For the record and despite a great deal of misinformation on social media. Kansas City has never formally declared itself a sanctuary city. But in practice and among local elected leaders there's no interest (read: profit) in working to enforce tougher immigration policy.
One more time for the cheap seats and in summation:
Kansas City is not a sanctuary city, or, in other words, a municipal jurisdiction that limits cooperation with government when it comes to enforcing immigration laws. But, given our high murder count, de-facto weed legalization by the Jackson County Prosecutor's Office and Laissez-faire approach toward all manner of corporate misdeeds: This town clearly isn't really uptight about following the rules.
Big picture . . .
Kansas City's history and greatness was achieved way of organized crime exercising an embarrassing level of control over our politics. That same level of corruption exists today only now it's mostly decided by lawyers who only occasionally (allegedly) get gunned down for their controversial tactics.
Just to be clear the culture of Kansas City proper has never had much respect for the law and some of this attitude can explain a mass migration to the suburbs where the middle-class can enjoy the illusion of safety, Democracy and other superstitions.
Now . . .
Background . . .
In one of his most brazen acts as Kansas City Mayor, Sly James led a protest against Prez Trump immigration restrictions at the airport with bullhorn in hand.
And here's what the future holds . . .
As part of an economic and racial justice platform, Councilman Quinton Lucas has proposed a KCMO Municipal ID Card which will provide residents identification regardless of immigration status.
Council Lady Jolie Justus has a progressive history on the topic of support for illegal aliens in the United States . . .
One example out of many from her days as a state Senator:
Justus proposes bill to give children of undocumented immigrants in-state tuition
She's playing up down progressive Democratic reputation as the election moves closer. But it's clear her political record reveals a great deal of support for undocumented/illegal immigrants/aliens.
Accordingly . . .
And so we ask . . .
At the very least the flood of migrants and those seeking asylum might help Kansas City realize the fake numbers of visitors constantly touted by tourism officials.
Checks the links:
NYMag: Could Trump’s Illegal Plan to Ship Migrants to ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Make Everyone Happy?
Fox: Some say president's sanctuary city idea could help migrants stay in US
CNN: The vicious White House sanctuary city revenge plan is too awful to gloss over
Decider: Bill Maher Says Trump Wanting To Send Immigrants To Sanctuary Cities Is ‘Pretty F*cking Deplorable’
Guardian: Trump fixed on sanctuary city idea amid opposition and doubts over legality
ABC: Trump's 'sanctuary cities' plan not first choice, but an 'option on the table': Sarah Sanders
Hill: Trump says he has legal right to send undocumented immigrants to sanctuary cities
You decide . . .
New sign at the new airport.
ReplyDeleteBad hombres welcome!
get to the point. Kansas City wins or loses either way?
DeleteIf you look at life and the economy for the average resident. Probably the later.
Will we be getting a tent city?
DeleteI know somebody who works at city hall who would probably call this "momentum" and say that it's part of building density. BUT the caravan isn't going to live in luxury apartments downtown. We're basically talking about building up the population of poor people to get more democratic votes in about 18 years. Thanks President Trump!
ReplyDeleteOur shithole city can’t take care of our own people as it is.
ReplyDeleteThe blacks will not allow Mexicans to come here and take all the freebies, besides, all the blacks that I know and that’s many many blacks, they hate Mexicans. Sorry, but it’s true.
ReplyDeleteOur mayor and clowncil are stupid enough to accept as many as they can thinking they’ll be federal dollars that come with them, President Trump isn’t giving any so guess who has to pay up? The citizens in killa shitty will have tp pay that’s who.
ReplyDeleteWill you count them as tourists gopher boi?
Seal the boarders now, we full.
ReplyDeleteThis town is in some serious, serious trouble with a choice between Justus and Lucas....serious, serious trouble. We will be bankrupt in 10 years and overrun with the criminal element who will control the streets! Fortunately if they drive, the potholes would slow them down!
ReplyDeleteWe and I mean as all the area called KC Metro have enough of a homeless issue as it is. Why in Gods name would we want to add to it? We can't even seem to take care of bonafide American citizens so why in the world would we feel the need to take on the homeless from other countries? Those illegals come here seeking the good life and in doing so rob from those who have the right and have earned the right to Social Security and other government programs. I'm not saying that some groups can't lend a helping hand to others in need but let them fund these folks not just bring them to this country to simply mooch off of programs and tax dollars set aside for those who are rightful citizens of this country.
ReplyDeleteLets take care of Americans first and everyone else can have the scrapes if any are left over. If a person isn't a full fledged American citizen then they have no right to taxpayer supported programs or the right to vote.
No city should have the right to overrule government immigration laws. All that is doing is setting this country up for another civil war like happened 170 or so years ago. When states or cities start fighting one another and splitting off it's only a matter of time before violence and killing starts taking place.
So I ask you liberal lefty loonies, are you really willing to shed your blood for someone who willing probably hates your guts, but is more than willing to take any free handouts you give them while secretly laughing at what idiots you are? If you liberal lefty loonies were to all go to Mexico or any other country that has people flocking to this country and tried to live there based on handouts how long would you be able to last before you're starving? I be willing to guess about two days if that.
As the western world is over ran with mud people the progress of technology will slow. The whites led and invented everything, as their numbers go down so will civilization.
ReplyDeleteSince no one on here sees it- I most certainly will point out the perfect solution:
ReplyDeletePut them up at the glass KC Star building. The few bleeding hearts there will welcome them in without screening and can maybe put them to work or if they don’t want to work- then they can follow their patron saint AOC and let them not work.
Tons of space as hardly anyone works there now. They can bring back their call center from over seas and it won’t matter if anyone speaks English or not as no one can understand overseas very well now. The top brASS doesn’t care if anyone speaks in understandable English anyway... you can tell by looking at comments in story
Let the few reporters left there teach them to hate white people so they can get jobs on the editorial board.
When the paper goes belly up - maybe the migrants can buy the glass carcass and turn it into something usable... like an indoor City dump... which it is now... but they can make it official and collect waste and charge for it.
Just look what parts of olathe has turned into. It’s only getting worse.
ReplyDeleteKansas City's history and greatness was achieved way of organized crime exercising an embarrassing level of control over our politics.
ReplyDeleteFast forward to 2019 and nothing much has changed. With the exception the criminals have put on clown suits and bow ties and tweet on cell phones.
Hilarious to see the Dems suddenly transform into NIMBYs.
ReplyDeleteCertainly we can put em up in One and Two Light? Maybe drop off 10,000 of them in Sly and Jolie's front yards in Midtown?
ReplyDeletePlenty of room for them on that waste of space and under utilized land known as Mission Hills golf course.
ReplyDelete^^^^^ +1
DeleteThey could bus them in to the Plaza and say, well here you are and good luck.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused isn't this just President Trump promoting illegal immigration? I guess the wall isn't working after all
ReplyDelete^^^^^^No it's him saying to all of those who don't want the wall. "Here, you want them so damn bad, you deal with them."
ReplyDeleteRiver Market, Crossroads, Beacon Hill... perfect location for these hordes of downtrodden and talented people.
ReplyDeleteYou think the homicide rate is high now. Just wait for when the Mexican gangs to call killer city home. And don't forget everyone Central American gang, MS13 when they open a local chapter here.
ReplyDeleteNaziDave, we are talking about legitimate refugees. They will not be taking social services, they will be taking jobs. Jobs that Americans don't want. They will not be taking money from Social Security, they will be paying into it. They will not all become Democrats; they are culturally Catholic, & therefore conservative.
ReplyDeleteThis is just ignorant hysteria.
We are NOT full. Most of the country is suffering from population decline.
We should take them all with a pathway to citizenship.
^^^ nobody asked for your uninformed opinion bLIEron, matter of fact, mind your own damn business
ReplyDelete^^^^^Actually, did anyone ask you for your opinion?
ReplyDeleteByron stated "They will not be taking social services, they will be taking jobs. Jobs that Americans don't want. They will not be taking money from Social Security, they will be paying into it."
ReplyDeleteAccording to Fair,,"In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion"
The majority of this cost is the illegals feeding at the public trough. These people are not legitimate refugees they are illegal aliens who have broken our laws.
Bryon needs to try some different kool-aid.
ReplyDeleteWho's jobs do illegal immigrants effect the most ? Whites ? Orientals ? Blacks ? Yep, the blacks are most effected by illegal immigrants. Better get on the Trump train before it's too late.
ReplyDeleteSlie, Jolie and Lucas should be happy mentoring and assimilating 15 to 20 illegals housed in their homes.
ReplyDeleteI am ok with this.
ReplyDeleteBring in Millions and Millions.
The soft, slow, nefarious, corrupt, necrotic destruction of this country is only possible, in SLOW MOTION. It must, MUST happen while we sleep. If Trump brings in millions and millions of people to depress wages, destroy the economy, suck the life out of tax payers-in a real time, straight line reference that is apparent to the dumb, dumb, uneducated white Liberals who think we are all gonna be singing Kumbaya --
(Hat Tip -Fuck Mandella Fuck South Africa, Fuck Selma - Fuck Detroit - Fuck Birmingham - Fuck St. Louis - Fuck all Democrat/Socialist/Fascist cities who are partially populated by idiot white chicks who think this will all "BE FINE")
---and let us all see, in "Quick Time" what the results are. The dislocation, the economic disaster, the violence the displacement, the now, obvious, disruption and destruction of this country in pursuit of an insane , narcissistic, ethnomasochistic suicidal end, that parasites who want you DEAD WHITE BOY, CAN'T WAIT FOR.
Maybe, just maybe, after the dumb, ignorant- and I mean IGNORANT white women who have, to this point, voted for the destruction of their children, see the results of this National Stockholm Syndrome Insanity see the short term results, then --- there my be a hard look at the truth.
In the meantime, White women, are fuckin idiots.
One more time, you dumb fuckin white boys, they are NOT Refugees, they are your REPLACEMENTS!
ReplyDeleteAmerica fuckin hates you SO, SO, SO, much morons.
^^^Nah dummy, America like the rest of us, hates YOU!
ReplyDelete"The majority of this cost is the illegals feeding at the public trough. These people are not legitimate refugees they are illegal aliens who have broken our laws."
ReplyDeleteCould you provide a breakdown of these costs? Inquiring minds want more than anecdotal evidence.
Google 2014 per capita budgetary impact break down by race. It aint whitey.
ReplyDelete6:21 got knocked out! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteThey have been coming to Kansas City For twenty years. Have you driven through Northeast,Kansas City Missouri.They are coming to visit there Friends and family members. There coming right up I35,ENJOY THE SHOW.
ReplyDeleteByron you full blown idiot we are not talking about legitimate refugees. We are talking about illegal immigrants. Since you claim to not be able to read as you prove time and time again, how about you just shut up and let the real adults deal with things.
ReplyDeleteRefugees? The border patrol agents must be mildly amused by how many border crossing women are married to police officers who beat them. That was the story of one asylum seeker. An enterprising investigator found her husband in a coastal city. He was a fisherman, not a journalist, and he wondered where his wife and youngest child had gone. Border jumpers are coached what to say when they claim asylum. We must be the dumbest country on earth if we believe them.
ReplyDeleteKC is not a formal sanctuary city. By that I mean there is no formal directive (ordinance, etc.) that prohibits city employees or law enforcement from communicating with ICE. Cities and states that declare themselves "Sanctuary Cities" are merely stating a political position. More important, for Kansas City is this: Is the next Mayor willing to declare that KC will be protecting the illegal aliens that are criminals? Criminals, I might add, that terrorize other illegal aliens in our city. Not all illegal aliens are criminals i.e. MS 13, etc. Additionally, it is a myth that illegal aliens who cooperate with law enforcement are deported. Why would a law enforcement officer want a key witness to be deported? In fact, there is a remedy for illegal aliens who do cooperate with law enforcement. However, the determination of that relief is not offered by local law enforcement, instead, it is offered by ICE. One last thing, if the City determines that they will not cooperate with ICE then why not cooperate with other agencies: ATF, FBI, etc.
ReplyDeleteByron is a pro at TAKING social services. He and his wife are thief's.
ReplyDeleteThey should round up and dump the illegals at Trump's hotels and golf courses.
ReplyDeleteHe will have them hired immediately.
^^ Dump them at your trailer.
ReplyDeleteOh boy, the comments here are a doozy. Racism central, we should call it Storm Front TKC.
ReplyDelete^^Typical TKC poster mentality. Old geezers who hate everything and everybody. They lash out on here because nobody listens to a word they say in the real world. Chuckie cheese is the prima facia example of that, thus the run-on, hate-filled diatribes that he shits out of his closed little mind regularly.
ReplyDelete^^^ and just exactly what do you contribute to the dialogue? NOTHING except your idiotic crap focused on someone elses are just a little turd with nothing to say except to belittle someone else...that's a sign of severe mental problems little girl. With help you might get over it. Say something to the subject or just shut up.