Shawnee Stands Up For LGBT Rights

Historic legislation in this Golden Ghetto enclave as Johnson County strays from Red State ideology and forges a new progressive enclave in the metro. Read more:

Shawnee City Council passes nondiscrimination ordinance

The Shawnee City Council voted 5-2 Monday to pass a nondiscrimination ordinance that protects sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnant women from discrimination.Councilmembers Eric Jenkins and Mike Kemmling voted against it. Councilmember Mickey Sandifer was absent.The ordinance will take effect on Sept. 3.So many residents packed the council's chamber that seats had to be added.


  1. This ordinance is too weak. It will not allow a gay person to demand services of a business opposed to homosexuality. Do better.

    1. Ohhh...I DEMAND service. Good luck with that princess.

  2. Waaaaa I am a sexual deviant give me extra rights.

  3. As these city councils cowardly cave to what will turn out to be just the beginning of the "demands" that will continue to be made, all they've done is to open a whole new opportunity for lawsuits and attorneys.
    Next you'll have some person who is "gender nonspecific" and who uses the pronoun "they" make some out-to-lunch demands and then claim they were discriminated against when they're refused.
    Once "activists" get one bite of the apple, the list of demands becomes endless.
    Cowardice dressed up as "equality".

  4. ^^easy gramps. Looks like you didn't get a nap. You can rail about the "gays" after you get up. If you don't calm down, there will be no tapioca and Fox News before bed tonight.

  5. The ordinance is not enough to protect the LGBTQ people.

  6. Fudgepacker@739....Wrong on every level. You want to support a non discrimination ordinance but then in your own words discriminate based upon age with a horribly written and thought out post. Can't have it both ways snowflake.

    Shawnee has joined a few other communities in adopting a bad ordinance that offers people special protections. They have protections I don't have. They always have had protections to the same level I have had them. You just created a special group Shawnee, a slippery slope and you can't go back. Shame on the council people that don't have the brains or guts to say NO.

  7. 7:39: +1000. Several posters seem not to be aware they are living, after a fashion, in the 21st Century.

  8. OK @8:00 now you don't get to watch Matlock. We are revoking your day room privileges today. Back to your room!


  9. Sorry JOCO you can't make SOME people go against their faith OTHERS not. Looks like JOCO is going to end up a real ghetto not a golden one it will go down fast, and yet you let Sharice Davids walk around advertising that she supports your death, now that's twisted.

    7:39 is just an example of the ignorance we have in our country today. @7:39 we will fight you and we will win don't think you can force your totalitarian one sided BS down our throats. Not going to happen.

  10. St Jo parishioner one of 18000 Catholics out of 62000 residents8/27/19, 8:44 AM

    The mayor of Lenexa is gay. And HE had the sense to table this rush to a mish mash of legislation till this fall, when the US Supreme court will rule on taking 3 key cases.

    Ironically, when it was suggested to let the VOTERS DECIDE, Stephanie Meyer, running for mayor, who just lost her own ward in the primary, and lost the Community Center fiasco by a vote of 72% NO to 28% yes, said she did not TRUST the voters to decide this case.

    Of course, she thinks she is the next Hillary Clinton or Madeline Albrright, and this piece of 3 week rushed civil rights legislation is gonna help her resume.

    The mayor (also up for re-election), Michelle Distler, claims this has been in the works for 2 years. Not so, said courageous councilman Eric Jenkins. "We first saw this proposal 3 weeks ago!"

    What's the rush?
    And will the city cover the legal expenses of all the test cases that will be brought against small businesses with faith-based objections, that do not have the protection afforded actual churches? Hell no.

  11. All you whiners who are unhappy that equal protections ( NOT special protections, equal...the same protections that apply to people of color, the disabled, the elderly, etc), for the LGBTQ+community finally passed in Shawnee, you have my thoughts and prayers. Maybe all of you can get together for coffee & donuts after Mass on Sunday morning to commiserate about how persecuted you are.

    On a side note, as I watched last night’s meeting live.......I’m glad to know that former FOX4 weatherman Mike Thompson is a bigot. He was very brave when he got up there to speak out against equal protections. He looks a lot older than I remember. It’s good to know who my neighbors really are. Now I’ll quit waving at him at HyVee, I’ll give him a rainbow flag to fly in his front yard.

  12. 8:44am. Good Morning Tracy Thomas, how are you this fine morning?

  13. So many old people living in fear of gays. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad and pathetic. Thankfully, you are dying off everyday. The next generation is so much better than this one.

  14. And what's really funny is... they have absolutely nothing to fear. The odds of their being hit on are just about nil.

  15. ^^True that! Too funny. I guess shit-flakes have to complain about something. It's all they know!

  16. name a right or protection straight people have that gays do not

  17. Will this ordinance force mosques and muslims to not refuse homosexuals

  18. Yeah, 8:46:

    He will be crushed that you don't wave to him.

  19. LGBT don't hesitate to bully people at work when there are a bunch of them.

  20. ^^Only the shitty, complaining, worthless, hateful, bigots like you. You deserve it.

  21. Wonder if the LGBT bakers will refuse to make a cake for a 12 year old's birthday party hosted by NAMBLA?

  22. ^^^Why? Having trouble getting one are you? Pedo.

  23. ^^^^^1:31 just got ZAPPED! Good job!

  24. I am looking to buy up as much rental property in Shawnee as possible. I am going to double no maybe triple the rent because all the gays are moving in and I want to be rich. When the swisshy britches come look at my property I'll say hell yes this is the price and they will pay dearly to rent in a gay protected area.
    Shawnee should have known this was coming when they elected a woman mayor and the most liberal council woman around.

  25. On the table is the next ordinance: Changing the city name to Sodom. All in favor say aye.


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