Kansas City Chiefs Domestic Drama Update: Embattled WR Tyreek Hill Confronts Threat Of 'Exempt List' From NFL Commish

SI offer the best explanation of this crackdown scenario amid this child abuse scandal:

"While the league has historically declined to use the list in the offseason, the NFL might make an exception in this case since Hill is in the middle of an ongoing criminal investigation. The list keeps a player off the field while the league reviews a charge or allegation, while usually waiting for the legal system to conclude its process. In Kansas City, prosecutors reopened the criminal investigation, while Hill was suspended by the Chiefs after the tape's release."

Read more:

Report: Hill might be placed on commish exempt list soon

The NFL might place Chiefs wide receiver Tyreek Hill on the Commissioner's Exempt List as early as this week.


  1. Can Tywreak speak Canadian ?

  2. Good to hear. Put that monkey out of football . Scum bag trash is nothing but a child and woman bearer. Give me a minute and a bat .

  3. King Kong and Al Sharpton's butt baby.

  4. @6:58AM-yea right. Tyreek would take that bat from you geriatric hands in a second flat and stick it up your ass! Bitch, the only thing you're capable of beating is off.

  5. So, now Bo knows, the whole world knows, 9:04's HOMO!!!4/29/19, 10:34 AM

    Naw, nasty 9:04, that's what you want Hill to do to you! It's the gay way to "tar" a bat, huh?

  6. ^^What are you, like 80?!? You're so bad at this. So bad.

    1. Bigly triggered buttboi!

  7. Kansas City did not open a criminal investigation. The Johnson County DA did. Hill will go down because he chose to live in Johnson County, not Jackson County.

  8. The tape isn't admissible evidence. He's not going to be convicted.

  9. Lynch mobs are ugly things -- not made prettier by being on the air or buying ink by the barrel. No one should condone violence -- especially against a helpless child. But, the reason that we have developed the concept of Due Process is that first impressions are not always the most reliable, especially in emotionally-charged events.

    What I have heard of the tape proves that Hill's girlfriend knows how to press his "trash talk" buttons -- even long distance -- and that Hill's (and her) parenting skills are awful and their behavior offensive (but may not be illegal, since "corporal punishment" by "whupping"is generally not illegal and is widely practiced by the less educated folks of all races.) Of course it is stupid to "whup" a 3 year old, but lots of folks lack parenting skills. Courts send parents to classes for that. What we do not know is whether Hill -- or anyone -- actually injured the child.

    Perhaps we might put away the torchs and pitchforks until there is actual evidence of anything but stupidity. If Hill broke his kids arm in anger, that is a crime. And the NFL should deal with it. Punishment without Due Process is tyranny.

  10. BUTTONS....SURE, BLAME IT ON BUTTONS!!!4/29/19, 4:27 PM

    Hill:"Man, nigguh just be all the time pushing my buttons, bro."

    Judge: "Mr. Hill, for the third time now, I repeat, I don't want to hear the "N" word in this court room again." "Refer to parties of this matter by name while you're on the stand."

    Hill: "Ah, dat cool, okay." "Sorry, bro." "Um, Crystal, know I warn her back in college if she git ta pushin' my buttons, Ima punch her." "Even pregnut, wutevah, don't matter."

  11. I just agreed with Phil Cardarella.

    Wait...what's that up in the sky? It's a flying pig!


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