Kansas City Star Hires More Bloggers

Meet the local newsies who will be asking if they can use social media video, pix and tweets from crime scenes they aren't going to visit. Also, expect some important personal screeds:

The Star hires three breaking news reporters focusing on crime, justice

Katie Moore, left, Luke Nozicka and Katie Bernard are three reporters recently hired by The Kansas City Star. Photo of Luke Nozicka by Michael Zamora/The Des Moines Register; photo of Katie Bernard by Missy Minear The Kansas City Star has hired three reporters, boosting its coverage of breaking news and adding strength to a team of journalists tasked with holding the criminal justice system accountable.


  1. I feel bad for them. They're going to be getting like $7 an hour and will be laid off in like 6 months when they go out of business

  2. What maybe 6 months experience between the three?

  3. Should have kept Tony Rizzo. I hope he didn't have to train these three stooges.

  4. Will they be allowed to tell the truth about who is committing these crimes? Doubtful.

  5. ^^^^Excellent point

  6. "Each has a track record of serving their communities..." At 36 years old, yoiu better have a track record. At 24 and 21, (21????) they have a "track record"? A coup0le of wet behind the ears, snot nosed kids are gonna set the news world afire from 17th and Grand. Right. They'll get 29.5 hours a week and they'll be busy stealing content from other media outlets. Lovely.

  7. Why would anyone want to be on a sinking ship. Good luck see your next story about getting unemployment from a closed door business.

  8. It's the best reporting that money can buy.

    ... and I bet they won't have to pay those three much.

  9. Libtards without a pound of sense between them.

  10. The combined monthly salaries of this trio are roughly one fourth of that received by Colleen and Eric Nelson

  11. What a cluster of jealous bitches. Can't believe such negativity from the geezers who read this blog. It is a good thing to hire more journalists. But you dumbasses kind pick the bad out of everything. Sad.

  12. ^^^^Just remember, TKC is just a waiting room for the nearly departed. These busted, broken, bitter losers are mad at the world because it wants nothing to do with them. They come on here and lash out. They are to be mocked relentlessly.

  13. SJW slanted bullshit to appease the communist agenda.

  14. You have a Face For T.V. Report the News. AND in a few Months Apply at a successful Internet streaming Independent news organization .That has millions of viewers.

  15. The Star is a dead end. If you're going to report dirty laundry Make some good money .and work on your Tan,on the Weakened .

  16. Traditional media outlets used to claim they were superior to mere bloggers because their journalists used shoe leather to track down stories and they had editors to check the content.

    Well so much for that bullshit. Star reporters haven't used shoe leather to cover stories since Smartphones were invented, and the editorial oversight was deep sixed long ago.

    So now the media are combating blogger competition by hiring their own bloggers. There's little chance that the new hires will be any more objective or honest than the rest of the Star's staff, which gets low marks on both.

  17. I hope they are better reporters than Steve Vockrodt, I emailed and called him once with a huge story about public corruption. I even emailed the proof and he didn’t do a thing with it. Doing so would have ruined his relationship with the city manager. As the city hall beat reporter, Steve needed the city manager to give him leads and story ideas. That help made his reporting job very easy. Stupid Steve passed up a Pulitzer Prize story! He should give his journalism diploma back to KU.

  18. Inner City violence is brought to us by Russian collusion. Maybe Hillary can buy a study to prove it.

  19. Maybe the Star should hire a couple of you geezer bloggers for 'balance'; hell, people might start buying it again, just for the entertainment value - kind of like rubbernecking at an auto accident.


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