Diversity Built Kansas City

Today we appreciate a glimpse of Kansas City seen through a progressive lens and offering an alternative perspective on the working-class founders of this cowtown. Checkit:

How Multi-Ethnic Stockyard Workers Propelled Kansas City Into The Modern Age

Inasmuch as Detroit relied on automobiles, or Pittsburgh on steel, Kansas City once relied on a meatpacking industry that, in turn, depended on a multi-ethnic, low-wage, but organized labor force. So says social historian John Herron, associate director of the UMKC Honors College.


  1. Give it a rest already Mr. Herron.

  2. This was a long time ago when black men actually married black women and supported a family.

  3. Where are the Irishman that built everything?

  4. Diversity built Kansas City that's why they discarded any history like the Paseo. Diversity meaning blacks only.

  5. FAMILIES built Kansas City. They were families of every color but the family unit was key in the progress of our city and it's current demise.

  6. I don't know how many blacks built Kansas City but they sure as fuck are destroying it.

  7. Nobody expects you to know anything

  8. ^^^^^^Appears to know more than you

  9. Byron Funkhouser4/29/19, 7:58 AM

    12:21 There is no white genocide. Children are the future, so if you won't have children then you have no future.

    Diversity means not living a little cocoon of only fellow WASP's.

  10. Not Byron Funkhouser4/29/19, 1:10 PM

    @7:58 Ethno-masochism is a form of self-hatred. Self-hatred is a form of mental illness. Multiculturalism is ideological syphilis.


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