Tonight this town receives one of the biggest festivals in the Midwest.

A local guide . . .

The Pitch: Where to celebrate Pride in Kansas City this weekend

Official info:


And then . . .

Despite intolerant hateration from some critics, the reemergence of a classic Visit KC logo crafted by our reader community acknowledges that this party will DEFINITELY pump up our local tourism numbers:

You decide . . .

Have a good time and be safe. Hopefully, more for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Good times.

    1. Har har, I expect to see footage of TKC there letting his rainbow colors shine!

    2. Yes there have been some haters but that's typical. If you look at the numbers of the vendors and elected leaders who show up to get their name out there, you can see that KC really does need this kind of business to survive.

  2. Don't forget the rainbow streetcar. That's KC's number one attraction right now. Trending across social media.

    1. A colorful choo-choo? Was THAT the momentum we were promised? I think pride fest is fine if that's your thing but the streetcar serving as the party bus is kind of a strange proposal for KC taxpayers to finance.

    2. ^^^^ +1000

      They should really pay for their own transportation.

  3. Your gay son loves you5/31/19, 8:34 PM

    Grandpa, tonight you go to be early and I don't care if you want more applesauce. It's OUR time to party and you should really just stop complaining and learn to accept your friends and family who are more QUEER than you could ever begin to imagine. We still love you but we need a break.

  4. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!

  5. @8:35, unlike you, most of us don't own a "RUBBER DUDE", a few of us might still have a "Rubber Lady" (similar to Demi, below) tucked away in a box in the attic, should we wear one of those?

  6. 8:34 sLIE didn’t love his gay son so.....

  7. Byron Funkhouser5/31/19, 10:30 PM

    ^^He doesn't love you either, Petersucker.

  8. Mean Green KC5/31/19, 10:32 PM

    Hey, if that's your thing there is no problem with it. Just be safe and don't hurt anybody else but the same thing goes for everyone to. Actually a big pridefest is probably the best sign that the economy has seen all week. Everything else just seems to be more trade fighting and real estate speculation. If pridefest is pudding more people in downtown and making money, more power to them

  9. Gay men are actually proud of sucking dick and getting buttfucked?

  10. NICE EVENT BUT! City Leaders and KCPD should be ashamed to have puffed up activities at the Riverfront for decades then not have a better traffic and parking plan down there. Cars were back up on the Bond Bridge and east on Front St. The Grand bridge was closed except for foot traffic. A big mess...embarrassing...worse than Arrowhead on gameday!

  11. The KANSAS City Atheshit Coalition will have a table at the event...frankly there are no women, or men for that matter, that I would put my dock in or even on. A pretty overweight and homely crew that.

  12. With traffic backed up like it was, lots of people are going to get rear-ended.

  13. Faggots want to get rearended

  14. A lot of ugly people. Will stringy haired Josh of the Kansas City Atheist Coalition show up personally to "man" their recruiting table? I will be SURE to show up and bring them a coffee or milkshake.

  15. It's not that people are "intolerant". It's just that we are all exhausted hearing about how "special" you are because you're gay.

    We don't all rave on and on and on about being straight, so shut the fuck up.

    Day and fuckin night we gotta hear about how great you are because of what YOU say is because you were "born that way".

    Shut the fuck up, it's on tv, the radio, here on TKC it's endless bullshit about your narcissistic, self absorbed, "LOOK AT ME!!!" homo shit. Great, we all get it. Shut the fuck up about it. It's tiresome, churlish and way the fuck overdone.

  16. 9:43: +1000! 8:35's still trying to understand your reply!

  17. Why is the Atheist Coalition at the Fag Fest?

  18. ^^^^Maybe you could ask them, since you're such a fan.

    Here's their website: https://www.kcatheists.org/about-us/

    Or you could get a life.

  19. ^^^^ thanks KCAC...I see you don't have the guts to give your real reasons here, and you know the web page you cited does not either. That info is only on their private facebook page for dues paying members. Ain't that right Josh. Oh, and kiss my ads.

  20. 7:46, they are their to recruit. They probably think LGBT are easy pickings. Oh, and they always look for opportunities to hook up. Be sure to Double Bag it!!!

  21. Their women are mainly overweight and homely. So, No Thanks!!!

  22. Gay Supremacist6/1/19, 9:21 AM


  23. 8:39: I'm not an atheist. I'm merely someone who is tired of your repetitive and stupid posts.

    8:47: If gays are easy pickings, perhaps the church made them that way. And you might want to learn when to use their and when to use there in order to avoid appearing any more ignorant than you have to.

  24. Probably some really nice STD's exchanged there.

  25. Mel Brooks was right.

  26. 10:09 is a liar. He is a KCAC member.

  27. Visit the Kansas City Atheist Coalition recruiting table at Pride Fest.

    Bring them some coffee, or maybe a milkshake.

  28. 12:38: And you would know that... how?


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