This one is deserves a second look because people are taking sides on this one very quickly . . .
Missouri State Senator Lauren Arthur seyz: "I am deeply concerned about the conduct of the Clay County Commission in refusing to cooperate with the state audit and, in fact, bringing a lawsuit--funded by our tax dollars--to thwart that audit. I was an early signer of the audit petition, which more than 9,000 Clay Countians signed, because people have a right for their tax dollars to be spent responsibly and for transparency. This week, I filed a bill to enact a procedure in which voters may recall county commissioners because we must have the ability to hold our elected leaders accountable."
Read more:
KMBC: Judge will review Missouri auditor's subpoena for county's records, Clay County says
KCUR: Clay County Commission Sues To Limit Scope Of State Audit; Galloway Says County Won't Cooperate
KCTV5: Clay County claims state auditor is dismissing subpoena; Auditor calls statement ‘grossly inaccurate’
Developing . . .
I said in the campaign that this woman scared me. I think I may have some new found respect for her. These commissioners in Clay County are the worst and she is standing up against them. Good for her.
ReplyDeleteThis news is shocking because it's so unbelievably rare for a local politician to show any integrity whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteYeah, we're not used to integrity here in Clay County, been a long time since we had a northland Politician with any.
ReplyDeleteGlad Lauren is supporting a legal request by the taxpayers and calling out the commissioners who are trying to hinder the auditors who are doing what the taxpayers want.
ReplyDeleteTime to start a recall petition on the commissioners.
Lauren is pandering. She is ill-equipped to do anything but try and grab at low-hanging fruit. She is an incredible disappointment. Does she have any idea what the Clay County Audit law suit is about, or is she just jumping in eyes wide shut because it's easy to hate on politicians. Because it's a lawsuit, I'm guessing NO ONE has seen all the facts, evidence, etc. to make a sound judgement. The Citizens group has ZERO transparency. You can't join their group if you disagree with them and if you do get on and make a comment Jason Withington doesn't like, he deletes it. So much for transparency. I'm done with Lauren (and yes, I voted for her once - shame on me).
ReplyDeleteOh Lauren! Why don't you get something done in Jeff? What integrity? She can't get any positive news for her accomplishments so she jumped on a county issue that she knows nothing about to get a little facetime for herself. Get to work Lauren!
ReplyDeleteBut she sent Tony such a nice headshot for the post! Or, maybe her boy toy, Jason, sent it in for her? Yeah, it's all about integrity (choking).
ReplyDeleteI hear that Arthur wants to run against Owen. She doesn't like the road trips back and forth to Jeff City. She is just setting up her next campaign.
ReplyDeleteGood point @ 9:24. What has she accomplished in Jeff City? NOTHING! I won't vote for her again.
ReplyDeleteI am glad Arthur is finally taking an interest in something in Clay County. She was put in office by political PACs and corporations. Take a look at her disclosures. She raised tens of thousands of dollars in her last report and not one dollar from anyone in Clay County. She isn't representing Clay County.
ReplyDelete9:47, I wouldn't be surprised, much easier for her to do the biddings of Jason in Clay County politics than to do something in Jeff City. I would suggest she run for PTA, but that's harder work than she's doing now with lower pay.
ReplyDeleteThe audit team, Galloway, etc., have been requesting minutes of closed Commission sessions that are protected by law for personnel discussions and other issues.
ReplyDeleteAudit should be focused on financial records not closed meetings.
Agreed Jesse J. I'm always happy for entities to be audited regularly - but this seems to all have come to be because some pissed off residents thought they shouldn't have an expensive coffee maker. Really? Is that the biggest problem we have in this city? We're paying a whole hell of a lot more for an audit than the $600 coffee maker! This is all because a sniveling Jerry Nolte can't get along with anyone enough to get anything done. Grow up Nolte (and do it in a job other than commissioner of nothing)!
ReplyDeleteThe auditors must need confidential minutes of closed Commission sessions to learn who approved the purchase of the $600 coffee maker.
ReplyDeleteHigh crimes and misdemeanors merit removal from office.
The cost of the audit to Clay County may be $150,000.
And you know this how "Jesse J."?
ReplyDeleteJust more of the Ridgeway bullshit, from the sound of it!
That thieving Bitch needs another term of freeloading off the taxpayers, but this time behind bars!
Somebody identify the Judge that is so cooperative with Ridgeway and Owen, so we can get a recall started for him or her too!
ReplyDeleteI her rumors that they're wearing out Paper Shredders in Liberty so fast that they're having to ship them in by the semi load!
ReplyDeleteI fully support the audit.
ReplyDeleteNolte and Withington could care less about an audit. Nolte has always been a zero. He accomplished nothing in Jeff City. By the way, he got to Jeff City with Jeff Roe running an absolutely filthy campaign. His whole resume is built on “he saved Ford”. He just happened to be the slightly warm ass in the seat and Tony Rinehart’s marionette.
Now he has found a little friend, Jason Withington. Withington is frustrated because he is a big loser. Every effort he has ever gotten involved with has been a huge failure. Even the worthwhile efforts have collapsed because of this bully tactics. Now he has found an issue, based on nothing or maybe just the coffee pot mentioned in a previous post, that has gotten him media attention. He has Facebook pages where he won’t allow any opposing comment, he rants and raves like a lunatic, and nothing on the pages has any basis in truth. Withington is king of his own pathetic world!
How completely sad that Lauren Arthur has joined this group of losers. I thought she had more going for her. Your constituents expect our senators to make thoughtful decisions in their best interest not react to a bunch of Facebook bullies.
Proceed with the audit, please.
Nolte, Withington and Arthur, please shut up!
10:50, really, in 2019 they are wearing out paper shredders? Have you heard of computers yet? I hear they are the next big thing!
ReplyDelete@ 10:48 & 10:50
ReplyDeleteHey Withington! I thought Cerner had a policy against private use of their computers and or internet during work hours?
Careful! Don’t make little Laren cry! I have heard from Jefferson City that when she doesn’t get her way, she goes into a corner and cries.
ReplyDelete10:46 -- Trump used the "lock her up" mantra. It is pathetic and I don't think you are Trump.
ReplyDeleteGalloway and Arthur are peas in a pod. They are both incredibly naïve about Clay County. Nolte is a tool of the developers who have been trying to control Clay County for many years. Millions of dollars in TIF and other incentives are at stake. Nolte's October meeting featured a lecture on TIF from a developer. Nolte has received substantial contributions from the developer. Nolte has been leading the effort to create controversy in order to discredit the other officeholders in the hope that the others can be easily defeated. Nolte is a puppet for the developers and their consultants who want to control Clay County. Check the background of Nolte's early backers in 2014 and you will find convincing evidence of criminal activity.
ReplyDelete11:21 -- Didn't see what you are talking about but I did solve one mystery. How did TJ Berry get the big job at CCEDC? Although, a nice guy, most of us didn't see that he had the experience or qualifications for the job.
ReplyDeleteTJ was Nolte's single biggest contributor in 2014! No wonder he got the job and no wonder he wants Nolte on the board. Nolte is corrupt.
Sounds like the auditor out to look at that issue and Nolte 12:01.
ReplyDeleteThere goes Owen @11:21 with the tired old "cut and paste" attack text on Jerry Nolte. At least this time Gene typed a new sentence before hitting the CTRL V.
ReplyDelete@11:05, why yes, I've heard of Computers, but have you been in a Clay County Office recently?
ReplyDeleteDidn't think so.
And don't forget the brilliance of the people we're dealing with here, the one computer in Ridgeway's office is barely usable from the amount of "White-out" pasted on the screen.
12:28 - I've sent emails to different dept.s and they certainly responded. So, yes, I do think that they have computers and use them. Nice try.
ReplyDeleteSenator Arthur, please, do tell us, how do we recall you?
ReplyDeleteLOL, you folks make me wonder where you come up with this silly nonsense you speak.
ReplyDeleteIt's an audit, audits happen all the time in government and unless you are hiding something why fight to stop it from happening.
Clay County has reasons to not want this aduit to happen or they would just sit back and say, "Here knock yourself out."
Super Dave -- Let me introduce you to the clowns, Senator Arthur, Commissioner Jerry Nolte, Jason Withington, and all of their little cronies.
ReplyDeleteSuper Dave - not true. If they are looking for info from a closed meeting - they may well have reason to keep it confidential. No one on here is against an audit. It's just the crazy furor over a coffee pot (the only example given to date) that is laughable. It's also the way Lauren Arthur is jumping in like some kind of hero, to get commissioners recalled. She's got a lot going on in MO that she can be taking care of, this seems stupid. That's what elections are for. Do something important. They all need to get a life and Nolte needs to stop crying.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^^^^^ Good points as well and I'm sure some of us see this as the political chest thumping I'm sure some of it is.
ReplyDeleteOMG! It is about time Jason got figured out for the asswipe he is. I am one of his neighbors. He is a total arrogant jerk! He turns everyone into the city. He screams at you if you disagree with him. None of his own neighbors want anything to do with him. He blocked all of his neighbors from his fb account. If Jerry Nolte and Senator Lauren like him, I will never vote for them again.
ReplyDeletethere is no such thing as a closed meeting you fucking morons
ReplyDelete4:22, of course there are closed sessions. Do you think they discuss their legal business in an open forum? Get educated before you cuss at people.
ReplyDeleteHey Jason,
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking this to your facebook page. I guess you haven't blocked everyone who thinks you are a lying, paranoid, self-aggrandizing POS. Buddy, you need help. Really.
My God, the full court press attack! After all that defensive and hostile nonsense I am sure those folks have nothing to hide. :)
ReplyDeleteTick tock folks. :)
Sounds like the Clay County establishment is getting worried. At least when I say something I don't hide behind "anonymous".