For those who haven't seen it or haven't seen it in awhile, TKC totes recommends the 1993 cinematic classic FALLING DOWN given that this week has been rough for white dudes.

First, our white dude blog readers had to defend themselves from being called "angry" by liberal arts majors at KU. Ironically, a lot of the comments seemed pretty angry and didn't make us laugh at all.

And now . . .


Here's the money quote because it's scary that even a corporate news station had to bury the lead because of fear of backlash:

KCTV5: "Kansas City voters face the first mayoral race where neither candidate is a white man and Justus is the first openly gay candidate vying for the spot."

^^^ And our AWESOME TKC READERS remind us that KCTV5 is totes WRONG. The last mayoral election was betwixt Sly James and THE GENERAL Vincent Lee. Both of whom aren't white dudes.


But I digress

Now, in much the same way that "Falling Down" is more B-movie camp than anything else . . . Let's take a look at the sitch objectively.

If Clay Chastain, Scott Taylor, Steve Miller, Scott Wagner, Henry Klein (who actually ran an inspiring campaign) and Phil Glynn (who ran a FAKE-ASS campaign) is the best that white dudes can do . . . Then "they" don't deserve to win.

(Or maybe we might consider that racial identity politics is a losing game even if it dictates a great deal of voting from the Northland the to the 3rd district. More on that later . . .

Similarly . . .

Longtime TKC readers compare this to so many Conservative Republicans constantly complaining about KCMO Congressman Cleaver but the only guy they can find to run against him is perennial loser and all around nice guy Jacob Turk.

But more important than all of this is the question we throw back to our blog community . . .


Think about it carefully, don't get too angry because The Greater KC Chamber & The Civic Council are nuts with JoCo white dudes who look just like you and they're REALLY calling the shots in this vote behind the scenes . . . Even better, consider using this TKC Amazon affiliate link to get another look at an underrated movie wherein some white guy laments the rapidly changing state of the world only to discover that the problem was mostly in his head all along: Falling Down

You decide . . .


  1. Now that's good stuff. Falling Down might be the best thing ever produced even if Mike D got throat cancer from eating so much bad pussy.

    1. ^^^ Lulz. That's nuts.

    2. You did the same thing and buried the lead. The Chamber and the Civic council are running the show and they look pretty white to me. And yes, most of them do live in JoCo or the last remaining nice parts of Lee's Summit.

  2. I thought the last race was between Sly and The General.

  3. It's KC, the developers really run this town.

  4. Who cares? White dudes are mostly pedos now anyway.

    1. Evil is evident in every ethnic!4/4/19, 2:23 PM

      No, sadly there's too many Crazy Uncle Joes of all stripes.

      During childhood, Oprah, Maya Angelou, and Barry 0 were preyed upon by pedos in their families, or friends of their families. BHO had an actual "scary Larry" (Marshall) before his Rev Wright down-low dating days.

  5. white guilt liberal, geder confused trannys, urban queer culture, young black men ruthlessly gunning down other black men, women, and children....earnings tax, developer tax breaks....

    wow so hip and cool

  6. ^^^ I guess that's what they're calling "momentum" nowadays.

  7. I think it's the crap reporting in KC (that's you too TKC) that drove most people away from the election.

  8. I don't really care what the person is that runs for office long as they are qualified and act like a leader of the people.

    But making a campaign that hinges on race and sexual orientation isn't how a qualified person runs a political race.

    I remember the days when your work ethics and qualifications not your skin color or who you're sleeping with was the determining factors in winning an election.

  9. ^^^ +100

    Thankfully, most voters are like Dave and don't lose themselves in all of this culture war B.S.


    It doesn't objectively represent either one. It just is, what it is. Demographics are Destiny and Thomas Wolfe was right, "It is always back to blood." The ethnomasochistic efforts of suicidal white Progressives to co-opt hatred of whites by way of the "Narrative" in the Entertainment Industry, The Main Stream Media, Left Wing Identity Politics and in the machinations of the Deep State has produced an electorate that is consumed with checking boxes that relate to skin color, gender, sexuality vis a vis qualifications, experience and policy knowledge.

    As I type, the Progressive/Fascists are tearing poor old Joe Biden to pieces, NOT because he is a touchy feely, creepy old man, but because he is a White man and the Progressive/Fascists cannot and will not countenance another white man, EVAR running for President from the Progressive/Fascist/Democrat party.

    The national megaphone is controlled by the 92% of the Main Stream Media that hates Trump and whites, the Entertainment Industry that hates Trump and whites, the Deep State Federal Government, that depends on Democrats for power, money and sinecure, that hates Trump and whites and the politicians who support the "Narrative" no matter if they are white are not, in order to achieve short term gain.

    No one with above room temperature IQ needs a lesson in some type of political Sabermetrics to see exactly where this takes us.

    To a living hell like South Africa, Detroit, Baltimore, Selma or, any of the hundreds of cities, states, countries that suffer under the reign of uneducated, unqualified, power hungry, crooked "leaders" who can check the box when it comes to Race, Gender and Sexuality.

    If Stacy Abrams really wants to become president, she should publish a picture of Oprah sitting on her face. She would win 100,000,000 to zero, to borrow a phrase from one of our newly minted heroes.

    1. ^^^^ +1000

      I may not agree with all of it or ANY of it but right now Chuck deserves a standing slow clap. Nicely done man.

    2. but Tom Wolfe should have stopped after I am Charlotte Simmons bc back to blood was a stupid book. He just was kind of slowing down too much to do the topic justice. In his late 80s by then.

      For me A Man in Full is close to perfect.


  11. Our country is headed to an open civil race war.It'll be violent and bloody and it's all Trumps fault.

  12. ^^No he doesn't. He deserves the life he currently lives. Lonely, broke, old, and pathetic.

  13. 11:50 chuck struck a nerve with your pansie crybaby ass didn’t he! Wake the fuck up and Grow a man pair or die a slow painful death with all your hatred, nobody likes people with that kind of hatred in their system.

  14. He is none of the above. You describe your self. Chuck is a great guy, he might be a prick but he is straight up. Known him since the Brandsmart days. Much fun in the early 80's.

  15. Chuck worked at Brandsmart????? Wow. He really is a loser then isn't he?

  16. ^^^^ Says the guy cleaning the sneeze shield at the local pizza joint.

  17. No, Brandsmart is pretty much loserville. High comedy. "Chuck...go clean the restrooms and quit cutting holes in the bathroom stalls!!!" LOL!!!!!!

  18. Chuck was the GM moron.

  19. Just remember...the progressives of KC showed up to the Vice President's visit to KC by throwing a "wiener party" dressed at hot dogs. They thought it was so fabulous.

  20. Chuck ran the place idiot. It was the place in those days.

  21. ^^ sorry. It was never "the place" It was all overpriced junk ran by scammers who were worse than used-car salesmen. They got busted multiple times for the ol' bait & switch. If chuck "ran the place" then he was a fucking crook which figures.

  22. ^^^^What a liar. The only thing you missed was blaming it on the Russians.

  23. When intersectionality is most important, then you get record murders every year and corruption. When ideas are most important then you get a better city.

    There were plenty of intersectional checkboxes to pick from in the ballot this week and that was the most important thing for many people. There was only 1.5 core set of ideas. Almost all the candidates had the same losing ideas of Justus and Lucus. Really...what is the difference between the two besides skin color, a DWI, and whose face is on the losing airport? Miller had half an idea that was better than the rest.

    I pray daily that the Governor and a respectable Auditor will take over KC and the Loo and make them better. Until then, I hope all the lefties feel woke for showing their intersectionality and progressiveness and moral superiority.

  24. I was just reading an article on my KSHB app about the security checkpoints and metal detectors at Westport this weekend. Why the hell would you want to patron a place like that? Why is there such strict security? Is it because people wearing MAGA hats are so violent? Hell no, but you are for sure to be a victim of violence if you wore that hat down there.

    These people at city hall need to stop pretending like the cause and answer to homicide, rape, and robbery is “affordable housing”.

  25. Brandsmart was a fucking shady sleaze pit; if chuck was the manager that explains a whole lot.

  26. I honestly do not care about the race, gender or sexuality of the next mayor. I am more concerned that they are qualified, stop talking about their agenda, listen to what the people want and produce results. I am not a fan of Jolie or Lucas and neither has convinced me that they will do anything different than the Sly guy or the Funk man, oops.. I mean his wife, the brains of that couple. 

    Affordable housing? Sounds nice but that is the opposite of what Sly James and his cronies pushed for with the ridiculously over priced fire hazard condos. I am not convinced of the importance of this affordable housing topic. Reversing it means more developer cash goes down the drain and those ties will be broken. No more campaign donations and support. Bummer! What is needed more than affordable housing is regulation on the abusive slum lords and absentee landlords. A lot of eye sores and vacant properties are partly due to people living comfortably across the country somewhere. Hold them accountable, make them pay up or close down shop. 

    MLK Blvd? A total waste. Enough money has been getting thrown to the King family for the MLK park already. You can change Paseo to Peaceful Ave and it will not slow down crime, drugs and prostitution. It might have made the reverends jizz themselves and brainwash their congregations to vote, but it does not change the history of the street or improve conditions. To keep it, the same churches that pushed for it should pay the bill. They do not pay taxes anyway, use that collection plate cash!

    The airport? Half of it looks like a mall scene from the Dawn of the Dead film. There is barely food there aside from a horrible knockoff White Castle slider or so, the water is overpriced at $4 + for a tiny bottle, women get exercise taking the journey to find the crapper, and if security can damn near strip search you inside but fail to notice a dead guy in his vehicle for months? Your imagination can only come close to the estimate of how much it will REALLY take to turn that money pit around. 

    The Jazz district? Ha! There is no amount of money that can revive it. Throwing more millions into an area where its own residents dread coming outside at night is laughable. The Jazz District is Apollo Creed, we are Rocky, we threw in the towel when he did, he died, and the city has been trying to revive his decomposed carcass for decades. Drago said "If he dies, he dies".. well, He is dead!! Let it rest!!!!

    The Go Bonds were a joke. Schools have been closing for years so a pre K tax where the money will more than likely end up going on something else - possibly the money gap needing filled for the airport - it is a scam! 

    Campaign on this:
    Fix the damned streets. Replace the 100 year old pipes so we can stop having bursts every week. Do something about the sinkholes and potholes. Give us our damned animal shelter. Close down the mini chocolate factory train that goes less of a distance than the World's of Fun train. Either tear down all the vacant houses or make the overpriced condos into one huge homeless shelter to get the overabundance of homeless people off of the streets. Do something useful!

  27. There was a ex-military white male in the race.

    The idiotic TKC geezers couldn't wait to run Kander out.

    The angry old men hate everything, including their own.

  28. KC politics brings out the worst in people.

    But if you look at the smart comments in this thread they belong to chuck, josh and a couple of others. Too bad that KC always sees the need to divide itself. It's a bad habbit that's getting us nowhere.

  29. Super Dave pretty much nailed it as well.

    Wish there was voting on these comments, that would be productive and help readers to find the good stuff.

  30. Noticed today while reading a Fox News on line article on Detroit shootings and how they were associated with democrapic run cities, a KC reader claimed equal notoriety.

    Was not my post, but proud my city is among the top shoot-em ups.

  31. Quentin Lucas did not get through the primary on the strength of African-American votes alone, nor did Jolie Justus win her spot solely on the support of gay voters – open or not. Both are intelligent people who ran very effective campaigns. Both are articulate. Both have Council experience – and a record of supporting (or opposing) specific policies.

    It is best to bear in mind that there were four African-Americans vying for votes. There were two women. Five candidates had strong support bases in the City's Southwest Corridor. Only one candidate came from the Northland – and he was hampered when the major political organization in that area (somewhat inexplicably) decided instead to endorse a political newcomer from south of the river. Go figure.

    Of course one candidate was somewhat handicapped by virtue of the fact that none of his neighbors could vote for him since they all live in Virginia.

    The fact of the matter is that neither Quentin Lucas nor Jolie Justus will be Mayor based upon "identity" but on the IDEAS each brings to the public. And that is how democratic government is supposed to work.

    1. Are you hoping to take over Go4KC’s job? You’d sing the praises of Rocky and Bullwinkle as candidates if you thought you could benefit from it. If you think identity will not play a large part in the election, you’re even crazier than you seem.

  32. This is going to be a good race to June. Money vs Grassroots Organizing.

  33. Who is the money and who is the grassroots?

    Both appear to be spending and organizing without any grass or roots involved. It will be interesting once the general election gets closer and we all get to see what side of the line KC city council members jump on. Those endorsements will shine a spotlight on the identity vs idea theory.

  34. I’m kind of sick of you shitting on Phil Glynn. He’s a good dude who worked his ass off. Your whole “fake campaign” bullshit is pretty infuriating,

  35. Kansas City never misses the opportunity to miss an opportunity. Lost in the celebration of identity politics is the fact that Kansas City, like all cities it size needs a strong mayor. Neither Jolie or Quinton will provide that. Once again Kansas City loses.


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