Today In History: First Kansas City WDAF Live TV Camera On Display

Local mention in somewhat nearby museum earns the attention of our tech savvy blog community.

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5News: Pryor Center Gets Kansas City Station’s First Live TV Camera


FAYETTEVILLE (KFSM) — The University of Arkansas’ Pryor Center received a piece of television history on Monday (June 12), as TV station WDAF in Kansas City, Mo., donated its first live TV camera.

The RCA equipment dates back to the early 1950s is in great condition and will be permanently housed at the Pryor Center at 1 Center St. in Fayetteville.

The donation was thanks to Ben Meade and Jane Hunt Meade.

Meanwhile The Centennial Light has shone for 115 years but "planned obsolescence" is just one of the many ways corporations keep their hand in the pocket of consumers.

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