no one needs to know about your sexual identity. Get over yourself.

  30. 2:42 Name one religion that doesn’t have pervert priest or reverend and whatever else you call a person of the cloth these days, got all day for your response faglips.

    By the way retard, they’re are no openly gay priests in the Catholic Church.

  31. Very Cool Kanye8/30/19, 4:03 PM

    I think Mike was very reasonable in his comments. At least he's a local media person who invested and stayed in his community. You don't get that very much anymore.

  32. 2:54 you really do live in denial.......if you think there are no homosexual priests in the Catholic Church, you must live in your head with Peter Pan and the Easter Bunny, Just because YOU don’t know one doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Think back a few years to the one who was caught at the gay bar in Lawrence, sent off for “a year of reflection and therapy” and now has a cushy gig at a Catholic Church in Overland Park. They may not be “openly” gay but gay nonetheless. You’re welcome, retard.

  33. 2:52: Interesting point. Maybe it would be valid if the subject of spouses, children, etc. were prohibited in the work and social environments. That means get rid of you family photos from your office, don't talk about your little darlings, your wife/husband, etc.

    If that doesn't sound reasonable to you, then why would you assume gays should be prohibited from displaying their family photos, discussing their spouses/partners, etc.

    The likelihood of someone "having pink hair, a rainbow flag T-shirt, a tattoo on their forehead that reads 'Proud Queer', and going into every neighborhood bakery demanding that they make you a gay wedding cake" is pretty nil--especially the last one. After all, how many wedding cakes does anyone need for a wedding.

    Get a grip, guy. BTW your diaper needs changing. You got a bit carried away with that piece of breathless prose!

  34. 8:52, Delusional Progressive has his facts wrong. It was Council President Stephanie Meyer, who implied voters are not smart enough to vote on this. And it was Stephanie Meyer who babysat and hustled for the Shawnee Community Center, whereas Distler sat on the sidelines. Meyer was THE leader of the YES movement. She lost, 72% to 28%.
    Then she squeaked thru the mayoral Primary Aug. 6, but LOST HER OWN WARD 3!!!!!!!!!

  35. Tracy for the win. She knows her facts.

    And, Mike Thompson was fair in his comments. And correct, you cannot legislate respect.

  36. I don’t care what Mike Thompson’s politics are, I’m just glad he’s off the air. What a boob! He was a lot like the drunk uncle at a family reunion that laughed too loudly at his own jokes and made everyone cringe.

  37. 6:09: "You can't legislate respect."

    Yep. That same statement was used to justify segregation, and it's just as tired now as it was in the 1950s.

    The only way people can hold on to their stereotypes is never to get to know people they're stereotyping.


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