Downtown Kansas City Baseball Stadium: Stupid Idea From Hipster Urban Planners

A few things to keep in mind whenever anybody mentions the frivolous idea of a Downtown KCMO stadium:

- Advocates of this stupid idea probably don't live in KC proper OR they dwell in luxury apartments where they can quickly bail out if the plan FAILS.

- The notion is mostly a hipster fantasy akin to a bad tattoo or starting a craft brewing biz.

- The idea also has "momentum" among the very same scumbag urban planners who devised disastrous and laughable bike lanes in Midtown.

Moreover . . .

The Downtown Stadium plan will do nothing but further spike rents and focus City Hall attention inside the loop whilst the rest of KCMO crumbles and suffers horrific rising crime.

You decide . . .


  1. So you're telling me there's a shot?


  2. The majority of people living downtown are homosexuals. Most homosexuals don’t pay any attention to baseball, just to sucking cock. Normal people like the baseball stadium right where it is.

  3. Gays cheer when the batter get a walk. They like a guy that gets four balls.

  4. What’s with these idiots that think everything should be downtown? There’s no place to park for one thing, that’s the whole reason, plus the terrible traffic before and after the games is why it left 23rd and Brooklyn in the first place. These people just want to make more money and make sure their investment in downtown makes them filthy rich. They don’t care how much money it costs the poor to create these fantasy worlds. Another clear example that the rest of the city doesn’t matter.

  5. ^^^ And denial of the fear of one's own tendencies rears its ugly head!

    There is once circumstance that would make a good argument for a "Downtown Stadium" - if construction would include razing both City Hall and the County Court buildings, wit no replacements ever built.

  6. Maybe it’s a good thing if it keeps more queers from going downtown.

  7. Will there be super models and swimming pigs?

  8. Oh no! Nothing new ever! No no no. Oh God no! No future planning, no vision, no nothing! But I don't like baseball!!!! This is how KC becomes that...Detroit has a stadium downtown. No no no. Nothing new ever!!! No one asked me! I'm old and this frightens me!!! Where's a snowplow!! But the potholes!!! Sly? No airport, no downtown stadium!!

    1. Please get back on your meds.

  9. In theory, a downtown stadium sounds pretty sweet but admittedly, I'd probably bitch about traffic after games. At this point though, too much money has been sunk into the K for this to garner any serious consideration.

  10. If they pay for it, they can put it wherever they want!

  11. I don't know what's wrong with this city it seems to me that they have to have more and more pretty things paid for by the taxpayers we have two beautiful stadiums why do we need one A downtown where there's no parking where Kauffman stadium in Arrowhead has plenty of parking for all those people like to tailgate so we're all those tailgaters going to go they can't tailgate downtown on the street

  12. Millennials are so lazy they think everything should be right outside their front door, probably bitch about having to walk to their seats though.
    Will you be able to order your food and specialty coffee and beers from your phone? From your seat? They’d pass a 20% tax increase if they didn’t have to move one inch. Lazy bastards.

  13. 8:25 you’re girl aoc is gonna get rid of farting cows so.......

  14. Put the damn airport downtown again. Leave the stadiums alone.

  15. I have been to a dozen baseball stadiums around the country and for a tourist downtown stadiums are great. But for the local fan, especially those who just want to see a game sober they are difficult. I would guess most downtown stadiums have some type of light rail that makes transportation much easier for the locals. So build a downtown stadium and attendance will decline drastically.

  16. The main problem being that the city's administration is so incompetent and corrupt that we absolutely know they can't even do the basics of good civic governance. The more resources and energy that is pumped into the downtown amusement park zone, the less there is to deal with real issues.

    No more Downtown Disneyworld. Let's make the streets safe, if we still have some you can actually drive on.

  17. Flim Flamin' Man2/25/19, 8:42 AM

    Oh yeah this idea is absolutely critical to KCMO's survival. Without it we will fall behind our peer cities, and our weak and fragile ego's will take a huge hit.

  18. ^^Yeah! and let's all sing Kumbaya too! Yea, let's not do anything ever until the world is in perfect harmony! Yea, nothing new can ever be considered until every single pothole is patched, every speck of snow has been removed, all murders cease for 100 days and the stars align. Yea!

    1. All or nothing thinking is the mark of children or the mentally ill. Our bar for the City Clowncil is set at basic competence.

      And they screw it up 100% of the time. Thanks! Troll game needs work.

  19. You have to have a good team to fill up the stadium. Why build it just to see it empty with no fans in the stands.
    This isn’t the field of dreams.If you build it they won’t come watch a bad team.


  21. Gopher's all triggered and ready for another day of posting. Our tax dollars at work.

  22. ^^'re here everyday. You never work.

  23. What's it to ya? I pay my taxes. I'm not posting on the taxpayer's dime.

  24. Let me guess. The taxpayers won’t pay a dime? Just like the airport.

  25. Willy McFarland2/25/19, 9:26 AM

    This is good idea because it would be new! We need to ban cars from the ball games though, and be sure ball game fans only come to the games on the streetcar, scooters and bicycles.

    This will make downtown safe and walkable!

  26. And let’s uber our Taco Bell because we are fat, stupid and lazy! This is the greatest part of it all, Let’s build it now!

  27. It would be cheaper to build high speed rail to the stadiums and that would also help people get to and from work between Independence and downtown.

  28. ^^^ Oh yah just what we need high speed rail. OMG how am I gonna get to Marshes Sun fresh a 10 minute walk away and damn it's 14 minutes to Ward Parkway Mall on my Vespa damn! Oh lord 20 minutes to Overland Park from Midtown to visit my parents!

  29. ^^Stupid. Rally stupid.

  30. I've lived in midtown KC and a downtown baseball stadium is one of the few things I would like to see downtown. It would spur development and bring business to shops and restaurants better than that bullshit streetcar or other money wasting propositions. I'm surprised so many people are against this because you probably couldn't have chose a worse location for the current baseball stadium. It's really inconvenient for just about everyone in the metro except the independence meth heads, and the parking lot is a huge clusterfuck.

    I'm typically against bullshit spending and unneeded spending downtown but I do feel like a downtown baseball stadium is a whole different animal than bullshit hotels and boutique condos

  31. ^^^^^That makes one of you.

  32. Great idea except for the fact that the city will likely have to foot the bill for about 90% of it as the Glass Family sure as hell won't be contributing much of their millions towards it.

    Building Palaces for Billionaires!

    To all the people bitching about people speaking out against this, "nothing new, I hate progress, blah, blah, blah..." Shut up. Not many are against a downtown stadium. What stinks is the fact that the city is going to have to pay for nearly all of it in a time when this city has deep rooted financial problems. Not the least of which is piss poor economic and fiscal policy that our "trusted" city leaders are on the forefront of that allows developers to come in to our town and get 10s of millions of tax dollars in incentives to help fund THEIR private projects.

    How is speaking against that type of economic policy being a negator or anti-progress? All tax payers really want are low taxes, good city services, safe streets, and good schools. THAT'S what grows an economy. Not dumping 10s of millions of dollars into private development and touristy froo froo. Why buy an $80,000 car before you buy a house?


  33. The stadium as pictured would erase almost a dozen historic buildings, many of them rehabbed with tax payer subsidy. Hundreds of apartments would be eliminated, many of which are "affordable units" priced as $800 per month or less.

    Do you really think this could possibly happen?


  34. Very nice, see you guys at the new ballpark groundbreaking...

    1. FD HEROES TO ZEROS, HUH?2/25/19, 12:44 PM

      Oh, sure. Ya gonna catch a ride with the big dope who had his little kids with him when he passed out and stopped in the highway lane? And, how 'bout that enterprising Cap'n selling guns to felons, which made nat'l news?

  35. Article mentions the leases and Truman sports complex expire in 2031.

    With what capacity to take on more debt could KCMO leverage towards downtown stadiums??

    Inside the downtown freeway noose would be rued as multi-generations-spanning bad planning.

    Not opposed to east of downtown locationnnecessarily except for my first point about city has no more debt capacity after $350 million borrowed chasing downtown drinking district (P&L) or $102 million 2-mile streetcar line or all the debt pledged and revenues abated for subsidized luxury dwellings downtown.

    Thanks, radish

  36. It will never happen!! Fire Troy Schulte for even talking about it!!! Fix the out of control crime problem before spending time on this bullshit!!

  37. I'm ALL for a downtown stadium. Hell, I'll even register to vote for it using my fake ID (I'm a felon). What I want are rich, dumb tourists to come downtown and look at the tall buildings and park their vehicles downtown. I'll break into their cars while they are at the games, in their hotel rooms, and out to dinner and partying, and I will mug them and shoot them as they are walking around. I am so tired of the slim pickings in the Jazz District. A new downtown stadium brings the targets to a; Whole. Nother. Level. There will be plenty of opportunities with hundreds of games downtown. And, my stable of ladies can start earning some real money with these out-of-towners. I can't wait to improve my lot in life! I will buy a house to hold all three of my cars, as I have to park my new Escalade outside right now.

  38. Yes lets just throw away a perfectly good stadium like Royals stadium and build a new one downtown. How fucking retarded is that. Remember how they did the same thing with Kemper?

  39. BADDIES BY THE BALLPARK IS A B;T©H!!!2/25/19, 1:07 PM

    Friends in St. Louis say their families and friends seek parking in secure pay lots for Cards' games. For night events they usually have a driver to avoid walking, in case all the nearest secure lots fill up earlier than they can get there (after work--weeknights). They say the crims, like ^10:35 mentions, are notorious in select areas.

  40. Fire the Architect...home plate must be in Southwest corner, not northwest. Contrived skyline view that could never happen in that location.

  41. This is sheer faggotry.

  42. Just one more thing Clay has to stop.

  43. The planners already blew it with the Sprint Center when they gave almost no thought to parking. Now add a baseball stadium. We don't have enough busses and streetcars even if people wanted to ride them to a game. And frankly, they really want to drive their cars anyway. We already have more restaurants downtown than we have patrons, hence the subsidy for the Power and Light District. So let's add some more that can go broke or suck off city taxes.

  44. Milwaukee has a New Downtown Stadium. You get to it the same way you get to Kauffman from actual Downtown: You get on a freeway and drive.

    The Royals will pay for a new stadium right after Walmart unionizes.

    Besides -- thanks to then-County Executive Katheryn Shields -- the Royals are contractually obligated to play their home games at Kauffman for at least the next dozen years.

    Go Royals! …but they ain't going to go anywhere but Kauffman!

  45. Save The Plaza2/25/19, 6:03 PM

    Keep the Royals at Kauffman.

    There is no way they are going to take a big money maker like this out of the 3rd District. It's really elitist and horrible to think about the economic damage it could do to an already blighted area.

  46. Baseball is on decline. This discussion is 15 years too late.

  47. I like the K still a great ballpark. As previously stated traffic would be terrible even with a losing team. That and bike lanes??

  48. it not move the stadium but how lure a mass of drunk crazed ppl after a sporting event somewhere. just has to lure does not actually have to go anywhere, like at political philosophy. the most extreme to visualize a non-car corridor from the stadium complex, west & north into riverfront park. scooters, lots of scooters. Then an adjoining auto road to pick up any drunks that have fallen over on their scooter.

    Then, end up doing a kuledesac that edges in that direction.

  49. Does it really matter what the citizens of KC think anymore? The city council does what they want to do-they don't listen to their constituents, just continue making decisions based on how much money they will make off the deal.
    We have no say in anything anymore.


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